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children from the environment of the adults.. A house is under construction for the Medical Superintendent, the house formerly occupied by him, and now called " Vailima," having been opened as an admission unit for women of a suitable type —thus in many cases avoiding their admission to the main building. It also serves as a home for suitable convalescent patients. The cottage is self-contained, and in every way similar to a private house, and the open-air sleeping-veranda is much appreciated by those sleeping there. The surroundings of this cottage are very beautiful, the outlook on the gardens being superb; in addition, croquet and tennis lawns provide recreation. Relatives of the inmates express their appreciation of this home, many of them saying " they are better off than in their own home." Three new villas for male patients are under construction, and will, I trust, be ready for occupation in a few months, thereby giving us increased facilities for further classification on the male side. The new hospital ward for male patients is nearing completion, and when occupied will give us the needed accommodation for the sick and for those requiring rest treatment. The hospital ward now in use, when evacuated, will be used as an observation ward for special cases. F. Ward requires to be extended, or an additional ward added, in order to meet our future requirements. These additional buildings, whilst greatly relieving our overcrowding, will not completely do so on the female side, but will do so on the male side, when the additional villas are occupied. But, in view of our admission rate, which is greater than in any other mental hospital in the Dominion, more buildings, or the transfer of patients to other institutions, will become necessary in the near future. The kitchen in the main building requires to be extended and remodelled in order to bring it up to our requirements, as also does the store, where space is so limited as to render efficient administration a matter of great difficulty. The main dining - hall used by male patients, and also as a recreation-hall, is far too small for our present wants, and its extension is an urgent necessity. The reorganization of the steam plant is also an urgent requirement. At present it is loaded to its full capacity, thus rendering efficient lighting of the new male villas, when in occupation, an anxious problem. The piggeries, on account of their proximity to the new male and female villas, require moving to a more suitable site. Of 684 male patients, 390, or 57 per cent., are usefully occupied on the farm, garden, and excavation works, &c., from which occupations they derive much benefit physically and mentally. During the year weekly visits have been paid to the Wellington General Hospital, where advice and treatment is given to those attending as out-patients, and in-patients are seen in consultation with the Medical Officers of the Hospital. Patients on probation are also seen there, thus avoiding their return to the Mental Hospital when seeking their discharge. The weekly pictures and dances give, as in the past, much pleasure to those who are able to attend. My thanks are due to the Red Cross Society, the Victoria College Social Service Club, and concert parties for the good work they do in cheering and brightening the lives of the inmates. To Mr. Prosser I express my thanks and appreciation in granting free passes, thus permitting patients to attend the pictures in the village. My thanks are also due to ministers of religion who conduct services and visit the patients, and also to the Official Visitors, Mrs. Fraser and Mr. Bothamley, for their interest in the patients and Hospital. I further tender my thanks to my colleagues, Drs. Blair, Cox, and Morton, and to the Matron and Head attendant and staff, for their loyal support in carrying out the work of the Hospital. NELSON MENTAL HOSPITAL. Dr. Jeffreys reports :—• During the year there were 381 patients under care (258 males and 123 females), and the average number resident was 348 (236 males and 112 females). Of the 30 patients admitted for the first time, 11, or nearly 37 per cent., were imbecile boys under the age of fifteen. The death-rate was only 4-31 per cent, of the average number resident—a remarkable low rate, particularly considering the number of feeble imbecile children under our care. In his annual report of two years ago my predecessor referred to the fact that the irrecoverable male imbeciles from all over the Dominion are admitted to this institution, and that there were 64 residents at "El Nido " —the boys' villa— " and enlargement will have to be considered in the near future." At the present time we have 77 boys at "El Nido," which is becoming very congested, and there is pressing necessity for further accommodation. The degree of mental defect of these children , varies from fairly high-grade imbecility to every phase of idiocy ; yet, owing to the lack of suitable accommodation, proper classification is practically impossible. The only solution of the difficulty is to erect villas for female patients at Stoke, and use the main wards at Nelson for the ever-increasing number of imbeciles. lam glad to know that a washing-machine is to be installed in the laundry; this will improve matters ; but I am thankful to hear that there is a prospect of a new laundry being erected at Stoke, and trust that this will be regarded as a matter of utmost urgency and gone on with as soon as possible. The new villa at Stoke is practically finished and should soon be ready for occupation, and the classification of patients will then be on a still more satisfactory basis. Exclusive of the boys, quite a number of whom are being taught to be useful, 74- per cent, of the male patients at Nelson and Stoke are usefully employed, and 73 per cent, of these are on parole—a very highly satisfactory state of things, which reflects great credit on the staff. Mr. Ellwood took up his duties as Head Attendant on the 7th July, and has already justified his appointment by his quick grasp of the hew system at Stoke, and by the gratifying enthusiasm with