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page Section 5. —Estimates as to Numbers of Mental Defectives : Education Department Returns ; Retardation, Problem of ; Feeble-minded and Epileptic Cases, Return showing .. .. .. .. 12 Section 6. —Study of Feeble-minded and Delinquent Children : Methods employed in other Countries ; United States of America ; New Zealand, Need of Psychological Experts ; Tredgold, Quotation from .. 14 Section 7 4 —Methods of dealing with Mental Defectives in New Zealand —Present Legal Provision for Notification and Education of Feeble-minded Children and for Care of Custodial Feeble-minded Adults and Children : Education Act, 1914, Provision of ; "Feeble-minded," Definition of ; Mental Defectives Act, 1911 ; English Mental Deficiency Act; Public Schools, Special Classes ; Epileptic Children, Education of ; Otekaike and Richmond Special Schools ; Nature of Institutions and Training, with Suggestions ; Caversham Industrial School; Weraroa Boys' Training-farm ; Committal, Nature of ; Value of Homo Life in Comparison with Institutional .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 Section B.—Children's Courts : Committee's Recommendations ; Clinics for Physical and Psychological Examination .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 Section 9.—Policy for the Future : Notification ; English Commission, 1908, Basic Principles laid down ; Register of Feeble-minded ; Eugenics Board ; Dr. Gray's Suggestions ; Psychiatrists, Suggested Appointment; Eugenic Board, Proposed Duties and Powers; Departments to control Feeble-minded; Marriage and Carnal Knowledge with Feeble-minded ; Parents' and Guardians' Responsibilities .. .. 17 Section 10. —The Question of Sterilization : Operations, Nature of ; X-rays, Use of ; American Laws ; Dr. H. Laughlin, Chicago, Views ; Central Association for Mental Welfare of Great Britain, Opinion on Sterilization ; Evidence in support of Sterilization ; Committee's Opinion and Recommendation ; Eugenic Board's 1 Powers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..19 Section 11. —Segregation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Section 12.—The Question of Expense : Cost to State for Want of Supervision, Case cited ; Humanitarian and National Aspects .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Section 13. —Immigration : Introduction of Feeble-minded and Undesirables from Overseas ; Medical Inspection of Intending Immigrants ; System in Force ; Committee's Suggestions ; Ordinary Pasengerg from Overseas, Medical Supervision of ; " Prohibited Immigrants," Definition of .. .. .. .. .. 22 Section 14. —Summary of Findings and Recommendations .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 Pabt lll.—Sexual Offenders. Section 1. —-Scope and Origin of the Inquiry : Prisons Board, Resolution passed ; Medical and Surgical Reports ; Indeterminate Sentence ; Segregation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Section 2.—Seriousness of the Evil : Sexual Offenders, Numbers serving Sentence ; Government Statistician's Return of Persons sentenced .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 Section 3. —Type of Offences : Sexual Offences ; Various Classes, with Comments on ; Types found in Prisons ; Inspector of Prisons' Opinion ; Sexual Perverts, Cure of .. .. .. .. .. 25 Section 4.—Suggested Remedies : Corporal Punishment; Inspector-General of Mental Hospitals' Recommendations ; Sterilization and Desexualization ; Castration ; Sterilization ; British Medical Association, N.Z., Motion passed ; Vasectomy and Castration ; Committee's Recommendation .. .. .. 26 Section 5. —Scientific Treatment and Segregation with Indeterminate Sentence : Medical Examination ; Indeterminate Sentence ; Women and Children, Protection of ; Mr. Hawkins's Evidence on Control of Sexual Perverts .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 Section 6.— Summary of Recommendations: Crimes Act; Prisons Board, Powers of; Psychiatrist, Appointment and Duties ; Eugenic Board, Power to advise Prisons Board ; Sterilization ; Concluding Remarks .. 27 Appendix.—Past Mistakes in Immigration : Extract from Report on Hospitals and Charitable Institutions of the Colony, 1888, by the late Dr. Macgregor, Inspector-General. The Health of School Children : Extract from the Report of the Director of the Division of School Hygiene, 1924. Return showing Sexual Offenders serving Sentence in New Zealand Prisons, 1924. Table showing the Number of Sexual Offenders sentenced under respective Headings in New Zealand Prisons. Some Illustrative Histories .. .. ..29

The Hon. the Minister of Health, Wellington. Sir, — The Committee of Inquiry into Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders appointed by you to inquire into and report upon the necessity for special care and treatment of mental defectives and sexual offenders in New Zealand have the honour to submit herewith their report. PART I.—INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. . Section I.—Origin and Scope of Inquiry. For a considerable time there has been a growing feeling of anxiety among the public owing to the number of mental defectives becoming a charge upon the State, and also the alarming increase in their numbers through the uncontrolled fecundity of this class. Furthermore, owing to the frequency of sexual offence many of a most revolting character, there was a strong demand that some action should be taken to prevent further acts of this nature ; it being suggested that the law should be altered to make it possible for surgical operations to be performed upon these offenders. The North Canterbury Hospital Board considered the need for action in this matter so great that they set up a Committee to go into the question and take evidence, which was done, and various recommendations were made to the Government. A perusal of departmental files reveals that many persons and social bodies have urged upon the Government the desirability of setting up a Committee or Commission of Inquiry to go into this subject.