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List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1926—continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.


Pension „ Annual No. Nam0 ' Amount. £ s. a. Brought forward ... 130.825 16 11 2076 Jourdain, W. R. ... 407 13 0 267 Kavanagh, Henry P. 81 13 4 1465 Keane, Henry ... 43 11 0 1294 Kearney, David ... 169 9 0 2022 Keary, H. ... 423 3 0 665 Kelling, Ernest C. ... 198 5 0 1587 Kelling, F. K. ... 256 10 0 2189 Kelly, J. J. F. ... 218 16 0 2213 Kelly, E. D. ... 519 0 0 789 Kelly, William ... 146 3 0 1853 Kemp, George T. ... 400 0 0 [ 2150 Kendall, T. D. ... 443 13 0 2153 Kennedy, G. A. ... 521 16 0 573 Kennedy, James ... 110 2 0 1626 Kennedy, W. F. ... 30111 0 1801 Kenny, Beatrice M. 157 19 0 1536 Kensington, C. S. ... 87 18 0 1392 Kerr, George ... 82 0 0 1543 Kerr, James ... 234 0 0 738 Keys, George A. ... 162 18 0 1323 Kibblewhite, F. W. 117 5 0 1355 Kidson, Cbarles ... 169 11 0 [ 261 Kidson, Charles B. 72 5 0 965 Kiernan, Henry W. 159 10 0 1019 Kilfoyle, Thomas ... 173 7 0 1159 King, Albert Y. ... 191 9 0 1309 King, Francis G. ... 60 5 0 722 King, John M. ... 297 13 0 387 King, Joshua ... 145 5 0 978 King, Thomas ... 219 7 0 1234 Kinniburgh, Jas. W. 249 18 0 2039 Kirk, J. ... ... 300 0 0 1421 Kirk, Thomas W. ... 328 2 0 606 Kirker, Thomas ... 173 7 0 1842 Kivell.A. ... ... 212 16 0 306 Knapp, Charles ... 104 0 6 1818 Knapp, W. A. ... 212 4 0 1975 Knell, Frank ... 180 4 0 455 Knight, Frederick ... 101 13 0 ; 499 Knowles, William W. 77 9 0 2131 Laing, W. ... 199 8 0 1204 Lamb, John ... 15 5 0 1413 Lambert, B. E. ... 182 18 0 1096 Lambie, Thomas ... ! 210 0 0 600 Landers, John ... 57 9 0 1544 Lankshear, J. H. ... 141 3 0 I 1899 Larcombe, Frank ... 216 13 0 559 Law, George ... 60 10 0 1510 Lawlor, D. H. ... 201 8 0 2053 Leach, E. E. ... 145 7 0 997 Lechner, Eichard E. 195 11 0 1467 Leckie, Frank M. ... ! 227 16 0 971 Le Cocq, Thomas W. 197 8 0 952 Ledger, John L. H. 400 0 0 1092 Leece, James D. ... 146 16 0 2067 Leese, C.... ... 231 5 0 1986 Leighton, Eobert H. 199 15 0 1386 Lemm, Eobert W 209 5 0 1438 Lepper, John T. ... j 103 18 0 1256 : Leslie, George ... 75 10 0 1802 I Leversedge, W. C. ... 297 10 0 1728 Levy, G. ... ... 340 8 0 710 Levy, Mark J. ... 129 7 0 2023 Lewis, A. E. ... 76 14 0 Carried forward ... '143,601 11 9

Pension XT Annual No. * ame ' Amount. & s. d. j Brought forward... 143,60111. 9 I 680 j Lewis, Henry J. ... 119 11 0 2210 I Lewis, J. C. ... 466 13 0 533 Lindsay, J. ... 36 5 0 308 Lloyd, David ... 78 0 4 1487 Lockhead, Thomas... 67 3 0 1207 Lockie, James ... 128 18 0 1937 Lodder, Jane ... 89 9 0 640 Logan, Samuel F. ... 161 10 0 716 Lomas, John .. 217 7 0 2246 Longdin, G. H. ... 188 9 0 [ 1468 Loomes, Charles ... 136 12 0 485 Lord, John Owen ... 29 6 0 1268 Louoh, John da V. 278 10 0 1097 Loughnan, F, O'B. Ill 5 0 1627 Lovell, Mark ... 206 13 0 905 Lucas, Alfred ... 100 10 0 1608 Lucas, Alfred H. ... 305 11 0 2228 Luckie, A. A. ... 185 7 0 2165 Lundius, H. ... 270 0 0 2051 Lundon, H. H. ... 145 4 0 820 Lynch, John ... 151 2 0 529 Lynch, Eobert P. ... 257 3 0 700 Lyons, William ... 130 13 0 1439 McAlister, Jos. H. ... 243 14 0 1691 McAnerin, W. H. ... 228 19 0 2058 McArthur, II. ... 172 0 0 1469 McAuley, Hugh ... 103 7 0 II 1470 McCabe, Mary ... 45 5 0 ! 1425 McCallum, S. W. ... 165 0 0 1574 McCarthy, S. ... 377 15 0 1685 McClelland, E. ... 284 4 0 1751 McClure, G. H. M. 485 4 0 1952 McCormack, T. J. ... 238 18 0 1511 McCrea, H. G. ... 295 6 0 1922 McCullough, W. ... 216 13 0 1847 McDiarmid, J. ... 160 17 0 2190 McDougall, J. G. ... 300 0 0 1512 McGhie, G. ... 270 17 0 j 966 McGibbon, James ... j 15 7 0 696 McGilp, Alexander... | 132 12 0 993 McGirr, William P. 213 7 0 2255 McGlashan, S. H. ... 122 1 0 832 McGrath, James ... 39 17 0 I 1860 McGrath, 'Joseph A. j 442 11 0 797 McGrath, Patrick ... I 172 1 0 |j 2191 McGregor, A. E. ... 440 7 0 2082 McGregor, M. ... 141 0 0 1639 McGuire, J. ... 206 13 0 1658 McGuire, P. D. ... 289 17 0 J 1440 McHattie, James ... 273 18 0 992 McIlwraith,IsabellaC. 60 16 0 1091 Mcll wraith, Mary .. 18 3 0 910 Mclver, Eobert ... 140 0 0 377 McKay, John M. ... 37 15 0 864 McKay, William ... 78 1 0 2070 McKay, W. ... 123 4 0 j 1989 McKeefrey, Michael 282 15 0 1926 McKellar, Henry D. 412 19 0 j 1216 McKenzie, James A. 138 1 0 1357 McKinnon, Lachlan j 83 15 0 1659 McKinnon, W. ... 308 6 0 1981 McLean, Archibald j 230 8 0 j 1129 McLennan, Kenneth j 15 1 0 1609 McLeod, Alexander | 255 11 0 Carried forward ... 155,724 18 1