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3. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Chairman. —P. Levi, Esq., M.A. Appointed by Governor-General in Council —A. R. Atkinson, Esq., B.A. ; D. M. Stout, Esq., M.D. Elected by Court of Convocation —S. Eichelbaum, Esq., M.A., LL.B. ; A. Fair, Esq., LL.B. ; P. Levi, Esq., MA. ; C. Watson, Esq., B.A. Elected by teachers in primary schools—F. H. Bakewell, Esq., M.A. ; H. A. Parkinson, Esq., M.A. Elected by members of Education Boards—R. McCallum, Esq. ; F. W. 0. Smith, Esq. Appointed by Wellington City Council —M. F. Luckie, Esq. Elected by teachers in secondary schools and technical high schools —J. H. Howell, Esq., 8.A., B.Sc. Elected by governing bodies of secondary schools —T. Forsyth, Esq. Elected by the Professorial Board —T. A. Hunter, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. ; E. J. Wilson, Esq., M.A., B.Sc. Staff. Professors. —Classics —J. Rankine Brown, M.A. English —H. Mackenzie, M.A. Modern Languages—E. J. Wilson. M.A. Philosophy—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. History—F. P. Wilson, M.A. (Dean of Faculty of Arts). Economics —B. E. Murphy, M.A., LL.B., B.Com. Education —J. S. Tennant, M.A., B.Sc. Mathematics—l). M. Y. Sommerville, M.A., D.Sc.j F.R.S.E., F.N.Z.I. Biology—H. B. Kirk, M.A., F.N.Z.I. (Dean of Faculty of Science). Physics—D. C. H. Florance, M.A., M.S. Chemistry—P. W. Robertson, M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. Geology—C. A. Cotton, D.Sc., A.0.5.M., F.G.S. Law —J. Adamson, M.A., LL.B. (Dean of Faculty of Law); J. M. E. Garrow, 8.A., LL.B. Agriculture—G. S. Peren, B.S. Registrar.—G. G. S. Robison, M.A. Librarian.—B. H. Ward, B.A. REPORT (ABRIDGED); Pursuant to section 44 of the Victoria College Act, 1905, the Council presents the following report for the year 1924 : — The number of students attending classes in 1924 was greater than in any previous year. For the purpose of comparison the following table gives particulars of attendances during the last three years : — Men. Women. Total. 1924—Matriculated .. .. .. .. . • 509 248 757 Non-matriculated .. .. .. 29 21 50 538 269 807 1923 —Matriculated .. .. .. .. .. 476 206 682 Non-matriculated .. .. .. 29 56 85 505 262 767 1922 —Matriculated .. .. .. .. .. 460 192 652 Non-matriculated .. .. .. ..32 44 76 492 236 728 The numbers of exempted students continue to show an increase, as shown below Men. Women. Total. 1924 .. .. •• •• •■ 140 42 182 1923 129 34 163 1922 .. .. .. •• •• 85 23 108 Two Junior University scholars, three University National scholars, and eighty-four University bursars began their studies at this University College (1923 figures, 3, 3, 68). Work of the College.—'The twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of Victoria University College was celebrated by suitable functions. Past students from all over the Dominion met again ; and a memorial tablet and window to those who fell, and memorial brasses to those who served, in the Great War were unveiled by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Stout, C.J., in the College library. A scheme is being prepared for the partial introduction of day teaching in 1926, by which all lectures in the Sciences department will be given before 6 o'clock in the evening. It is to be regretted that a similar change cannot be made in the Arts side ; but it is recognized that this would involve a considerable increase in staff, since lectures delivered in the daytime would require to be duplicated for students who can attend only in the evenings. Many of the classes are so large that it is probable that division will be necessary in the near future, when the question of increased staff will have to be faced. A noteworthy change in the University course is the introduction of psychology as a subject for the B.Sc. degree. For many years a laboratory for experimental psychology has been established in this College, and its recognition as a science marks a notable advance.