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As a result of the conference the following classification of schools was made : —• Grade 1 (Missions' Pastor Schools). —These to be under the sole control of the missions, The instruction to be in Samoan. All children from five to ten years of age will attend. Grade II (Mission Schools). —These schools to be established gradually in each district. The Samoan teacher will be selected by the, missions and paid by the Administration. A common syllabus to bo followed, in which English will be a subject. In these schools the Samoan child will qualify for his Samoan proficiency certificate, and from these schools will bo selected the scholarship boys who will proceed to Grade 111 schools. Grade 111 (Government Schools — Malifa (Upolu) and Vaipouli (Savai'i) ). —These schools are under the direct control of the Administration, and are taught by white teachers with the assistance of Native teachers. The teaching is in. English only, and higher education is provided for. Technical instruction is given in plumbing, carpentcry, wireless, typewriting, and engineering. Work carried out during Year. Student and Pastor Classes. The travelling teacher devoted the whole of his time to these classes until the commencement of the vacation in December. The respective missions have expressed their appreciation of the assistance thus given them, and have expressed a desire for this form of help to be continued. Teachers' Classes for Grade II Schools. In January last a train ing-class was established at Malifa (Government) School for the purpose of giving special training to the recently selected Samoan teachers about to proceed to the Grade II Schools in Upolu and Savai'i. Thirty-two teachers attended and went through a course of training in the various subjects of tho syllabus decided upon, for these schools. Avele Agricultural School. This school was established during the year for the purpose of affording Samoan youths an opportunity of receiving instruction in agriculture. Boys before entering Malifa and Vaipouli Grade 111 Schools will be required to undergo a course of training at Avele. The site selected for this school is weill suited for the purposo for which it is intended, and comprises an area of some 120 acres. It is intended to carry out experimental work at the school with a view to testing the possibilities of introducing new products to the Natives. Examinations. During the year proficiency examinations were conducted by Mr. J. Caughley, Director of Education, New Zealand, at the Marist Brothers' School and at Ifi Ifi (Covernmont) School. At the former eight proficiency and one competency certificates were gained, and at the latter seven proficiency certificates.

Roll Numbers and Average Attendance at Government Schools during the Year ended 31st March, 1924. Roll Numbers.

Average Attendance.

JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. Staff. A redistribution of duties on the appointment of the present Chief Judge in September last, and the addition of a Samoan-born officer to the staff, has enabled the Department's work to be carried on efficiently with two officers from New Zealand, instead of three as previously.

3 3 3 3 Date. 30th-June, 1923 30th September, 1923 31st December, 1923 31st March, 1924 Ifi Ifi. Mai Boys. Girls. Boys. 100 94 182 99 95 222 94 94 228 105 103 218 Ufa. Vaipouli. Total. Grand Total. Girls. Roys. 59 84 60 182 60 128 65 89 Boys. Girls. 372 153 449 155 444 154 412 168 525 604 598 580

Date. Ifilfi. Malifa. Vaipouli. Total. .210 75 457-2 244 96 494 255 120 537 241 92 504 238 93 498 iOth June, 1923 iOth September, 1923 list December, 1923 list March, 1924 Lnnual average 172-2 154 162 181 167