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Balclutha. Inspection, 10th March, 1926. Two officers and eight firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. The station and equipment were in good order. During the course of the inspection drills it was apparent that more drill and instruction are necessary, which should be carried out on the lines demonstrated at the time of my visit. During the year the brigade equipment has been improved by addition of a 22 h.p. motor-hose-and-ladder tender. Attention was called to a number of matters requiring action. According to the returns furnished to this Department of the two fires which occurred in Balclutha during the twelve months, out of a total brigade membership of thirteen only six men were in attendance at the first fire, and only four at the second. As both alarms were given on the fire-bell it is remarkable there should have been such a poor attendance, particularly so in the case of the first fire, which occurred on the 25th January, and which was evidently a " working fire " of some little magnitude. Apparently there is something wrong in some direction, and the Board should make inquiry into the matter. Chkistchurch. Inspection, 13th and 14th May, 1926. The turnout at the several stations was carried out smartly and efficiently, and the stations and their equipment were found in good order. During the year the fire-main service has been considerably extended in the north and eastern portions of the city. There has been some delay in completing erection of the new Sydenham District Station, but it should be ready for occupation shortly. In view of the necessity for providing married quarters for firemen and the difficulty now generally experienced in obtaining auxiliary firemen, I have suggested to the Board the advisability of turning the unused rooms at the St. Albans Substation into a set of married quarters, which can be done at comparatively little cost. Dannevirke. Inspection, sth May, 1926. One officer and eighteen firemen present at the inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and the station and equipment were in good order. Altogether there is a very creditable improvement in the general efficiency of this brigade and its equipment. At the ten alarms there was an attendance of 89 per cent, of the total strength of the brigade—a very good record. Last year the Board accepted a tender for the installation of a two-circuit sixteen-call-point system of street fire-alarms, but up to the present erection of the aerial wiring has not been commenced. Dargaville. Inspection, 21st January, 1926. Two officers and ten firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and the station and equipment were in good order. Attendance at the seven fire calls averaged 61 per cent, of the strength. The poor average is due to the limited area over which the fire-bell can be heard. This defect came under my notice at the time of my visit and was reported to the Board. The brigade deserve credit for the work at the fire which occurred on the premises of the North Auckland Co-operative Farmers' Company. Recommendations were made in regard to formation of a Fire Police Corps in Dargaville. Dunedin. > Inspection, sth March, 1926. The turnout at the Central and South Dunedin Stations were smartly and efficiently carried out. All stations and equipment were in good order and condition. The water-supply for fire-extinction purposes in certain sections of the city is not satisfactory, and if there is no prospect of immediate improvement the provision of a motor pumping unit is necessary in both South Dunedin and Roslyn. I had again to call attention to the necessity for better protection from fire in the Mornington, North-east Valley, and Anderson's Bay districts. Eltham. Inspection, 29th October, 1925. Two officers and twelve firemen were in attendance at tha inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the station and equipment were in good order and condition. Attendance at the five fires averaged 96 per cent, of the total strength—an excellent record. The brigade has been provided with a new 22 h.p. motor hose-and-ladder tender. The design and body-work is a credit to the local builder. The water-supply for fire-extinction purposes is still in an unsatisfactory state, and is a matter that calls for serious and prompt attention. Feilding. Inspection, 6th May, 1926. At the inspection muster two officers and fourteen firemen were in attendance. The inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and there is quite an improvement in that respect. The station and equipment were found in good order. Attendance a t the seven general alarms averaged 77 per cent, of the total strength—a fair record.