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APPENDIX A—continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1922, and Year ended 31st December, 1923— continued.


CO c_ to a to W o 73 1| a cd 3 n 55 1922. CO to to a o W o « . "S3 tO Ih £ o a o 3 Sf 65 m tn en 94= 9 £ a. m fc£2 . 9rZ W S A Results of C apprel (Charges aj 192S. liases in which 1'ersons were bended or summoned. .gainst Males and Females separately.) Increase or Decrease in Number of OiTences reported. OiTences. Number of Convictions amongst those committed for Trial Committed for Trial. M. P. Summarily m _____issed convicted. uisnu.sea. M. F. M. P. I i 6 9 & CD fH 'r* I I M. F. Licensing Act—continued. Unlawfully employing females in or about a bar Employing minors in bars Illegally supplying liquor to Natives Selling adulterated liquor Obstructing Inspectors or refusing entrance to Inspectors or constables Having or purchasing labels for bottling contrary to Act Using bottles with labels more than once Breaches of prohibition orders Found on licensed premises after closing-hours llefusing to quit licensed premises Soiling or exposing liquor for sale without a license Found on premises whore liquor was seized under a warrant Offences against provisions in force in no-license districts Selling, supplying, or giving liquor to Maoris in Native licensing districts Offonees against provisions of no-license in Native proclaimed areas Supplying liquor to Natives in proclaimed districts Failing to provide accommodation Permitting consumption of liquor in restaurant after hours 4 3 13 I 7 2 798 1,300 51 45 5 0 50 3 0 1 4 815 1,422 50 81 5 (i 50 3 0 1 4 811 1,421 50 81 I 3 2 .... 4 .. II 19 .. 7 .. 3 1 . . 4 1 1 I 3 1 . . 732 73 0 . . 1,211 14 100 .. 44 . . 0 . . 53 4 18 0 I 7 4 I 0 100 (i 18 li 1 I . . ! 1 3 13 2 4 17 02 30 1 1 19 5 5 4 .. 1 .. I 14 107 95 95 76 12 5 2 5 2 12 9 13 13 13 4 89 101 98 51 9 38 . . 38 12 27 37 37 33 4 .. 4 10 2 1 1 I 1 .. I . . .. 1 1 ! Miscellaneous. Absconding from industrial schools .. Bankruptcy offences Brothols or houses of ill fame, keeping, &c. Children, wilfully ill-treating, neglecting, abandoning, or exposing Deserting or absenting from His Majesty's ships Drunk or behaving in a violent or offensive manner, &c., on a railway, &c. Failing to comply with conditions of release under First Offonders Probation Act Habitual criminals or offenders, broach of conditions of probationary license Indecent Publications Act, offences under Opium-smoking, &c. Smuggling Trespassing on railway and refusing to leave, &c. Arms Act, breaches of Chattels Transfer Act, breaches of 09 j IH 10 83 96 51 23 17 24 59 135 42 22 17 9 59 116 14 5 1 1 35 7 II 9 58 I 105 7 2 1 3 3 1 3 9 4 1 18 8 3!) 18 0 24 15 0 0 6 9 3 2 2 1 1 1 28 I 14 44 2 40 44 2 40 32 2 30 12 10 1 20 2 2 512 4 582 582 560 1 21 70 4: Totals 24,099 26,119 24,356 1,071 85 85 19,534 992 1,957 117 1,391 51 2,598 . 1178 Inorease 1,42 10