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EXTRACTS FROM ANNUAL REPORTS OF OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF DISTRICTS. Inspector Emerson, Whangarei District. The strength of the Force in this district at the 31st March shows an increase of one sergeant, due to the promotion of the constable engaged as District Clerk at Whangarei, and an increase of one constable, transferred from Auckland to Whangarei. A temporary constable at Rawene has been replaced by a permanent constable. The extra constable at Whangarei has been a great help in carrying out police duties there. We are now able to keep up a regular day and night patrol. Waiotira Station (a single-man station on railway-works) was closed on the 21st January, 1924, and Pukehuia Station opened instead. One constable retired on voluntary resignation, and a, temporary constable was discharged on com pulsory resignation. The number of offences reported during the year total 827, as against 787 for the previous year, being an increase of 40. Action was taken in 789 out of the 827 cases reported. No serious crime was reported during the year. The conduct of the police throughout the district has been good. The population is on the increase, and there is every sign of prosperity throughout the district. SUPERINTENDENT HENDREY, AUCKLAND DISTRICT. During the year the strength has been increased by one constable at Mount Eden Station, one constable at Newton. Station, two constables for detective duty, and. one constable at Henderson—a total increase of five constables. Increase of strength is urgently required at following stations : — Freeman's Bay : One constable, to enable two constables to be kept on night patrol. The present night-duty beat takes nearly two hours to patrol, and should be divided into two beats. Queen Street Wharf : Six additional constables are required for this station. The Prince's Wharf is now near completion, and will be open for traffic in May. This is the largest wharf in Auckland, and will require constant supervision. An increase of three constables will permit this being done. In addition, three men are required to act as watchhouse-keepers and reserve men at the wharf station. Mount Eden Station : Two extra sergeants are required for this station, one for day duty and one for night duty. At present the sergeant in charge has to supervise Mount Eden Station, Mount Eden South, Kingsland, Mount Roskill, and Mount Albert Stations, and he is therefore unable to give adequate supervision to the men on duty at all points in his large district. Newton Station : An increase of five constables is required at this station —two extra men for beat duty, one to relieve the pointsmen for refreshments, &c, and three extra constables for watchhouse duty. There are now thirteen constables at this station, and this permits a relief of four constables, with one man for inquiry duty, which takes up all his time. Auckland Station : An increase of twenty constables is required at this station to permit all beats and fixed points to be filled, and to make up for the daily loss of men through sickness, escort, relieving, and other duties. St. Heliers Bay : One constable is required for a new station at this growing seaside resort. A police-station has been opened at Henderson during the year, where quarters were purchased. No station has been closed. Casualties during the year amounted to sixteen, made up as follows : Resignations, thirteen constables; retired medically unfit, one constable ; deaths, one constable and one sergeant. The offences return for year ended 31st December, 1923, shows that the total number of all offences committed amounted to 6,121, a net increase of 948 over the previous year. Of the 6,121 offences reported, 5,585 were accounted for by arrest or summons, leaving 536 offences undetected. Of the cases dealt with, 388 males and 28 females were committed for trial or sentence, 4.512 males and 270 females were summarily convicted, and. 370 males and 17 females were discharged. Of those committed for trial, 315 males arid 11 females wore convicted, and 73 males and. 17 females were acquitted. Figures show an increase, in drunkenness and drink offences, and a decrease in offences against rights of property, indicating that work and money have been more plentiful than during the preceding year. No serious crime has been committed that calls for special comment. The conduct of the police on the whole has been satisfactory. Twenty-four constables and one sergeant were punished for breaches of Police Regulations, none of which were of a serious nature. The population of the district continues to steadily increase ; large numbers of dwellinghouses have been and are being erected in the city and suburbs. Men willing to work have been able to find work, and this condition is likely to continue. Inspector Wohlmann, Hamilton District. On the 31st March last the authorized strength was 68, being the same as in 1922. The actual strength of constables was one below the authorized strength. Four constables resigned during the year, one on reaching retiring-age and three on their own application. District Constable Grant died as a result of injuries received in the Main Trunk train accident in July, 1923. As recommended, last year, increases in strength are required as follows : — Te Kuiti : One constable. The work of this subdistrict is increasing, chiefly due to additional sawmills, demanding continuous absence of one constable in the country. Not infrequently both constables and the sergeant have been called from the town. The heavy night-train traffic and necessity for alertness by the police to check surreptitious introduction of liquor make the hours of duty unduly long.