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Table D. Mean Annual Values of the Magnetic Elements at Christchurch Observatory.

The annual report of the Director, containing a list of the earthquakes recorded at the Observatory, tables of hourly values of the declination and horizontal force for 1925, Vector diagrams for the seasons, monthly and annual curves of declinations and horizontal force, will be published in Volume 3 of the " Records of the Survey." Geographic Board. A meeting of the Board was held in the Parliamentary Library Committee-room on the Ist March, 1926. Lists of Names.—Lists of undesirable names of doubtful origin and orthography and duplicated names were submitted, and referred to the Chief Surveyors of the districts affected for their investigation, recommendations, and report. Requests. —Requests that a prominent peak in the Southern Alps be named " Newton Peak," and two peaks in the Liebig Range be named " Abbot " and " Abbess," were agreed to. Railway - stations.—The names " Puhinui," " Ranui," and " Tironui " for new railway - stations were confirmed, as was also the alteration of the name of " Rangitaiki " Station to " Edgecumbe." Inquiries. —It was resolved that an inquirer be informed that " Manganui " is the correct name for " Manganui Harbour." Constitution and Membership. —A rough draft copy of Division 111 of the Survey Bill, defining the constitution of the Board, and amendments, were submitted, and agreed to. Honorary Representatives.—The question of appointing honorary representatives for various districts was deferred until the Board is legally constituted. Historical-monument Sites. —A list of historical-monument sites was submitted to the Board, with a, view to investigation and its compilation in book form. Correspondence from the Internal Affairs Department, the Auckland Institute, and from Messrs. Allen, Brocket, Porter, Valder, and Rose, was submitted and dealt with. The meeting was attended by Von. Archdeacon Williams (presiding), Messrs. Blsdon Best, J. C Andersen, M. Crompton-Smith, and W. T. Neill, Surveyor-General. Office-work. The demands on the office staff during the past year have been heavy on account of the large; number of maps that were prepared for the Census and Statistics Office in connection with the quinquenial population census. The Chief Surveyors' reports for the district offices are summarized in Table 5, and full particulars may be found in extracts of these reports appended hereto. The Head Office staff had an additional burden in connection with the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition held at Dunedin, for which a number of exhibits were prepared, and a special publication, under the title of " Surveys and Maps," containing an exposition of the work, methods, and organization of the New Zealand system of survey, was issued. The state of the map-publication and particulars of the work performed at the Head Office are given in Appendix I, report by Mr. 11. E. Walshe, Chief Draughtsman.

,. , Declination Annual Horizontal Annual Vertical Annual Inclination Annual i V S'! les .Date. 0 [ n. Change, i Force. Change. Force. , Change. South. Change. j Annua! Ucporl ° ' | ' C.G.S. Unit. y J.C.G.S. Unit. y 0 ' ' 1002 .. 16 LS I j , , 9 0-22694 0-55277 67 40-80 1912-13 1903 .. 16 18-3 : 0-22669 JZ 0-55286 67 42-30 1912-13 1904 .. 16 21-8 | 0-22644 0-55307 67 44-10 1912-13 1905 .. 16 25-4 ! , 9 , 0-22628 _ 0-55348 . 67 45-80 . 1919-20 1906 .. .. ! + .. .. 1 .. 1 1907 .. 16 31-1 I " 1908 .... 1909 . . .. 1910 .. 16 37-6 y. 4 0-22515 0-55485 /_j 2 67-54-80 j; 4Q 1920-21 1911 .. 16 39-0 +2 . 5 0-22494 _ 23 0-55497 _ (J 67 56-20 , 1913 .. 16 44-0 -J-0-8 0-22449 0-55478 Jj 3 67 58-20 . 1913-14 1914 .. 16 44-8 , «, 9 0-22414 _ 9 „ 0-55465 _ 67 59-80 . 1914-15 1915 .. 16 47-0 J fa 0-22387 .. "+ ' .. ' *Sept., 1918 1916 .. 16 49-8 T 3 .® 0-22355 .. " .. " *Sept., 1918 1917 .. 16 53-0 19 7 0-22328 0-55486 , 68 04-80 . *Mar., 1921 1918 .. 16 55-7 , i i'L 0-22304 0-55516 _ " 68 06-70 : , 1918 -19 1919 .. 16 58-6 ' -j.| 0-22280 0-55507 " 68 07-80 1919-20 1920 .. 17 01-7 19Q 0-22261 _ 9n 0-55525 .... 68 09-20 ,, fl920-21 1921 .. 17 04-6 0-22241 J', 0-55528 68 10-30 f 1921-22 1922 .. 17 08-3 0-22217 _£* 0-55507 68 11-20 f 1922-23 1923 .. 17 11-7 , „ 0-22209 0-55526 68 12-00 tl923-24 1924 .. 17 16-4 0-22188 _,i 0-55508 _J® 68 17-73 + .l r 'Z 11924-25 1925 .. 17 21-1 1 ' 0-22166 0-55522 14 68 14-20 6 ' 06 * Mean hourly values published in New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. t Special publication.