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Additions to Hamilton Technical School, and new workshops at the Wellington Technical School are also being carried out. The Auckland University (Arts Building) has been completed, and the new Medical and Dental buildings at Dunedin will soon be ready for occupation. Lighthouses. The light on Tiritiri Island was converted from an incandescent watched fixed light to an unwatched automatic acetone flashing light, thereby enabling a reduction of two to be made in the number of lightkeepers employed. The automatic light was first exhibited on the 30th April, 1925. During the year an automatic unwatched light was erected on Matakaoa Point, near East Cape. This light was first exhibited on the 29th August, 1925. Apparatus to enable the present lights at Cape Foulwind and Kahurangi Point to be converted to automatic lights arrived during the year, and it is expected to have the alterations made at an early date. A small automatic light has been obtained for erection at the mouth of the Piako River. During the year the catadioptric apparatus which has done service since the Ist August, 1865, in the lighthouse at Dog Island was replaced by the installation of the new incandescent apparatus. Wireless-telegraph stations were installed at two lighthouses —namely, Puysegur Point and Stephen Island. An automatic radio direction-finding beacon apparatus has been procured, and it is hoped to have it in operation at Cape Maria van Diemen within the next few months. Orders have been placed for two diaphone fog-signals of the latest type, and as soon as they are received it is proposed to install one at Godley Head and the other at Pencarrow, in place of the present signals of the explosive type. Harbour-works. All buoys and beacons in harbours under the control of the Department have been regularly attended to by the s.s. " Tutanekai." Subsidies were paid in respect of the following works : Cow Island light (Coromandel Harbour) ; wharf at Big Omaha ; dredging in Wade River ; wharf at Stirling, Matakohe. Grants were paid to various local authorities for the following works : carlanding at Kohukohu ; wharf and shed at Silverdale, Wade River ; snagging Mokau River ; repairs to wharf at Elmslie Bay ; landing and road at Bruce Bay ; wharfshed, Port Charles wharf ; protective works, Waikouaiti River. Tourist and Health Resorts. The expenditure on tourist and health resorts showed a considerable increase as compared with that of the previous financial year, occasioned by the largely increased tourist traffic to various resorts in which the Department is interested. Substantial additions to huts on the Milford Track were provided; the Department's hostel at Lake Te Anau was virtually re-erected, and substantial additions thereto were made. Extensions to the Lake House at Waikaremoana were completed, and electric light installed. The site for proposed new hostel at Waitomo was excavated, and electric light was installed in the caves there. Launches and boats for Milford Sound, and the Waimangu round trip, Rotorua, were purchased. TELEGRAPH EXTENSION. The capital expended during the year ended 31st March last in improving the existing facilities to meet the sta,ndard of modern requirements, and of extending the telephone exchange, toll and telegraph plants to provide for additional business, amounted to £931,661. That this expenditure was fully justified, and that the year was one of exceptional progress, is evidenced by the fact that the telegraph and telephone revenue showed an increase of £146,642 over that of 1925 —the previous best year in the history of the telegraph and telephone service.