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Table I.—Showing the Admissions, Readmissions, Discharges, and Deaths in Mental Hospitals during the Year 1925.

Table II.—Admissions, Discharges, and Deaths, with the Mean Annual Mortality and Proportion of Recoveries, etc., per Cent. on the Admissions, etc., during the Year 1925.


M. F. T. M. F. T. In mental hospitals, 1st January, 1925 .. .. .. .. 2,873 2,258 5,131 Admitted for the first time .. .. .. .. 382 370 752 \ .., A Q - K Readmitted 63 GO J 23 J 430 875 Total under care during the year .. .. .. 3,318 2,688 6,006 Discharged and died— Recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 144 175 319 Relieved .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 37 66 Not improved .. .. .. .. .. 23 17 40 Died .. .. .. .. .. .. 201 123 324 (Not including transfers —Males 61, females 4.) 397 352 749 Remaining in mental hospitals, 31st December, 1925.. .. .. 2,921 2,336 5,257 Increase over 31st December, 1924 .. .. .. .. 48 78 126 Average number resident during the year .. .. .. .. 2,830 2,203 5,033

In Mental Hos- , Admissions in 1925. Total Number Mental Hospitals. pitals on , 1st January, 1925. , Admitted for the Not First Transfers I undm Oare | First Time. | Admission. , | under Care. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. 1. Auckland .. .. | 619 470 1,089 108 95 203 14 15 29 (4 0 4) 741 580 1,321 Christchurch .. 366 456 822 60 68 128 11 8 19 (3 2 5) 337 532 969 Dunedin (Seacliff) .. 632 496 1,128 65 57 122 9 11 20 (2 2 4) 706 564 1,270 Hokitika . . 172 64 236 4 3 7 1 1 2 .. 177 68 245 Nelson .. .. 237 111 348 19 11 30 1 1 2 (1 0 1) 257 123 380 Porirua .. .. 666 528 1,194 113 118 231 24 24 48 ( 6 0 6) 803 670 1,473 Tokanui .. .. 164 106 270 11 11 22 2 0 2 (44 0 44) 177 117 294 Ash burn Hall (private 17 27 44 2 7 9 1 0 1 (1 0 1) 20 34 54 mental hospital) Totals .. 2,873 2,258 5,131 382 370 752 63 60 123 (61 4 65) 3,318 2,688 6,006 Patients discharged, transferred, and died. j n ]yj en^a j jj os Mental Hospitals. : j Disohar „ ed I Total discharged, j SlstDecember, recovered Transferred. Died. transferred, 1925. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. Auckland .. 44 65 100 12 9 21 29 1 30 42 29 71 127 104 231 618 476 1,094 Christchurch .. 21 29 50 8 14 22 3 2 5 36 26 62 68 71 139 372 463 835 Dunedin (Seacliff) .. 24 27 51 19 17 36 4 0 4 38 15 53 85 59 144 623 507 1,130 Hokitika .. ..4 2 6 2 1 3 .. 12 3 15 18 6 24 159 62 221 Nelson .. .. 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 0 3 13 2 15 19 5 24 239 118 357 Porirua .. .. 45 40 85 9 11 20 j 19 1 20 52 41 93 125 93 218 684 577 1,261 Tokanui . . .. 2 6 8 1 0 112 0 2 6 6 12 11 12 23 210 105 315 Ashburn Hall (private 25 7 .. jlOl 213 5611 16 28 44 Mental hospital) — — — Totals .. 144 175 319 52 54 106 | 61 4 65 201 123 324 458 356 814 2,921 2,336 5,257 1 Avpram Number I Percentage | Percentage of Mental HosDitals resident durine of Ee «>veries on ; Deaths on Average Mental Hospitals. resident during Admissions 1 Number resident j during the Year. j during the Year. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 609 459 1,068 36-06 59-09 46-98 6-89 6-31 6-64 Christchurch . . . . .. .. .. 359 442 801 29-57 38-15 34-01 10-02 5-88 7-74 Dunedin (Seacliff) .. .. .. .. 610 480 1,090 32-43 39-70 35-91 6-22 3-01 4-86 Hokitika .. .. .. .. .. 164 60 224 80-00 50-00 66-66 7-31 5-00 6-69 Nelson.. .. .. .. .. 236 112 348 10-00 8-11 9-37 5-50 1-69 4-31 Porirua .. .. .. .. .. 648 521 1,169 32-84 28-16 30-47 8-02 7-87 7-95 Tokanui .. .. . . .. .. 188 101 289 15-38 54-54 33-33 3-19 5-94 4-15 Ashburn Hall (private mental hospital) .. .. 16 28 44 66-66 71-42 70-00 12-50 3-57 6-81 Totals .. .. .. .. 2,830 2,203 5,033 32-36 40-70 35-31 7-10 5-58 6-44