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Investment of Funds. The net income from investments credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1923 amounted to £128,153, the average rate being £5 10s. lOd. per cent., as against £5 lis. 2d. in 1922.

Table showing the Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds of 774 Lodges as on 1st January, 1923, and 31st December, 1923, inclusive of Accumulations held by Central Bodies, also Amount and Average Rate of Interest earned.

Trade-unions. Three trades-unions were cancelled during the year, viz. : United Employees' Society of Boilermakers and Ironship Builders of New Zealand, Wellington ; The King-country Sawmill and Timber Workers' Union of Workers, Taumarunui; The Kiripaka Coal-miners' and Workers' Union, Kiripaka. Partial amendment of rules : The Otago Tramways Trade-union, Dunedin. There were twenty-nine unions on the register at the end of the year. EXPLANATORY: NOTE OF TERMS USED IN REPORT. A.O.F. .. .. . . .. Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S. .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Shepherds. 8.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. British United Order of Oddfellows G.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. Grand United Ordor of Oddfellows. H.A.C.B.S. .. .. .. . . Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.F.S. .. .. .. .. Isolated Friendly Society. 1.0. G.T. .. .. ~ .. Independent Order of Good Templars. 1.0.0. F. .. .. ~ .. Independent Order of Oddfellows. 1.0. R. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Rechabites. M.U.1.0.0.F. .. .. ~ .. Manohestor Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows. N.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. National Independent Order of Oddfellows. P.A.F.S.A. .. .. ~ .. Protestant Allianco Friondly Sooiety of Australasia. S.A.S. .. .. .. .. Specially authorized sooiety. S.D.T. .. .. .. .. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.O.D. .. .. .. .. United Ancient Order of Druids W.M.C. .. .. .. .. Working-men's Club.

Name of Society. Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds as on January 1,1923. December 81,1923. Amount of Interest. Average Kate per Cont. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. N.I.O.O.F. B.U.O.O.F. .. A.O.F. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.F.S.A. .. G.U.O.O.F... Other societies £ £ 877,282 921,592 165,184 180,864 5,381 5,541 4,500 4,744 541,541 562,542 1,350 1,380 440,949 480,842 113,461 119,870 28,333 29,677 56,756 60,685 30,721 32,188 38 186 42,659 44,914 £ 48,253 9,534 207 274 28,280 79 25,393 6,463 1,591 3,401 1,896 2,'822 £ 5-51 5-67 3-86 6-11 5-26 5-96 5'66 5-70 5'64 5-96 6-22 6-66 £ 5-51 5-67 3-86 6-11 5-26 5-96 5'66 5-70 5-64 5-96 6-22 6-66 Totals 128,153 5-54 2,308,155 2,445,025