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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


ofiw ' Item -j 1925-26. i - VOTE No. 21.—DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL I 1925-26. AFFAIRS —continued.. £ £ Subdivision No. X.—Miscellaneous Services—continued. Other Charges for and incidental to —continued 145 | Australian Boy Scouts visiting New Zealand : Cost of railway fares ... ... ... | 250 146 | " Bird-song and New Zealand Song-birds": Purchase of 100 copies (subsequently recoverable) ... 105 147 [ Boy Scouts Association : Railway pass for Dominion Chief Commissioner ... ... .. 88 148 j Compassionate allowance to W. Hodge, late Blacksmith, Railway Department ... ... I 300 149 Cost-of-living bonus to annuitants under the Public Service, Railways, and Teachers' Superannuation Funds and Civil Service Act, 1908, and to other persons in receipt of retiring-allowances ... 42,782 Death of Right Hon. W. F. Massey, P.C.— 150 | Funeral expenses ... ... ... 1,000 151 | Grave at Point Halswell: Beautification of area in vicinity ... ... ... 117 152 i Deer herds, reduction of, in certain acclimatization districts, bonus to assist in ... ... 1,396 .153 Empire Press Delegation: Cost of fares in New Zealand ... 810 154 Entertaining visitors to the Dominion and official fu ictions, cost of ... ... ... 4,250 155 j Ex gratia payments for injury, loss, or damage through enemy action during the war ... 3,500 156 | Expenses in addition to or in excess of amount provided under the Civil List Act, 1920 : Services rendered by the Railway Department to His Excellency the Governor-General, staff, and household 3,010 157 Fiordland National Park: Expenses in connection with protection of moose and wapiti ... ... I 35 j 158 Fire Hose : Purchased on account of Fire Brigades (recoverable) ... ... ... 1,000 159 Furniture for new dining-room, Government Buildings, Wellington ... 400 160 Government Observatory Advisory Board: Travelling- j expenses of Members ... ... ... 15 161 Girl Guide Movement: Railway passes for Lady Marjorie Dalrymple, visiting New Zealand on Girl Guide business, and District Secretary, Wellington Section ... ... ... 25 162 Grants in settlement of petitions ... ... 1,000 Grants— 163 Boy Scouts Headquarters, towards cost of transporting Boy Scouts to Dunedin for Exhibition Jamboree ... ... ... 2,000 164 Captain Cook Memorial, Hawaii: Public reservation around site, purchase of land ... ... 200 165 Imperial Institute ... ... ... 1,584 166 "Law of Contracts," by Sir John Salmond, cost of printing ... ... ... 160 167 Memorial to the late Hon. Sir William Herries (£1 for £1 up to £250) ... ... ... 250 168 Memorial to the late Right Hon. W. F. Massey, P.C. (on account) ... ... ... 5,000 169 New Zealand Amateur Swimming Association ... 350 170 New Zealand Institute for research work ... 1,780 [171 New Zealand Native Birds Protection Society ... 50