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Gisbome. —Fishermen report fair catches during tlie year, although flat fish in the bay have not been so plentiful as previously. Hawke's Bay.—The local Inspector reports that the past year has been a fair averageJone for fishing. The weather conditions have not been of the most favourable nature owing to the prevalence of easterly and southerly winds, and the absence of westerly winds, which have a strong tendency to bring the fish into the waters of Hawke's Bay. From September to March of the present year fish have been fairly plentiful. All catches have been disposed of without difficulty, and no fish had to be stored in freezing-chambers. The fish caught have been in first-class condition, and the wholesale price obtained has shown an increase. New Plymouth. —Extensive fishing-grounds exist off the Taranaki coast, but on account of the want of sheltered harbours there are very few vessels employed in the industry, and considerable quantities of fish have to be imported from Auckland to supply the local market. Wanganui. —There has been no progress in the deep-sea fishing industry in this district during the past year, and most of the fish required to supply the local market is brought from Hawke's Bay and even as far afield as Auckland and Thames. Foxton. —Fishermen report flounders as being fairly plentiful in the estuary, and snapper, hapuku, and kahawai as being plentiful on the outside fishing-grounds. The whitebait season has been an average one. Wellington. The one steam trawler working from this port reports good catches throughout the year. Tarakihi, moki, hake, gurnard, and snapper have been plentiful on the trawling-grounds worked by this vessel. On the fishing-grounds off Kapiti and Mana Islands the line and net fishermen have had a good season. On the Cook Strait and east-coast fishing-grounds a good deal of time has been lost by fishermen on account of easterly weather. On some of the old grounds groper have been somewhat scarce, but taken as a whole fish have been fairly plentiful, and the men have had a good season. Picton. —The quantity of fish taken during the year equals that of the two previous seasons. Groper were taken in large quantities on the new grounds discovered last year. The flounder-fishermen in the Sounds report flounders as being plentiful during the year. Blenheim.--The Collector's report states that fishermen have had a very good year, flat fish in particular being plentiful, and very good prices obtained for their catch. Nelson. —There has been no development in the fishing industry during the year. Fish have been fairly plentiful on all the local fishing-grounds, but the quantity of fish taken shows a decrease during the year. Westport- —The season just ended has not proved as successful as previous years, not on account of any scarcity of fish, but mainly owing to a decreased local demand, which is very limited. Greymouth. —As stated in previous reports, the bar harbour is a great hindrance here to the fishing industry, as it is only occasionally that it is safe for the fishing-vessels to venture out. Fishermen state that the usual market fish have been plentiful on the outside grounds, and good catches were made when the weather conditions allowed them to go out. Last season was a fairly good one for whitebait, and the men made good wages while the season lasted. Hokitika. —As will be seen by the returns, the catching of whitebait is practically the only fishing done at this port. The local Inspector reports that last season was a poor one for these fish, partly on account of the prevalence of floods in the rivers. Kaikoura. Fishermen report a fairly successful season, and the usual market fish were plentiful in the local fishing-grounds. The men, however, lost a considerable amount of time on account of the heavy easterly weather which prevailed during part of the year. Lyttelton - -The local Inspector says in his report that the fishing industry at this port has not been so good as last year. On this account a few of the fishing-boats have gone to other fishinggrounds. The decrease in the fish caught was mostly in flat fish and groper, which have not been so plentiful as last year. There has been a good demand for fish throughout the year, and on several occasions there was a scarcity in the Christchurch market. Taking it all round, the fishing industry at this port is in a satisfactory condition. Kaiapoi. —In his report the Inspector states that there is very little to comment on the year's fishing, as the season has been an ordinary one. The run of whitebait was equal to the previous year, and good wages were made by fishermen while it lasted. Licenses to net quinnat salmon in the estuary of the Waimakariri River have been issued this year by the Marine Department. Up to the end of March the run of these fish has not been a large one. There is a great demand in Christchurch and other places for this fish, and it is being sold by the catchers at from Is. to Is. 6d. a pound wholesale. Rangiorci. —The Inspector states that the whitebait-fishing at the mouth of the Ashley River and on Saltwater Creek has been very poor during the past season, and a number of the men who used to fish did not trouble this season, but obtained other employment. The quantity of flounder taken in the tideway of the Ashley was similar to previous years. Southbridge. —Flounders were fairly plentiful in Lake Ellesmere during the year, and the quantity and value of fish taken was about equal to the previous year. In order to improve the fisheries the Inspector recommends that the mesh for set-nets should be increased in size to 5 in. Akaroa. —Fish have been plentiful off Banks Peninsula, and fishermen have had a good season. Timaru. —The past season has again been a poor one for flat fish, and on this account the launchmen have been doing mostly line fishing. This method has been more profitable for them, as trawling for flat fish consumes much more benzine. Some of the latest boats are fitted with a type of engine that runs on crude oil, and this is proving less expensive than benzine. Good catches of groper have been made by the hook-and-line men, and on the whole fishermen have earned good wages during the year.