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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


ofp™. Item - 1925-26. VOTE No. 4—STAMP DUTIES DEPARTMENT— 1925-26. continued. £ £ Subdivision No. II.—Land and Deeds Registry— continued. 25 Salaries —continued. Non-permanbnts. £ 8 at £250 ... ... 2,000 I at £230 ... ... 230 4 at £225 ... ... 900 3 at £210 ... ... 630 II at £200 ... ... 2,200 6 at £150 ... ... 900 4 at £143 ... ... 572 1 at £140 ... ... 140 4 at £130 ... ... 520 5 at £125 ...» ... 625 5 at £120 ... ... 600 1 at £117 ... ... 117 8 at £115 ... ... 920 9 at £110 ... ... 990 5 at £104 ... ... 520 2 at £95 ... ... 190 1 at £91 ... ... 91 5 at £80 ... ... 400 5 at £78 ... ... 390 89 1 at £65 ... ... 65 13,000 223 Allowances to officers temporarily performing special or higher duties under Public Service Regulation 209 ... ... ... 50 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 48 of Public Revenues Act, 1910 (see end of vote) — Amount recoverable from Land Assurance Fund for salaries, &c., incurred under Land Transfer Act, 1924, (see Section 18, Finance Act, 1924) ... ... £10,000 48,422 Other Charges for and incidental to — 26 Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications ... ... ... 800 27 Binding ... ... ... 600 28 Fireproof fittings, shelving, &c. ... ... 2,500 29 Freight, cartage, and transport charges ... ... 25 30 Fuel, light, power, and water ... ... 400 31 Lands and Survey Department: Draughtmen's work performed ... ... ... ... 12,000 32 Law-costs ... ... ... 50 33 Office-cleaning ... ... ... 50 34 Office equipment ... ... ... 900 35 Overtime and meal allowances ... ... 25 36 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... ... 350 37 Printing and stationery (part recoverable) ... 2,000 38 Refund admission fees of Departmental solicitors ... 300 39 Relieving allowances ... ... ... 100 40 Rent ... ... ... 4,000 41 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... ... 400 42 Transfer and removal expenses ... ... 250 43 Travelling expenses and allowances ... ... 150 44 Typewriters: Purchase and repairs ... ... 300