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TABLE 1. Total Lands acquired from the Crown by Discharged Soldiers and held at the 31st March, 1925.

TABLE 2. Statement of Advances authorized from Inception of Act to 31st March, 1925.

Sale (including Deferred Payment). Lease and License. Grand Totals. Number of Land District. Discharged- ¥ W Number of Tvr 1im }, pl . Number , ! soldier Nu ™ bci A p ... Discharged- Nl ™ ber Area Annual of Dis- N ™ b er : Purchasers Area - mce - soldier Tmirfir,™ ea ' Rental. charged lr .? Ar e«and Holdings. Tenants. Holdings. Soldiers. Holdings. Licensees. Under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Amendments. Acres. £ I Acres. £ Acres North Auckland .. 13 12 2.407 2,181 315 314 58,704 14,623 328 326 61,111 Auckland .. 39 39 973 13,490 555 547 92,206 26,900 594 586 93 179 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. 141 134 56,169 13,985 141 134 56,169 Hawke'sBay .. 1 1 8 380 260 259 100,509 36,498 26] 260 100,517 Taranaki .. .. 5 5 655 2,421 174 164 41,579 11,154 179 169 42,234 Wellington .. 13 13 80 4,525 726 703 163,630 39,995 739 716 163,710 Nelson .. .. 3 3 1,216 1,292 27 27 16,778 1,767 30 30 17 994 Marlborough .. .. .. .. .. 57 55 17,880 5,216 57 55 17,880 Westland .. .. 1 1 148 150 24 24 22,295 275 25 25 22,443 Canterbury .. 11 11 206 9,100 327 322 546,122 47,897 338 333 546,328 Otago .. 6 6 355 3,126 162 161 226,941 15,309 168 167 227,296 Southland .. 15 15 2,084 8,640 93 98 19,797 4,776 108 i 113 21,881 Totals .. 107 106 8,132 45,305 2,861 2,808 |l,362,610 218,395 2,968 | 2,914 1,370,742 Under other Acts. (This includes lands selected at ordinary ballots, leases and licenses purchased at auction, and holdings acquired by transfer or otherwise.) North Auckland .. 7 7 1,519 1,015 69 66 18,717 1,305 , 76 . 73 20,236 Auckland .. 48 46 23,933 21,023 387 350 i 164,400 9,678 435 396 188,333 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 43 35,221 4,195 47, 43 35,221 Hawke'sBay .. .. .. .. .. 54 48 18,285 4,362 54 1 48 18,285 Taranaki..' .. .. .. .. .. 190 161 70,503 5,343 190 161 70,503 Wellington .. .. .. •• •• 136 131 49,049 30,413 136 j 131 49,049 Nelson .. .. 3 3 1,099 586 118 108 79,440 2,174 121 111 80,539 Marlborough .. .. .. .. .. 129 120 247,399 7,278 129 120 247,399 Westland.. .. 1 1 200 168 78 72 19,236 441 79 I 73 19,436 Canterbury .. 3 3 15 4,680 238 216 93,926 14,001 241 219 93,941 Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. 273 249 979,917 23,837 273 | 249 979,917 Southland .. i 1 127 40 43 49 79,034 2,264 44 I 50 79,161 Totals .. 63 61 26,893 27,512 1,762 1,613 |l,855, 127 105,291 1,825 1,674 1,882,020 Grand totals.. 170 167 35,025 j 72,817 4,623 4,421 |3, 217,737 323,686 4,793 j 4,588 3,252,762

Current Account Farms, &c., Purchase Dwellings Erect Dwellings , . Authorities. Authorities. Authorities. Authorities. District. . Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. £ £ £ £ £ North Auckland 1,509 711,402 1,087 1,693,548 1,742 1,245,497 1,408 1,238,018 5,746 4,888,465 Auckland .. 1.701 979,834 794 1,315,065 368 242,061 377 305,388 3,240 2,842,348 Gisborne .. 190 140,781 79 139,184 175 116,400 81 66,150 525 462,515 Hawke'sBay .. 645 306,183 202 376,956 462 323,905 214 179,698 1,523 1,186,742 Taranaki .. 1,053 578,951 565 1,033,590 311 217,453 234 203,212 2,163 2,033,206 Wellington .. 1,756 911,895 777 1,443,583 1,412 1,000,473 994 815,453 4,939 4,171,404 Marlborough .. 274 81,112 168 298,310 110 69,466 64 51,009 616 499,897 Nelson .. 605 167,168 431 565,710 156 94,268 31 22,209 1,223 849,355 Westland .. 150 48,866 81 88,794 51 22,140 10 6,265 292 166,065 Canterbury .. 1,227 380,981 751 1,175,957 1,419 857,172 774 653,420 4,171 3,067,530 Otago .. 719 204,345 300 378,288 916 506,982 155 117,700 2,090 1,207,315 Southland .. 483 152,075 272 429,765 382 212,875 55 38,735 1,192 833,450 Totals .. 10,312 4,663,593 5,507 8,938,750 7,504 4,908,692 j 4,397 j3,697, 257 |27,720 22,208,292 Note.—The numbers above represent the number of loans authorized. A large proportion of soldiers who received advances to assist in the purchase of farms and discharge of mortgages also received advances on Current Account for stock, &e. The actual number of soldiers to whom advances have been authorized at the 31st March, 1925, was 22,326.