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Table showing the Number of Steam Trawlers, Oil-engine Trawlers, and other Vessels employed in Line and Net Fishing, with the Number of Fishermen employed, and approximately the Total Number of Persons engaged in the Fishing Industry, at each Port, for the Year ended 31st March, 1924.

Table showing the various Kinds of Fish caught and approximately the Total Quantities and Value of Fish landed at the different Fishing-ports for the Year ended 31st March, 1924.


;ompil Erom le re1 ;urns given m lisl ,1-lcl .nspeci ;i>r..' repoi Name of Port. E «s2 '-i U OS M IB ifl a; O -g gs Number of Persons ,.> employed. a S3 u 8,3 • co . m «_. .a a § -3 1*1 _.§ I I fl h 5 H I Name oj Port. to oj ™ 2 S2 la "fl 02 O -S i» T3 (SO fl a 4 4.j git, w fl Number of Persons employed. • i & rtS B S P. o i o EH Russell Whangarei Hokianga Kaipara Auckland (includ-) ing Thames,! Coromandol, and [ Manukau) ) Tauranga Gisborne Napier New Plymouth Wanganui Foxton Wellington Picton Blenheim Nelson Westport sell .. wigarei ianga para kland dincludKISUI'I i g Thames, oromandol, and 'anukavil .aiiuKauj ranga .-'. ."• 8 I, I 8 1 j 2* 3* 1 8 2* 1 1 9 1 34 101 ..101 12 20 6 26 8 11 .. 11 34 53 15 68 191 498 255 753 I 28 30 .. 30 18 38 10 48 84 189 4 193 27 45 16 61 3 8 .. 8 24 35 6 41 106 175 110 285 43 76 .. 76 i 6 12 4 16 87 136 .. 136 15 20 .. 20 Greymouth Hokitika Kaikoura Rangiora Kaiapoi Southbridge Lyttelton Akaroa New Brighton Timaru Oamaru Moeraki Otago district Inveroargill Bluff Stewart Island Chatham Islandsf Totals 1 2 i 1 4 I 19 9 1 20 17 60 16 20 12 4 14 1 40 17 60 25 27 30 5 22 12 33 175 110 120 73 6 3 6 3 8 20 1 43 17 60 31 30 30 5 30 12 33 285 116 135 84 jorne sier .. r Plymouth iganui 1 9 1 3 8 9 28 86 30 52 29 110 16 15 11 ton lington 1 i i "i on .. lheim (on .. itport 1 3 3 2 41 1,113 604 2,805 35 2,201 * Seiners. t No return to hand.

(C lompiled from the figure;; given in the District Inspectors' reports ..strict 'nspectors' reports for the year.) Name of Port. Principal Kinds of Fisli caught. Quantity. Total Value. Hokianga Russell Whangarei Kaipara Auckland Flounder, mullet, kahawai, and snapper Flounder, snapper, mullet, crayfish Mullet, flounder, hapuku, snapper, tarakihi, crayfish, garfish Flounder, mullet, snapper, kahawai, trevally Snapper, tarakihi, john-dory, flounder, sole, mullet, hapuku, moki, gurnard, kahawai, rock-cod, frost-fish, kingfish, crayfish, mussel Flounder, snapper, gurnard, kahawai, mullet, hapuku, kingfish, tarakihi, butterfish, barracouta, john-dory, eel, herring Hapuku, flounder, trevally, kahawai, snapper, gurnard, moki, kingfish, mullet, garfish Flounder, gurnard, hapuku, moki, red-cod, snapper, sole, tarakihi, crayfish Flounder, sole, brill, snapper, tarakihi, moki, gurnard, hake, kingfish, butterfish, frost-fish Crayfish .. .. . . .. Shell-fish Cwt. No quantity 11,164 2,712 4,600 106,783 £ s. d. supplied. 7,000 0 0 5,226 5 0 7,350 0 0 100,023 0 0 Thames 15,506 19,900 0 0 Tauranga 2,000 3,733 6 8 Gisborne 2,078 2,409 0 0 r i Napier .. <; I I 17,932 23,077 0 0 Snapper, tarakihi, hapuku, cod, kahawai, crayfish Snapper, flounder, hapuku, blue-cod, kahawai, mullet, barracouta, gurnard Flounder, snapper, hapuku, kahawai, whitebait Groper, moki, butterfish, blue-cod, hake, tarakihi, gurnard, flounder, sole, snapper, ling, warehou Blue cod, butterfish, moki, crayfish, hapuku, oyster Blue cod, red cod, flounder, sole, snapper, ling, groper, gurnard, kahawai, tarakihi, hake, garfish, crayfish, butterfish, kingfish, hapuku, whitebait Snapper, flounder, gurnard, crayfish, hapuku, blue cod, kahawai, mackerel, red cod 850 bags 250 „ Cwt. 6-40 630 1,593 15 0 156 5 0 New Plymouth .. Wanganui 896 0 0 853 1 6 Foxton Wellington 480 42,850 2,020 0 0 74,439 15 8 Picton Blenheim 2,800 1,000 3,500 0 0 1,950 0 0 Nelson .. 2,964 2,211 0 0