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A ppropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


8 —B. 7.

Number item. <)CU'C)<7 Ot Persons. V0TB Nq 8 _ publi0 BUILDINGS—continued. *' 4 ■ ■ I 1926-27. Maintenance, etc. —continued. £ £ Other Charges for mid incidental to —continued. 28 Government Houses, Auckland and Wellington : Household furnishings, &c. ... ... 100 29 Lyttelton Borough Council, for extra water supplied to Government Departments ... ... 100 30 Parliamentary Buildings ... ... ... 8,300 31 Postages, telegrams, and telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and callsj 300 32 Seddon Memorial, Wellington : Gleaning and repairing 60 33 Services and supplies for other Departments (£6,000 recoverable) ... ... ... 6,000 34 Special and other rates on Government properties ... 150 35 Tramways and motor-buses : Expenses re inquiries, appointments to Appeal Boards, &c. ... 75 36 Travelling allowances (£400) and expenses (£800) ... 1,200 37 Wages of overseers and staff workmen (£4,000 recoverable) ... ... ... 5,000 38 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 100 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 22 of the Appropriation Act, 1923 (see end of vote) — Freight, &c. ... ... £9,000 Public Works Workshops ... 45,000 Rents ... ... ... 10,000 Services, &c., for other Departments 6,000 Wages of overseers, &c. ... 4,000 Miscellaneous items ... ... 2,700 76,700 209,118 Gross Total ... ... ... 214,917 Credits-in-aid ... ... ... ... 76,700 NET TOTAL—VOTE No. 8 ... ... 138,217 VOTE No, 9.—GOVERNMENT AND OTHER DOMAINS. Government Domains-^-1 Salaries — General Division. £ 2 at £270 ... ... 540 3 1 at £252 ... ... 252 792 : Non-permanents. 1 G ar dener at £253 10s. ... ... 254 7 Gardeners at £239 ... ... 1,673 3 Gardeners at £234 ... ... 702 14 3 Gardeners at £229 ... ... 68? 3,316 17 _ 4,108 Other Charges for and incidental to— 2 Casual labour ... ... ... 150 3 Goal, coke, &c. ... ... ... 100