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I desire to take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of the courtesy and consideration which the Delegation met with throughout their tour, and of the generous assistance which was rendered to them by your Government in carrying out their mission. I have, &c., J. H. THOMAS. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, G.C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c.

No. 21. New Zealand, No. 133. My Lord, — Downing Street, 16th July, 1924. I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that the Minister of Health has in contemplation the issue of new regulations with respect to the importation of food into England and Wales. The effect of the proposed new regulations will be to simplify and to consolidate into one series the provisions of the three series at present in force—namely, the Public Health (First Series : Unsound Food) Regulations, 1908 ; the Public Health (Foreign Meat) Regulations, 1908 ; and the Public Health (Foreign Meat) Amending Regulations, 1909 —and at the same time to provide for certain amendments which experience has proved to be desirable. 2. The principal amendment is the extension of the classes of meat for which an " Official Certificate " is required by the addition of the item " the rendered fat of cattle or pigs.' The special circumstance which has given rise to this proposal is a discovery which was made by the Manchester Port Sanitary Authority that fat which had been exported from the United States of America as inedible fat had been refined in the Netherlands and imported into this country for sale as lard. 3. The existing regulations prohibit the importation of certain parts of a pig unless accompanied by an " Official Certificate " of the country of origin which is recognized by the Minister of Health for this purpose, and the Official Certificates of New Zealand are at present so recognized. A copy of a circular on the subject issued by the Local Government Board on the 26th January, 1909, is enclosed for convenience of reference. 4. The Minister of Health is prepared to accept the certificates of New Zealand as admissible when applied to lard and other edible fats, provided that he is assured that the certificate will be given by the same authority and subject to the same general conditions as the certificates which have already been recognized. 5. I shall be glad to learn whether the New Zealand Government can give the assurance required. 6. Copies of the regulations will be forwarded when complete. I have, &c., J. H. THOMAS. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, G.C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c.

No. 22. New Zealand, Dominions No. 332. My Lord, — Downing Street, 23rd July, 1924. I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, to be laid before your Ministers, the accompanying translation of a note from the Spanish Ambassador, conveying an invitation to His Majesty's Government to be represented at the Seventh International Congress on Oil-production to be held at Seville in November. 2. It is understood that the invitation of the Spanish Government is intended to include the self-governing Dominions and colonies, and 1 should be glad to learn what reply your Ministers would wish to be returned to the invitation on behalf of New Zealand. I have, &c., J. H. THOMAS. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Viscount Jellicoe, G.C.8., 0.M., G.C.V.0., &c.