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Instruction Classes for Teachers.- —With the object of providing a suitable course of lectures and instruction to enable a number of teachers to qualify in the practical work for the D and C certificates, a summer school, more particularly for the benefit of those teachers at country schools who had been unable to attend for the required number of hours the classes in practical work held on Saturdays, was arranged early in the year at New Plymouth, and was attended by thirty-two teachers. School Libraries. —The majority of the schools have now an established library. Subsidies amounting to £185 were granted to schools during the year for this purpose. My Board also subsidized the establishment of a reference library for the use of teachers. The books are held in the Board room and distributed by the Bof<rd. Medical Inspection. -The School Medical Officer paid several visits to the district during the year, and was especially exercised during the epidemic of diphtheria. Conveyance of School-children.- —lt is estimated that no less than 340 children ride their ponies daily to schools, many travelling five or more miles. It speaks well for the stamina and enthusiasm of these little people that they are among the most regular attendants at school. Thirty-six children were conveyed daily by bus from the Glen Road to the Manaia School. The arrangements appear to work admirably, and the children should benefit in every way. A contract was also entered into to convey the children from Ngariki Road to the Rahotu School. The reports received show that the attendance is regular and the arrangements quite satisfactory. School Committees have rendered much valuable assistance in the administration of education throughout the district. Large sums have been raised by local effort for the improvement of grounds and buildings. In September delegates from this Board attended the Conference of Education Boards in Wellington. I have, &c., The Hon. the Minister of Education. Sydney G. Smith.

WANGANUI. Sir,— I have the honour to submit the following report of the proceedings of the Board for the year ended 31st December, 1924 : — Board. —Early in the year Mrs. N. Dunne, one of the members for the North Ward, resigned from the Board. At an election held on the sth March Mr. J. J. Pilkington was elected to fill the vacancy. At the biennial election, which took place on the 16th July, Mr. W. A. Collins was re-elected for the West Ward, and Mr. H. Mclntyre for the South Ward ; Dr. D. M. Mitchell was elected for the North Ward in place of Mr. A. J. Joblin ; Mr. E. V. Laws was re-elected for the Wanganui Urban Area, and Mr. W. F. Durward for the Palmerston North Urban Area. Except in the case of the North Ward, all the retiring members were returned unopposed. Mr. W. A. Collins was re-elected Chairman. The Board was represented on other bodies as follows : Wanganui Girls' College Board of Governors — Messrs. W. A. Collins, A. Fraser, and E. V. Laws ; Palmerston North High School Board of Governors — Messrs. J. W. Rutherfurd, W. R. Birnie, and T. R. Hodder ; Wanganui Technical College Board of of Managers—Messrs. W. Bruce and W. H. Swanger ; Feilding Technical High School Board of Managers —Messrs. H. Mclntyre and H. Tolly. Mr. H. Mclntyre represented the Wanganui, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, and Nelson Education Districts on the Committee of Advice of the Wellington Training College. Conveyance and Board of Children. —The total expenditure for conveyance and board allowances was £952 9s. 3d. The average number of children conveyed was 149, in attendance at thirty-eight schools, and the average number of children for whom, boarding-allowance was paid was forty-seven, in attendance at twenty-six schools. Voluntary Contributions. — Voluntary contributions received during the year totalled £2,622 25., an increase of £320 Bs. 6d. over the previous year. The main purposes of the contributions were the improvement of buildings and grounds, the purchase, of new sites and additional land, the installation of septic tanks, the purchase of gramophones, pictures, and special equipment, and the establishment and enlargement of school libraries. Included in the above amount is a contribution for the purpose of establishing a central circulating library in the Rangitikei district. Health of Children. —As in previous years, excellent work was done by Dr. Elizabeth Gunn, School Medical Officer. On account of the absence from New Zealand of Mr. B. P. Lethbridge, the annual health camp was not held ; but it is hoped that these camps, which are for the purpose of dealing with those children requiring special treatment, will be again brought into being when circumstances permit. School Dental Clinics. —School dental clinics are now operating at several centres in this district, and I trust that the time is not far distant when it will be possible to give dental attention to every child attending school. Physical Instruction. —Due attention has been paid to the important subject of physical instruction, both by the teachers and the physical instructors. Organizing Teachers - - The two organizing teachers have been kept fully employed, and have done valuable work amongst the teachers of the small country schools. Model Country School. —This school continues to serve a useful purpose, but there is no doubt that, owing to the decrease in the number of uncertificated teachers, the time is not far distant when it will be possible to close the school. Owing to the curtailment of the allowances payable to teachers attending the school, some difficulty has been experienced in inducing teachers to attend.