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Nov. 25 Kaiaia, o.e.y., 15 Ketch .. 24 1 . . Benzine, 1,250 Explosion .. .. Auckland .. .. N.E. Moderate The Court found that explosion was caused by J.Stewart, years cases Seaman Singer entering forepeak, against master's orders, to light riding-light, where gas from petroleum cargo had found its way, that owing to dangerous nature of cargo, Court submitted conditions under which carriage of same should be governed both above and below deck ; and that for no purpose whatever should it be carried unless under certificate of Engineer Surveyor of Ships, who should certify period not exceeding one year for that carried above, and for one voyage only in the case of that carried below „ 27 Tui, s.s., — years Cutter 6 2 .. .. Fire .. .. . .. Auckland Harbour .. W. Moderate Through the vessel rolling, the asbestos around A. E. Ragg. the wooden coaming of the light and air | space worked off, allowing the kindling which was on fire on top of boiler to ignite the woodwork on coaming f " Cobar' was approaching Ferry Wharf when J. \V. Gower. " Wairau " came out from Queen's Wharf, „ 28 Cobar, s.s., 21 Cutter.. 69 6 12 .. V and, although both vessels rang" Full speed 3*ears | astern," the " Wairau " caught " Cobar " a j> Collision .. .. w XT to- r - i . , glancing blow amidships with her bow, „ 28 Wairau, s.s., 14 Schooner j 56 8 .. General, 40 tons j e g . r ur .. . -< g i causing damage to the extent of £2. It is Iv Jackson, years j J considered that accident could have been ! avoided had " Wairau" taken a wider course from wharf, enabling her to see and i_ be seen by " Cobar " „ 30 Clifton, o.e.v., 24 Ketch .. [ 24 2 .. Light .. Struck wharf .. j Thames River .. Calm .. When going up river, vessel struck wharf be- A. W. Humphyears | belonging to the Lands Department, below revs. and on opposite side river to Kopu, damag- | ing jib and carrying away bowsprit Dec. 11 Kapuni, s.s., 12 Ketch .. j 97 10 .. General .. Grazed western wall .. Patea Harbour .. W. by N. Fresh At the entrance, vessel grazed the western R. McLachlan. years breeze wall, springing her stem slightly and causing her to leak a little in the forepeak. She was beached, and temporary repairs effected, after which she proceeded to Wanganui „ 14 Kawau, s.s., 34 Cutter j 37 7 .. .. Auxiliary check feed- .. Hauraki Gulf .. S.W. Strong As water could not be got into boiler as it came Edward Hemn years (staysail j i | valve leaking back through auxiliary check-valve, the fires only) j vrere drawn, and vessel towed back to Auckland, where it was found that some subi j stance had got between the valve and seat, I j otherwise valve was in good order „ 17 Inaha, motor, I Cutter., i 116 11 .. Cheese, 180 tons j Struck wharf .. .. ; Wellington Harbour .. S. Strong.. Owing to engines refusing to go astern, and to A.F.Gibson, year j i fresh southerly, the vessel when berthing struck King's Wharf end on, bending and j J ; cracking her stern, and bending plates on | j both sides „ 19 Sheafmount, s.s., Schooner 13,207 44 .. General, 8,000 ! Fire .. .. .. Lat. 20° 26' N., long. E.S.E. Moderate Bunker coal caught fire as result of spontane- C. V. Groves. 1 1 £ years I tons 138° 20' W. ous combustion, but no damage was done to ship or cargo „ 22 Konini, s.s., under Schooner j 833 23 .. Salt, 767 tons ; ! Stranded; total loss .. Near Bluff Peninsula Variable .. The Court held that, the patent log not having S. Vint. 1 year j gypsum, 830 | been in use, and the bearings taken off tons | I Centre and Dog Islands being; too approximate, and from the fact that neither land nor lights could be seen, and vessel being in confined waters, the master should | have altered his course when Dog Island was lost, by heading vessel into clear of strait and awaiting clearer weather, *and that master was guilty of wrongful act by continuing at full speed under the circumstances ; but, while censuring him, the ! Court did not suspend his certificate, but ordered that he pay £40 towards the cost of the inquiry