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31st March, 1923, and 31st March, 1924, respectively. The total of the additional claims received since the last report is given in the third column : —

Progress regarding the Disposal of Claims. 40. The following table indicates the progress which has been made in connection with the disposal of claims lodged through the New Zealand Clearing Office as at the 3ist March, 1.924: — (a.) Claims by New Zealand Nationals against German Nationals under Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles. 168 claims lodged in New Zealand and forwarded to the German Clearing £ s. d- £ s. d. Office through the Centra] Clearing Office, London .. .. 33,271 13 1 44 claims lodged with the London representative of the New Zealand Clearing Office .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,977 8 3 49,249 1 4 Claims withdrawn in. whole or in part by the New Zealand Clearing Office in response to contests received from the German Clearing Office and in accordance with the instructions of the claimants .. 17,546 7 9 Claims admitted by the German Clearing Office in whole or in part.. 19,362 18 7 — 36,909 6 4 Balance, being claims still under action as follows : Twenty-nine lodged in New Zealand and seven claims lodged in London . . £12,339 15 0 In addition to the sum of £19,362 18s. 7d. admitted and credited by the German Clearing Office as shown above, interest thereon amounting to £5,516 3s. sd. has also been credited by that Office. The amount admitted, less a deduction of 2J per cent., being Clearing Office commission thereon, has been paid by this Office to the New Zealand, claimants. Since the last report claims totalling £4,094 75., together with Treaty interest thereon, amounting to £1,179 9s. 3d., have been admitted by the German Clearing Office, and claims totalling £6,685 2s. sd. have been withdrawn by the New Zealand Clearing Office. The total amount of claims disposed of during the year under this heading is therefore £10,779 9s. sd. (b.) Claims by German Nationals against New Zealand Nationals under Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles. 1,442 claims received from the German Clearing Office through the £ s. d. £ s. d. Central Clearing Office, London .. .. .. .. .. 208,336 14 2 Claims retransferred to the Central Clearing Office as not applicable to New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,213 910 Claims withdrawn in whole or in part by the German Clearing Office, in response to letters of contest forwarded by this Office on behalf of the, alleged New Zealand debtors .. . . .. .. 93,031 7 3 Claims admitted in whole or in part by New Zealand firms and credited to the German Clearing Office .. .. .. .. 28,088 8 3 122,333 5 4 Balance, being 488 claims still under action .. .. .. £86,003 8 10 In addition to the sum. of £28,088 Bs. 3d. admitted and credited to the German Clearing Office as shown above, Treaty interest amounting to £9,608 10s. 9d. has also been admitted. • Since the last report liability in regard to claims amounting to £1,849 Is. Bd. exclusive of interest has been established by the German claimants or acknowledged by New Zealand debtors. The necessary credit schedules have been duly forwarded to the German Clearing Office in respect of these claims. In response to letters of contest lodged by this Office on behalf of the alleged New Zealand debtors the German Clearing Office has withdrawn claims amounting to £79,798 12s. 7d. during the period. The total amount of claims under this heading disposed of during the year is therefore £81,647 14s. 3d.

31st March, 1923. 31st March, T 1Q24 Increase. Claims under Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles : — (a.) By New Zealand nationals against German nationals (6.) By German nationals against New Zealand nationals Claims under Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles : — (c.) By New Zealand nationals £ 49,249 203,060 £ 49,249 208,337 £ 5,277 52,508 52,725 217 Totals £304,817 £310,311 £5,494