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Public Securities held by the Post Office —continued.


Securities held as at 31st March, Securities purchased or issued Securities sold, renewed, or Securities held as at 31st March, 1924. in Renewal. redeemed. 1925. Nature of Security. «jj -g M mte ty 11 A -ou„t. M S ty 11 Amount. If Amount. "gg* || Amount. Per ' „ I I Per Per Per Cent * Cent. £ Cent. x Cent. x Brought forward .. .. .. 37,328,302) .. j .. 9,402,925 .. .. 8,960,155 .. .. 37771072 New Zealand Government QofuritiGB n w r!!>v thj> Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 1/7/25 4£ 200,000 .. .. .. 1/7/25 4J 200,000 Public Revenues Amendment 1/2/26 4£ 1,700,000 .. .. .. 1/2/26 4| 1,700,000 Act, 1915, see. 5 (War Ex- , penses) Ditto .. .. .. 1/5/26 4£ 390,000 j I .. .. .. .. 1/5/26 4\ 390,000 1/2/29 4J 3,750 I j .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/29 4£ 3,750 Railways Improvement 1/2/25 4 25,000 J .. .. .. 1/2/25 4 25,000 Authorization Act, 1914 Ditto .. .. .. 1/2/25 4£ 30,000 i 1/2/25 4J 30,000 .. 1/2/25 4 30,000 1/2/25 4 30,000 . . .. .. .. 1/2/30 4 85,000 .. .. .. 1/2/30 4 85,000 1/8/25 4J 140,000 j .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/25 4| 140,000 1/2/26 4£ 265,000 | .. .. 1/2/26 4J 265,000 1/2/26 5 30,000 I .... .. .. .. .. 1/2/26 5 30,000 1/8/28 4J 83,000 I .. J .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/28 4£ 83,000 1/2/29 4| 70,000 j .. j .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/29 4| 70,000 1/2/29 4 47,000 | .. I .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/29 4 47,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage 1/9/24 4 j 7,000 .. ... .. 1/9/24 4 7,000 Amendment Acts, 1913 and 1914 Ditto .. .. .. 1/9/25 4J 19,000! .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/25 4J 19,000 .. 1/3/26 4£ 17,000 ! .. .. j .. .. .. .. j 1/3/26 4J 17,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage 1/3/29 4£ 27,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/29 \\ 27,000 Amendment Act, 19 i 3, and amendments Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/29 4 ! 7,000 .. .. .. 1/3/29 4 7,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage 1/3/25 4 10,000 .. .. .. 1/3/25 4" 10,000 Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropriation Act, 1918, sec. 44 Ditto .. .. .. 1/3/25 4J 3,000 1/3/25 4£ 3,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage 1/3/25 4J 60,000 .. .. .. 1/3/25 4J 60,000 Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropriation Act, 1919, Rangitaiki Land Drainage 1/12/25 5 10,000 .. .. •• .. .. 1/12/25 5 10,000 Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1920, sec. 16 Ditto .. .. .. 1/12/26 4J 20,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/26 4J 20,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage 1/3/29 4 35,000 1/3/29 4 73,000 .. .. .. 1/3/29 4 108,000 Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 23 Ditto .. .. .. 1/12/29 4i 24,000 .. .. .. 1/12/29 4| 24,000 1/12/27 4 20,000 .. .. .. 1/12/27 4 20,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage 1/12/29 4 10,000 1/12/29 4 20,000 .. 1/12/29 4. 30,000 Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1923, sec. 5 State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch 1/6/24 4 573,200 .. .. .. 1/6/24 4 573,200 1/6/29 4 : 573,200 .. .. .. 1/6/29 4 573,200 1/6/29 4£ 550,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/6/29 4£ 550,000 Advances to Workers 1/6/24 4 50,000 .. .. .. 1/6/24 4 50,000 Branch Ditto.. .. •• .. •• 1/6/29 4 50,000 . .. 1/6/29 4 50,000 Local Authorities Branch 1/6/24 4 200,000 .. .. .. 1/6/24 4 200,000 1/6/29 4 200,000 .. .. .. 1/6/29 4 200,000 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 1/5/24 4 15,000 .. .. .. 1/5/24 4 15,000 1/5/29 4 15,000 .. .. .. 1/5/29 4 15,000 1/5/26 4J 11,000 .. .. .. 1/5/26 4$ 11,000 1/5/29 4f 20,000 .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/29 4-j 20,000 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, 1/5/24 4 15,000 .. .. .. 1/5/24 4 15,000 and Appropriation Act, 1918, sec. 46 Ditto .. .. .. ■ 1/5/25 4 10,000 .. .. .. .. . .. 1/5/24 4 10,000 1/5/25 4£ 20,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/25 4£ 20,000 1/5/26 4-J 120,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/26 4J 120,000 1/5/26 5 5,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/26 5 5,000 1/5/29 4 20,000 1/5/29 4 15,000 .. .. .. 1/5/29 4 35,000 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers 1/8/24 4 30,000 .. .. 1/8/24 4 30,000 .. Improvement Act, 1910 Ditto .. .. .. 1/8/25 4£ 20,000 .. .. .. 1/8/25 4| 20,000 1/8/28 4£ 100,000 ! .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/28 100,000 | 1/8/30 4 30,000 .. .. .. 1/8/30 4 30,000 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers 1/2/26 4i 10,000 , .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/26 4J 10,000 Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1919, sec. 6 Ditto .. .. •• 1/8/30 4 50,000 } .. .. .. 1/8/30 4 50,000 Carried forward .. .. | .. 42,373 252 .. 1 .. 10,521,125 .. .. 10,008,355 j .. .. 42886022