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Statements of Account for the Year ended 31st March. 1924 — continued. PaukiViata, Sec. 04 (No. I Account). Tahora 2c I, Sec. 3 (Waimaiia Farm). £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at credit, March, 1923 .. 14,701 10 5 Balance at debit, 31st March, 1923 .. 12,141 8 7 Credits. Debits. Interest .. .. .. .. 735 13 0 £ s. d. Grass-seed . . .. 226 6I I 15,497 311 Trees .. .. .. 210 0 Scrub-cutting .. . . 53 0 0 Debits. Bushfelling ' .. .. 151 10 0 £ s. d. Fencing .. .. . . 170 3 0 Maori Soldiers .Fund .. 77 15 6 609 15 11 Management and office ex- Sheep bought .. .. 754 7 0 penses .. .. 9 3 0 Cattle bought .. .. 175 15 0 80 19 0 Horses bought .. .. 29 0 0 Wages and droving .. 480 18 9 Balance at credit, 31st March, 1924 ..£15,410 411 Shearing and wool charges .. 89 18 4 —__ Station requisites .. .. 90 19 7 Cartage . . .. .. 119 6 0 Furniture .. .. 14 10 0 Repairs and paddocking .. 17 13 0 Rates .. .. .. 168 3 Ml Paremata. Sec. 04 (No. 2 Account). Stores .. 72 9 3 £ s. d. Turnip-seed .. . . 0 5 9 Balance at credit, 31st March, 1923 .. 660 5 2 Insurance .. .. 12 18 1 Telephone .. .. Ll 16 5 Credits. Survey fees .. .. 17 19 0 £ s. d. Management and office ex Rents .. .. .. 300 18 0 penses .. .. 129 10 3 Interest .. .. .. 37 II 7 Interest .. .. 924 4 9 404 10 1 3,121 10 0 1,064 15 3 15,873 1 0 Credits. Debits. Surplus on wool unrealized, Land tax .. .. .. .. 28 8 0 31st March. 1923— £ ;■:,. d. Balance at credit, 31st March, 1924 .. £1,030 7 3 Realized .. I 032 19 3 — Valued at .. '024 0 0 Area of block, 2,380 acres. Value, £9,550. 408 19 3 Advances against wool .. 512 14 4 Woold sold .. .. 75 9 9 Wool unrealized . . .. 167 5 8 Cattle sold .. .. 183 15 0 Paremata, Sees. 73 aj,d 73a. Sheep sold .. .. 1,473 18 3 £ s. d. Skins and hides sold .. 26.19 3 Balance at debit, 31st March, 1923 .. 214 1 11 2,849 1 6 Payments. Balance at debit, 31st Maroh, 1924 ..£13,023 19 ti £ s. d. —■ Rates .. .. 21 110 . . , , ~ ~. ~, . ~_„, Interest.. .. 15 17 7 Live-stock on lann, ..Ist March. 1 924--Management and offico ex- , ...... . . *._ ?'„ ' ' penses 0 5 0 uT " " ?'ZSS J S 1 „f, , r 241 cattle .. .. 1,070 (I 0 10 horses .. . . 110 0 0 251 6 4 £3,951 16 0 Credits. Rent .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Balance at debit, 31st March, 1924 .. £241. 6 4 " == "—"~" Te IliiiA Farm. Area of block, 115 acres. Value, £1,012. £ s. d. Balance at debit, 31st March, 1923 .. 333 5 10 Debits. Tahora 2c 1, Sec. 3. - . „ .„„ *' , „ , Crass-seed .. .. 553 8 8 Balance at credit, 31st Maroh. 1923 .. 4,85118 5 '" " '''! '? :! Bushfelling . . .. 715 0 Receipts. Buildill « ■• ■■ 5! » U <> £ _ d ,Sr ' 2 2JI Rents 637 17 ti Nlurop bought .. .. 150 18 9 Reductk land-tax, 1(122-23 10 7 4 Wages and droving .. 295 2 9 Interest 247 15 0 Shearing and wool charges .. 56 7 Id „. Bflfl iq 4 Stores .. .. .. 48 0 5 * Station requisites .. .. 34 7 9 5 747 17 9 ateS 83 7 0 ''''*' v w Cartage .. .. .. 113 18 0 ~ . Grazing .. .. .. 2 0 0 I'liiniients. ._ • „ „ J Itcpairs . . . . . . 2 9 0 Land-tax, 1923-24 .. 150 1I 7 Insurance .. .. 4 4 (i Management and office ex- Interest .. .. .. 47 16 10 penses . . .. 16 4 0 Management and ollicc ex166 15 7 penses . . . . 84 8 5 923 8 3 Balance at credit, 31st March, 1924 ..£5,581 2 2 =- —- 2,108 17 0