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A ppropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



Number Item , 199!/5-2fi of Persons. V0TE No 7._PUBLIC BUILDINGS—continued. zo " 1925-26. Maintenance, etc. —continued. £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to —continued. 25 Government House, Auckland ... ... 550 26 Government House, Auckland : Temporary accommodation and other miscellaneous expenses ... 50 27 Government House, Wellington ... ... 1,300 28 Government Houses, Auckland and Wellington— Household furnishings, &c. ... ... 100 29 Lyttelton Borough Council, for extra water supplied to Government Departments ... ... 100 j 30 Parliamentary Buildings ... ... ... 2,500 31 Postages, telegrams, and telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) 300 32 Services and supplies for other Departments (£6,000 recoverable) ... ... ... 6,000 33 Special and other rates on Government properties ... 100 34 Tramways : Expenses re inquiries, appointments to Appeal Boards, &c. ... ... ... j 75 35 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... | 1,600 36 Wages of overseers and staff workmen (£4,000 recoverable) ... ... ... 5,000 37 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 100 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 48 of the [ Public Revenues Act, 1910 (see end of vote) — £ Freight, &c. ... ... 8,000 Public Works Workshops ... 50,000 Bents ... ... ... 9,000 Services, &c., for other Departments 6,000 I Wages of overseers, &c. ... 4,000 ! Miscellaneous items ... ... 2,500 79,500 199,775 GROSS Total ... ... ... — 205,280 Credits-in-aid ... ... ... ... 79,500 NET TOTAL—VOTE No. 7 ... ... ! 125,780 VOTE No. 8.—GOVERNMENT AND OTHER DOMAINS. Government Domains — Salaries — 1 General Division. £ 2 at £270 ... ... 540 3 1 at £252 ... ... 252 792 N ON-PERMANENTS. 1 Gardener at £253 10s. ... ... 254 7 Gardeners at £239 ... ... 1,673 3 Gardeners at £234 ... ... 702 4 Gardeners at £229 ... ... 916 16 1 App. Gardener, £156 ... ... 156 3,701 19 | 4,493 |