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F.- POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHS. F.—l. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT for the Year 1924-25. F.—2. POST OFFICE ACCOUNT —Balance-sheet of, to 31st March, 1925. F.—4. POST OFFICE SAVINGS-BANK. —Statement showing the Deposits received and paid by the Post Office Savings-banks, and the Expenses in connection therewith, for the Years ended 31st March, 1925, and 31st Ma,rch, 1924, 1923, and 1922 ; also for the Fifteen Months ended 31st March, 1921, together with similar Particulars, by Ten-year Periods, from the Date Post Office Savings-banks were established in the Dominion in February, 1867. F.—s. SECURITIES, ETC.. STANDING IN THE NAME OF THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL ON ACCOUNT OF THE POST OFFICE SAVINGS-BANK FUND—Statement of, on 31st, March, 1925.

G, NATIVE AFFAIRS. G.—2. NATIVE TRUST OFFICE —Accounts of the, for the Year ended 31st March, 1925. G, —3. EAST COAST NATIVE TRUST LANDS.—Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1925. G.—4. Mangatu Blocks 1, 3, and 4 : Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1925. G.—s. NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT —Statement showing the Moneys paid into and out of the, during 1924-25. G.—6. NATIVE LAND AMENDMENT AND NATIVE LAND CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1922.—Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 336 of 1922, of Karauri Tiweka Anaru, relative to Succession to Takimoana (deceased). G.—6a. NATIVE LAND AMENDMENT AND NATIVE LAND CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1923.—Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 328 of 1922, of Wiremu Rikihana, relative to the Appointment of Successors to the Interest of Mikaera Urututu in Opanaki 2k No. 1 Block. 6b. NATIVE LAND AMENDMENT AND NATIVE LAND CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1924.— Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 162 of 1924, of Here pete Rapihana, relative to Tangonge Block. G.—6c. Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 19 of 1921, of Mere Hape and Others, relative to Rakaukaka Block. G.—7. NATIVE LAND PURCHASED BY THE CROWN—Return of. G.—B. ARAWA DISTRICT TRUST BOARD —Statement of the Operations of the, for Period ended 31st March, 1925. G.—9. NATIVE LAND COURTS AND OTHER MATTERS UNDER CONTROL OF NATIVE DEPARTMENT.—Report from Under-Secretary for the Year ended 31st March, 1925.

H.—MISCELLANEOUS. H.—l. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES AND TRADE-UNIONS.—Forty-eighth Annual Report by the Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. H.—2. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS DEPARTMENT—AnnuaI Report of the, by the Hon. W. Nosworthy, Minister of Tourist and Health Resorts. H.—3. LAND TRANSFER AND DEEDS REGISTRATION. —Annual Report of Department, 1924-25. H.—4. STORES CONTROL BOARD—Annual Report of, for Year ended 31st March, 1925. H.—s. NEW ZEALAND NAVAL FORCES.—Report of the Commodore Commanding the New Zealand Station for the Period Ist April, 1924, to 31st March, 1925. H.—6. STATE FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE.—Annual Report of the General Manager for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. H.—6a. FIRE BRIGADES OF THE DOMINION—Report on the, for the Year ended 30th June, 1925. H.—7. MENTAL HOSPITALS OF THE DOMINION—Report on, for 1924. H.—B. GOVERNMENT INSURANCE COMMISSIONER—AnnuaI Report of, for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. H.—BA. ACCIDENT INSURANCE BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT— Annual Report on the, for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. H.—9. CONSUMPTION OF ARTICLES IN COMMON USE —Table showing Rate of, per Head of Population. H.—lo. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS.—Thirty-sixth Annual Report of the Registrar. H.—ll. LABOUR DEPARTMENT—Report of the. H.—l2. MOTOR-SPIRIT, BENZINE, MOTOR-VEHICLES, AND ACCESSORIES IMPORTED, AND DUTY PAID, during the Year 1924—Return of. H.—l3. RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE. H.—l4. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER—Thirteenth Report of the.