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showed an increase in the number of cases, and the final boat carried over 1,100. Though the Natives have been somewhat unfortunate in the prices realized in Auckland, the fruit itself has won nothing but praise. An attempt is being made to create fresh industries. Certain of the Natives desire to grow cotton, and seed is being provided for them. A previous attempt collapsed with the outbreak of the war. The Niue women are also becoming expert in making ladies' hats of fanciful design from the bark of various native trees. Specimens of this work are going to New Zealand at the first opportunity for exhibition in city shops. It is anticipated that the exports for the coming year will be considerably in advance of last. Bananas should show a big increase, while copra should reach at least 750 tons. Port op Alofi. Return of Imports for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. £ £ New Zealand .. .. •• 14,169 Western Samoa .. .. .. 39 United Kingdom .. .. .. 1,028 United States of America .. ... 123 Australia . • • • • • 1,393 American Samoa .. .. .. 1 Canada .. .. ■. •• 37 — Fiji .. .. •• •• 1 £16,798 Tonga .. .. .. • • 7 ,

Return of Exports for the Year ended 31st December, 1924.

High Court aud Native Land Court. Criminal cases for 1924 totalled 402, as against 478 in 1923. As usual, the bulk of these were offences against morality, and there was very little that could be called serious crime. Fees and fines collected amounted to £169 13s. 9d. Civil work was negligible in quantity. In the Native Land Court the only applications before the Court were for adoption orders, of which thirty were granted. Niue Island Council. Four meetings of the Niue Island Council were held during the year, one in each quarter. At the October meeting the Secretary for the Cook Islands Department was present, and the members placed various matters before him for consideration. The only Ordinance passed during the year provides for daylight-saving. The clock is moved forward one hour on the Ist October and put back again at the 31st March. As a matter of fact, time makes but little difference to the Native, who uses the sun as his clock, and it is only in his contact with officials and traders that time becomes important. As the Ordinance puts the time more into accord with the variations of sunrise, it suits the majority of the Natives, while it provides leisure for the Europeans on summer afternoons. Medical Service. At the beginning of August last Dr. E. F. Boyd commenced his duties as Medical Officer, and Dr. R. Dorset, who had come to us from the Western Samoan Administration at the end of the previous year, left for New Zealand. Dr. Dorset, who had not expected so long a sojourn in Niue, was living under disadvantages, and I wish to place on record my gratitude for his work. Particularly in connection with the treatment of yaws and hookworm his services were of great value, and the credit of the reduced death-rate is largely his. Dr. Boyd has carried out his duties in. a most energetic manner. Yaws is no longer a serious matter ; practically the whole population has been treated for hookworm, and the improvement of sanitation and housing and a campaign against gonorrhoea are now occupying his attention. It is also proposed at an early date to deal systematically with skin troubles. Miss 0. Peers, who had had charge of the hospital since its inception, also left Niue in August, Her task has been by no means an easy one. Her assistants were mostly untrained Niue girls, and there was a good deal of disinclination on the part of the Natives to avail themselves of hospital treatment. The efficiency of the staff is now reported as very fair, and the Natives are making more

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Article. Where exported. j Quantity. | Value. i 1 £ Apparel .. .. .. . • •. New Zealand .. .. 3 Bananas .. .. •• •• „ ■■ 2,778 cases 1,211 Copra .. .. .. • ■ - • ,, • • 652 tons 11,094 Cotton piece-goods .. .. .. •. ,, .. .. 9 Fancy goods .. .. .. .. • ■ „ .. .. 346 Fungus „ ..8,9981b. 332 Hats .. .. ■■ •• •• „ •• 2,529£doz. 1,533 Instruments, musical, n.e.i. .. .. .. ,, .. .. j 32 Motor parts .. .. .. . • • • ,, • • •. j 10 Taro and yams .. .. • • • • • ,, •. . ■ ! 3 Tools .. •. • ■ • • • • ,, • • • ■ ! 35 £14,603