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Public Securities held by the Post Office —continued.


Securities held as at 31st March, Securities purchased or issued Securities sold, renewed, or Securities held as at 31st March, 1924. in Renewal. redeemed. 1925. Nature of Security. +■» to • [ w M S. ty °4 Am0Unt ' " y If A " |! Amount. Maturity I || Amount . ciC- B H com I CC W X" M ' -1 ' | I Per Per Per Per ' Cent. Cent. - Cent. t Cent. t j|jj Brought forward .. j .. .. 22,506,341; .. .. 6,518,310 .. .. 6,448,200 .. .. 22576451 New Zealand Government Securities under the— Immigration and Public 15/4/25 44 20,900 j .. .. .. .. .. .. 15/4/25 4| 20,900 Works Loan Act, 1870 Irrigation and Water-supply 1/10/24 4 35,000 [ .. .. .. 1/10/24 4 35,000 Act, 1913 Ditto .. .. .. .. i 1/10/29 4 35,000 .. .. .. 1/10/29 4 35,000 1/10/25 4J 24,900 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/25 4£ 24,900 1/10/29 4-| 30,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/29 4£ 30,000 Kauri-gum Industry Amend- .. .. . . 1/5/30 4 12,000 .. .. .. 1/5/30 4 12,000 ment Act, 1914 Ditto .. .. 1/5/24 4 6,000 | .. .. .. 1/5/24 4 6,000 1/11/24 4 9,000 | .. .. .. 1/11/24 4 9,000 1/11/25 4£ 18,000 ! .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/11/25 4\ 18,000 1/5/26 4£ 15,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/26 4£ 15,000 Kauri-gum Industry Amend- .. .. .. 1/5/30 4 3,000 .. .. .. 1/5/30 4 3,000 ment Act, 1914, and Appropriation Act, 1918, sec. 45 Ditto .. .. .. 1/11/26 4} 2,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/11/26 4J 2,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1/2/25 4 177,215 ! 1/2/25 4 177,215 1908 Ditto .. .. 1/2/25 4£ 42,800 1/2/25 4-J 42,800 1/3/25 4\ 10,000 1/3/25 4J 10,000 1/8/25 4J 73,700 .. .. .. 1/8/25 4J 73,700 1/1/26 4| 138,335 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/26 44 138,335 1/2/26 4J 8,270 .. .. .. 1/2/26 4} 8,270 1/4/26 4| 62,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/26 4| 62,000 „ .. .. .. 1/5/26 44 29,500 .. .. .. 1/5/26 4 29,500 30/9/28 41 400 .. .. .. .. .. .. 30/9/28 44 400 1/1/29 4J 312,275 .. .. .. 1/1/29 44 312,275 1/1/29 4 67,000 1/1/29 4 230,015 .. .. .. 1/1/29 4 297,015 1/2/29 4£ 135,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/29 44 135,000 Lands Improvement and Na- 30/9/25 4-1 341,000 j .. .. .. .. •• 30/9/25 44 341,000 tive Land Acquisition Act, I 1894 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1/4/24 4 518,000 j .. .. .. 1/4/24 4 518,000 1913 Ditto .. .. .. 1/1/25 44 3,600 | 1/1/25 4J 3,600 1/1/25 4 14,200 I .. .. .. 1/1/25 4 14,200 ■ 1/4/30 4 668,800 .. .. .. 1/4/30 4 668,800 1/2/25 4 90,800 . .. .. .. 1/2/25 4 90,800 1/2/25 4\ 32,200 1/2/25' 4| 32,200 31/3/25 41 10,000 .. .. .. 31/3/25 4£ 10,000 1/4/25 4J 15,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/25 4£ 15,000 1/8/25 4| 17,500 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/25 4\ 17.500 1/10/25 44 45,000 ., .. .. .. .. 1/10/25 44 45,000 1/2/26 44 4,500 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/26 4| 4,500 31/3/26 4j 10,000 .. .. .. 31/3/26 4J 10,000 22/7/26 4i 8,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 22/7/26 4f 8,000 1/12/27 4J 100,000 .. .. .. 1/12/27 4$ 100,000 1/4/28 4\ 180,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/28 41 180,000 1/3/29 4J 244,800 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/29 4f 244,800 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1/4/24 4 480,000 .. .. .. 1/4/24 4 480,000 1913, and Appropriation Act, 1918, sec. 42 Ditto .. .. .. 1/4/25 4 50,000 1/4/25 4 20,000 .. .. .. 1/4/25 4 70,000 1/4/30 4 480,OoO .. .. .. 1/4/30 4 480,000 1/4/25 4-| 10,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/25 44 10,000 1/1/29 4| 5,000 •• .. 1/1/29 4| 5,000 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1/3/25 44 250,000 .. .. .. 1/3/25 44 250,000 1908 Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/30 4 250,000 .. .. 1/2/30 4 250,000 1/1/26 44 785,000 .. .. .. 1/1/26 44 785,000 1/3/26 4| 370,000 .. .. .. 1/3/26 44 370,000 1/3/28 4| 466,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/28 44 466,000 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1/9/24 4 231,500 1/9/24 4 231,500 .. 1908, and Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/30 4 231,500 .. .. .. 1/9/30 4 231,500 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1/1/26 44 145,000 .. .. .. 1/1/26 44 145,000 1905 Ditto .. .. .. 1/1/29 44 34,175 .. .. .. 1/1/29 44 34,175 Maori Land Settlement 1/1/26 4-4 50,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/26 44 50,000 Amendment Act, 1907 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 1/5/24 4 7,000 .. .. .. 1/5/24 4 7,000 1/5/25 44 4,500 .. .. .. 1/5/25 44 4,500 1/5/30 4 7,000 .. .. .. 1/5/30 4 7,000 Carried forward .. .. .. 28,246,411' .. .. 8,455,625 .. .. 8,365,515 .. .. 28336521