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Securities held as at 31st March, Securities purchased or issued Securities sold, renewed, or Securities held as at 31st March, 1924. in Renewal. redeemed. 1925. Nature of Security. -g 5 | M S ty If Amount. "y J J Amount Maturity || Amoulit Maturity || Amount . oB eS H c3 >-c Rfl P3 M | W M New Zealand Government Per Per p er p er Securities under the — Cent. £ Cent. £ Cent. £ Cent. £ Aid to Public Works and 1/8/26 4| 175,000 ... .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/26 4| 175,000 Land Settlement Act, 1896 Ditto, 1900 .. .. 1/5/24 4 1,000 1/6/30 4 1,000 1/5/24 4 1,000 1/5/30 4 1,000 „ .. .. 1/5/26 41 90,300 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/26 44 90,300 „ 1901 .. .. 1/1/26 4i 32,900 .. .. .. 1/1/26 4 32,900 .. .. 1/12/28 4| 71,600 .. .. .. 1/12/28 4 71,600 „ 1902 .. .. 1/12/24 4 14,900 1/12/30 4 14,900 1/12/24 4 14,900 1/12/30 4 14,900 „ „ .. .. 1/12/27 41 128,000 .. .. .. 1/12/27 4J 128,000 „ 1903 1/1/26 4§ 181,825 .. .. .. 1/1/26 4| 181,825 „ .. .. 1/2/26 4\ 25,100 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/26 4J 25,100 „ „ .. .. 1/1/29 4 170,100 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/29 4" 170,100 „ 1905 .. .. 1/1/31 4 16,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/31 4 16.000 „ 1906 .. .. 1/1/26 44 5,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/26 4J 5,000 „ .. .. 1/1/29 44 600,000 .. .. .. 1/1/29 4-| 600,000 „ „ .. .. 1/1/29 4 76,500 .. .. .. 1/1/29 4 76,500 „ 1907 . . .. 1/1/29 4i 200,000 .. .. .. 1/1/29 4J 200,000 „ 1908 .. .. 1/4/26 4 50,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/26 4|- 50,000 „ 1911 .. .. 1/1/25 4 49,000 1/1/30 4 49,000 1/1/25 4 49,000 1/1/30 4 99,000 „ .. .. 31/3/25 4-| 50,000 1/1/30 4 50,000 31/3/25 4J 50,000 „ 1912 .. .. 15/4/25 4j 186,500 .. .. .. .. .. .. 15/4/25 4J 186,500 „ 1914 .. .. 1/11/24 4 525,000 1/11/30 4 525,000 1/11/24 4 525,000 1/11/30 4 525,000 „ .. .. 1/5/25 4} 1,100,000 .. .. .. 1/5/25 4£- 1,100,000 „ .. .. 1/11/25 H- 220,000 .. .. .. 1/11/25 4| 220,000 „ .. .. 31/12/25 U 59,900 .. .. .. .. .. .. 31/12/25 4J 59,900 „ „ .. .. 1/5/26 4| 500,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/26 4J 500,000 „ „ .. .. 1/11/27 4f 45,100 .. .. .. 1/11/27 4| 45,100 „ 1921 .. .. 1/12/29 4 150,000 1/12/29 4 100,000 .. .. .. 1/12/29 4 250,000 „ „ .. .. 1/12/29 4J 645,500 ' .. .. .. 1/12/29 44 645,500 Aid to Water-power Works 1/5/24 4 75,000 1/5/30 4 75,000 1/5/24 4 75,000 1/5/30 4 75,000 Act, 1910 Ditto .. .. .. 1/11/24 4 50,000 1/5/30 4 50,000 1/11/24 4 50,000 1/5/30 4 50,000 1/5/25 44 34,000 .. .. '.. .. .. 1/5/25 44 34,000 1/11/25 44 30,000 .. .. .. 1/11/25 44 30,000 1/5/26 44 55,000 .. .. .. 1/5/26 4|- 55,000 1/5/29 44 205,000 .. .. .. 1/5/29 44 205,000 Appropriation Act, 1912 (Irri- 1/11/24 4 10.000 1/11/29 4 10,000 1/11/24 4 10,000 1/11/29 4 10,000 gation and Water-supply) Appropriation Act, 1918, sec. 1/3/29 4 75,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/29 4 75,000 33 (Waimarino Bush-fire Relief Account) Coal-mines Act, 1908 .. 1/4/24 4 110.000 1/4/28 4 110,000 : 1/4/24 4 110,000 1/4/28 4 110,000 1/4/26 44 30.000 .. .. .. 1/4/26 4J 30,000 Coal-mines Act, 1908, and Ap- 1/4/24 4 25,000 1/4/29 4 25,000 1/4/24 4 25.000 1/4/29 4 25,000 propriation Act, 1912 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 15/4/25 44 13,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 15/4/25 44 13,000 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 31/12/24 4 283,500 .. .. .. 31/12/24 4 283,500 .. .. .. 1/1/26 44 165,000 .. .. .. 1/1/26 44 165,000 1/2/29 4 194,200 1/2/29 4 283,500 .. .. .. 1/2/29 4 477,700 Defence and other Purposes 15/4/25 44 75,000 .. .. .. .. ,. .. 15/4/25 4| 75,000 Loan Act, 1870 Ditto .. .. .. 1/7/29 44 8,100 .. .. .. 1/7/29 44 8,100 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 1/3/26 44 26,000 .. ..I .. .. .. .. 1/3/26 44 26,000 men t Act, 1915 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 1/3/29 44 64,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/29 44 64,000 ment Act, 1915, and Amend ment Act, 1916, see. 7 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 1/3/26 44 10,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/26 44 10,000 ment Act, 1915, and Amend ment Act, 1916 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 1/3/29 4 210,000 1/3/29 4 20,000 .. .. .. 1/3/29 4 230,000 ment Act, 1915, and Finance Act, 1917, sec. 82 Ditto .. .. .. 1/3/29 44 170.000 .. .. .. 1/3/29 44 170,000 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 1/3/25 4 250,000 .. .. .. 1/3/25 4 250,000 ment Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 (Land for Settlements) Ditto .. .. .. .. •• 1/9/27 4 2,385,000 .. .. .. 1/9/27 4 2,385,000 1/3/25 44 2,135,000 .. .. .. 1/3/25 44 2,135,000 3/3/26 44 160,000 .. .. .. 3/3/26 4J 160,000 1/9/27 4 163,000 .. . .. .. .. .. 1/9/27 4 163.000 Carried forward .. .. | .. 19,995,025 | .. .. ,3,698,400 .. | .. [3,578,400 .. j .. ,10115025