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ARGENTINA. The Argentine—an Immigrants' Handbook (Government Publication), 1923. Banco Hipotecario Nacional (National Mortgage Bank) : Reports and Statements for the Years 1922, 1923, and 1924. Banco Hipotecario Nacional : Legislation governing the Bank, 1925. Business Conditions in Argentina (Quarterly Reports published by Ernest Tornquist and Co., Ltd. Buenos Aires). URUGUAY. Banco de Seguros del Estado (State Insurance Bank of Uruguay) : Report for 1924. Bank of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay : Report for 1924. Banco Hipotecario del Uruguay : Report for 1924. BRAZIL. Reports on the Economic and Financial Conditions in Brazil, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1924 (Ernest Hambloch, Secretary to H.M. Embassy, Rio de Janeiro), (issued by the British Department of Overseas Trade). EUROPE. Studies in European Co-operation (C. E. Strickland), 1922. GREAT BRITAIN. Co-operation at Home and Abroad (C. R. Fay), 1908. Social Credit (Mrs. Victor Branford). Economic Unity of the Empire : Gold and Credit (J. F. Darling), 1925. Report of the Departmental Committee on Agricultural Credit in Ireland, 1914. Report of the Committee on Stabilization of Agricultural Prices, 1925. Report on Agricultural Credit (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries), (R. R. Enfield), 1926. Report of Committee on Agricultural Credit, 1923. Report regarding the Possibility of introducing I,and and Agricultural Banks into the Madras Presidency (Sir Frederick A. Nicholson), 1895-97. FRANCE. Agricultural Credit in France : An Article in the International Labour Review, June, 1925. Credit mutuel et de la Co-operation agricoles ; Dix Ans de Credit agricoles ; Legislation relative au Credit mutuel et a la Co-operation agricoles (Ministere de l'Agriculture, France). Caisses regionales de Credit agrieole mutuel : Report of Operations during 1924. Credit Foncier : Statutes, 1924. Credit Foncier : Annual Report and Balance-sheet, 1925. Credit Foncier : Handbook, 1926. GERMANY. Report to the British Board of Agriculture and Fisheries of an Inquiry into Agricultural Credit and Agricultural Co-operation in Germany (J. R. Cahill), 1913. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 4tli edition, 1924. Verwaltungs und Geschaftsbericht der Deutschen Rentenmark, 1925. Gewhaftsbericht und Rentenbank Kreditanstalt, 1926. The Organization of Real Credits in Germany (J. Dreyfus). Die Deutche Rentenbank und Deutche Rentenbank-Kreditanstalt, 1926. Bericht über Landwirtsehaft, 1924. Satzung der Schleswig, Holsteinischer Landschaft. Die Prenkische Bentralgenossenschaftskasse, 1922. DENMARK. A Short Survey of Agriculture in Denmark (H. Hertel), 1925. Denmark, 1925 : Handbook published by the Danish Government. Creditkassen for Landeiendomme 1 Ostifterne, 1866-1916 (Erik Arup). Statutes controlling Creditkassen. HOLLAND. Annual Balance-sheets and Reports of the Boeren-Hypotheekbank of Eindhoven and the Co-operative Central Boerenleenbanlc of Eindhoven. Agriculture in the Netherlands : An Article in the Times and Engineering Supplement, 14th November, 1925, by T. J. Mansholt, Inspector of Agriculture. Verslag Over den Landbrow in Nederland Over, 1924. BELGIUM. Boerenbond Beige ou Ligue des Paysans : Report by the Secretary-General for 1924, and Pamphlets issued by the League. Statutes of the Boerenvord Beige. Prets Agricoles : Manual and Regulations, 1923-24. GENERAL. Principles of Rural Credits (Jas. B. Morman), 1919. Rural Credits (Myron T. Herrick and B. Ingalls), 1919. People's Banks, a Record of Social and Economical Success (Henry W. Wolff), 1910. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing 1,175 copies), £105.

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