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of information bureaux. Each post-office was furnished with a number of telephones, which were placed at the disposal of the officers and men of the Fleet, without charge. In honour of the visit of the Fleet the chief post-office buildings at Auckland and Christchurch, and the old post-office building and a portion of the telegraph-office building at Dunedin, were suitably flagged and illuminated. The General Post Office building, Wellington, was suitably flagged. The Government's action in placing at the disposal of officers of the Fleet departmental motor-cars at the four centres was much appreciated by the visitors. NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. At the New Zealand and South Seas International Exhibition, held at Dunedin from the 17th November, 1925, to the Ist May, 1926, the Department conducted a model post and telegraph office which was greatly patronized by visitors to the Exhibition. The post-office was so situated that the public, without entering, could view the methods of working. Thus, in addition to its practical functions, the office served as a postal exhibit. Posting-boxes and slot telephones were placed in various parts of the Exhibition grounds ; and a delivery of correspondence to the various stallholders and exhibitors was made daily. A special series of postagestamps (denominations |d., Id., and 4d.) commemorative of the Exhibition was issued for sale at the Exhibition post-office. The Departmental Court, as distinct from the post and telegraph office, gave an interesting display of telegraph and telephone apparatus, both past and present. Further information regarding the Exhibition post-office will be found at pages 16-17. DEATH OF RIGHT HON. W. F. MASSEY. During the year the Department found itself under the regrettable necessity of attending to transport arrangements for the funeral of the late Prime Minister, the Right Hon. William Ferguson Massey. The Public Service garage fleet of motorvehicles was fully utilized, and a great number of private cars also were hired in this connection. In addition, cars were placed at the disposal of the Government by certain business firms and private people, without charge. Mr. Massey died on Sunday, the 10th May, 1925, and the funeral took place on the following Thursday. From the Monday to Wednesday, inclusive, following Mr. Massey's death, as many officers as could be spared were released from duty in the General Post Office, and the day of the funeral was observed as a day of mourning, the General Post Office and all post-offices throughout the Dominion being closed. POSTMASTER-GENERAL : RELINQUISHING OF OFFICE. The Hon. Sir James Parr, who assumed charge of the Department on the Ist June, 1925, relinquished control on the 22nd April, 1926, and in consequence the report herein is a record of the transactions undertaken principally during his tenure of office. From the Ist April, 1925, to the 31st May, 1925, the Department was in the charge of the Right Hon. J. G. Coates. DETAILS OF REVENUE, ETC. Matters of detail with, reference to the financial operations and business of the Department will be found at length in the statement and tables which follow. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, W. NOSWORTHY, Postmaster- General. General Post Office, Wellington, 15th July, 1926.