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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the Ist Day of July, 1926. Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to deal with all matters in connection with defence; with power to call for persons, papers, and records ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Dickie, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Jordan, Mr. J. A. Lee, Mr. J. Mason, Mr. Potter, Mr. Ransom, Mr. Seddon, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. F. J. Rolleston.) Wednesday, the 11th Day oe August, 1926. Ordered, " That the petition of W. T. Thompson be referred direct to the Defence Committee."—(Mr. McCombs.) Tuesday, the 24th Day or August, 1926. Ordered, " That the petition of Mary Welsh be referred direct to the Defence Committee."—(Mr. Savage.)


' " I i I No. | Petitioner, <fcc. Page. No. j Petitioner, <fec. Page. [ I i ! 211 I Cleary, Martin Joseph .. .. 3 j 2 McReynolds, Thomas .. .. 2 74 ! Collins, Denis .. • • • • 3 1 Melton, Kenneth E. C. .. " 2 3 Morton, William Bowden .. .. 2 96 d ', w • tj " ■' •' I 15 Peacock, Myrtle Evelyn .. .. 2 80 D Oridant, W. A. P. .... 3 J J Special report re Chairman .. .. 3 81 Grigg, Charles A. .. .. 3 226 Thompson, William Thomas .. .. j 3 31 Hore, T. C„ and 85 others .. .. 2 2g2 xJrquhart, Lily, and 10 others .. 3 42 Ingley, Joseph .. .. .. 2 4 Wallg> Edward .. .. .. j 2 24 Watson, Percy Ronald . . .. 2 49 Kerr, James Henry .. .. .. 2 262 Welsh, Mary .. .. .. j 3