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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extract from, the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 17th Day of July, 1924. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Goldfields and Mines Committee be appointed, consisting of fifteen members, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to mining and all Bills relating to mines ; with power to call for persons and papers .; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Bell, Mr. Bitchener, Mr. J. McC. Dickson, Mr. Edie, Mr. Girling, Mr. Holland, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Macmillan, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Parry, Mr. Poland, Mr. T. W. Rhodes, Mr. Smith, Mr. Thomson, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Anderson.) Thursday, the 14th Day of August, 1924. Ordered, " That the Dunedin City Corporation Empowering Bill be referred to the Goldfields and Mines Committee." —(Mr. Hockly.) Wednesday, the Ist Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the petition of Elizabeth Bertha Cameron be referred direct to the Goldfields and Mines Committee." —(Mr. T. W. Rhodes.) Monday, the 13th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the petition of the New Brighton Coal Company be referred direct to the Goldfields and Mines Committee."—(Mr. Thomson.) Friday, the 17th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the Mining Amendment Bill be referred to the Goldfields and Mines Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Anderson.) Tuesday, the 28th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the Coal-mines Amendment Bill be referred to the Goldfields and Mines Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Anderson.)

BEPORTB. Dunedin City Corporation Empowering Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill as amended by the Local Bills Committee and by the Lands Committee, has the honour to report that the said Bill has been carefully considered, and the Goldfields and Mines Committee recommends that it be allowed to proceed, with further amendments as shown on copy of Bill attached hereto. 9th September, 1924.

Mining Amendment Bill. I am directed to report that the Goldfields and Mines Committee, to which was referred the abovementioned Bill, has heard evidence on and carefully considered the provisions of the Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed, with amendments as shown on copy of Bill attached hereto. 28th October, 1924.

Coal-mines Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that the provisions thereof have been carefully considered, and the said Committee recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 30th October, 1924.

No. 10. —Petition of Louisa Murphy. Praying for a compassionate allowance, as her husband, James Murphy, a sufferer from miner's phthisis (pneumoconiosis), died in Australia, which disentitled her to a pension under the Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, with a suggestion that a compassionate allowance, the equivalent of the widow's miner's phthisis pension, should be paid to petitioner. 28th August, 1924.