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ANNUAL REPORT BY THE ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE YEAR 1925-26. The following Annual Report on Western Samoa for the year 1925-26 is submitted in a similar form to the one for the previous year in order that comparison may be more readily made. It comprises (1) the Administrator's covering remarks, (2) departmental reports, and (3) answers to the League of Nation's Questionnaire. I. TRADE. The year 1925 was more successful than the previous one from the point of view of trade, the total value being £725,377, or approximately £18 per head of population. These figures, together with those for the previous year, indicate a complete recovery from the effects of the two abnormal or boom years of 1920-21, when the excessive imports at high prices reacted unfavourably on the steady progress of the Territory for several years. There are two satisfactory features of last year's trade —viz., (1) that the increase is entirely due to greater production on the part of the Natives, and (2) that the balance of trade in our favour is £33,399. The outlook for trade during the ensuing year is good, for, in spite of the storm which visited these islands on the Ist January last, it is considered that the damage done thereby will only diminish the copra crop to a small extent. Except in one or two cacao plantations, where a number of trees have been damaged beyond recovery, the cacao crops should be equal to last year. Furthermore, as endeavours are being made to produce a much larger quantity of rubber and cotton this year, increases in these products should make up for any deficiencies in copra and cacao.