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William M. Wright, Secretary. Wellington, 30th June, 1926. R. S. Wogan, Accountant.

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. Statement of Retiring and other Allowances for the Year ending 31st March, 1926.


a .. QK Section 29, Amend- „ . section db. Section36: ment Act, 1909: Section52, ! Section 28, Section 42: Sections 42 (c) and 43 (a): Total Retiring and other On Attainment oi Retiring-age Medically unfit. Police injured on Finance Act, 1920. ! Finance Act, 1921. "Widows. Children. Allowances or (or Length of Service. Duty. Number. Number. "her 3 " "her" 'be™ Number. Number. Annual - Annual Annual 1. Annual Annual Ao ™ Annual Annual •3 Amount. "3 Amount. Amount, Amount. Amount. Amount. -g Amount. ~ Amount. M. F. | M. F. | M. M. M. F. M. F. -g M. F. | EH IH & |H £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ £ £ s. d. Retiring and other allowances — Existing at beginning 1093 1091202 226,454 10 1 141 14 155 12,472 5 4 7 853 0 6 3 703 15 0 48 7,489 18 0 554 9,972 249 228 477 6,201 1541 9052446 264,146 8 11 of year Granted during year *126 23 149 40,656 16 0 11 4 15 1,260 5 0 1 158 1 0 1 135 13 0 .. .. 15 465 11 16 27 702 150 58 208 4.3,377 15 0 at retirement Granted during year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 992 2 4 6 156 2 36 38 1,148 0 0 after retirement Granted under sec. 29, 3,450 0 4 213 5 10 .. 57 12 0 .. .. .. 36 17 0 .. .. 3,757 15 2 Finance Act, 1925 Granted under sec. 27, .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 7,202 j 6,201 .. .. .. 13,403 0 0 Finance Aot, 1925 Totals .. 1219 1321351 270,561 6 5 152 18 170 13,945 16 2 8 1,068 13 6 1 4 839 8 0 48 7,526 15 0 601 18,631 262 248 510 13,260 (1693 999 2692 325,832 19 1 Discontinued during 55 1 56 7,498 10 8 16 1 17 1,425 8 9 .. .. ! 1 i 89 1 0 22 682 35 39 74 1,924 107 63 170 11,619 0 5 year ' | j ; Existing at end of year 1164 131(1295 263,062 15 9 136 17 153 12,520 7 5 8 jl,068 13 6 4 j 839 8 0 47 17,437 14 0 579 17,949 227)209 436 11,336 15861936 2522 314,213 18 8 Pabticulabs of Eetieing and othek Allowances discontinued during the Yeab. How discontinued — By death .. .. 55 1 56 7,498 10 8 14 1 15 1,323 15 9 .. .. .. .. 1 89 1 0 11 341 .. .. .. .. 70 13 83 9,252 7 5 Byexpiry .. .. 2 .. 2 101 13 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 341 35 39 74 1,924 37 50 87 2,366 13 0 Total .. .. 55 1 56 7,498 10 8 16 1 17 1,425 8 9 .. .. .. .. 1 89 1 0 22 682 35 39 74 1,924 107 63 170 11,619 0 5 Progress of Retiring and other Allowances since Establishment of the Fund to 31st March, 1926. — j . Total granted .. .. 1713 148 1861 332,483 13 0 308 26 334 25,664 12 5 11 1,406 6 0 4 839 8 0 49 ,7,688 8 0 771 21,691 495 474 969 19,227 25801416 3999 409,000 7 5 Total discontinued .. 549 17 566 69,420 17 3 172 9 181 13,144 5 0 3 337 12 6 .. i 2 250 14 0 192 3,742 268 265) 533 7,891 994 48314771 94,786 8 9 Total existing at 31st 1164 131 1295 263,062 15 9! 136 17 153 12,520 7 5 8 1,068 13 6 4 839 8 0 ! 47 17,437 14 0 579 17,949 227 209 436 11,336 1586 9362522 314,213 18 8 March, 1926 * Includes allowance granted under section 34, Finance Act, 1925.