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IMPERIAL ECONOMIC CONFERENCE, 1923. Kecord of the Transactions of the Imperial Economic Conference held in October and November, 1923.

PRELIMINARY NOTE. The proceedings of the Imperial Economic Conference, 1923, opened at the Offices of the Cabinet, 2 Whitehall Gardens, on the 2nd October, 1923, and were continued until the 9th November. During that period twenty-three plenary meetings took place, and were normally attended by the following : — GREAT BRITAIN. The Right Hon. Sir PuiLir Lloyd-Greame, K.8.E., M.C., M.P., President of the Board of Trade. The Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer, represented, in his absence, by Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. Walter Guinness, D.5.0., T.D., M.P., Financial Secretary to the Treasury. The Right Hon. L. S. Amery, M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Sanders, Bart., M.P., Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, represented, in his absence, by The Right Hon. the Earl of Ancaster, 0.8. E., Parliamentary Secretary and Deputy Minister of Fisheries. Lieutenant-Colonel A. Buckley, D.5.0., M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Department of Overseas Trade. CANADA. The Hon. George P. Graham, LL.D., Minister of Railways and Canals. The Hon. Sir Lomer Gouin, K.C.M.G., Minister of Justice and Attorney-General. *COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. The Right Hon. S. M. Bruce, M.C., Prime Minister. Senator the Hon. R. V. Wilson, Honorary Minister in Charge of Departments of Health and Migration. NEW ZEALAND. The Right Hon. W. F. Massey, Prime Minister. The Hon. Sir James Allen, X.C.8., High Commissioner for New Zealand. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. The Hon. H. Burton, K.C., Minister of Finance. The Hon. N. J. de Wet, K.C., Minister of Justice. IRISH FREE STATE. The Hon. Joseph McGrath, T.D., Minister for Industry and Commerce, represented, in his absence, by . Mr. E. J. Riordan, Secretary to Trade and Shipping Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce. NEWFOUNDLAND. The Hon. W. R. Warren, K.C., Prime Minister. The Hon. Sir Marmaduke Winter, C.8.E., Minister without portfolio. INDIA. The Right Hon. Viscount Peel, G.8.E., Secretary of State for India. Mr. C. A. Innes, C.5.1., CLE., Member of Governor-General's Council for Commerce and Railways. Mr. Dadiba Dalal, CLE., High Commissioner. COLONIES AND PROTECTORATES. The Hon. W. G. A. Ormsby-Gore, M.P., Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies ; assisted by Sir James Stevenson, Bart., G.C.M.G., Personal Adviser to Secretary of State for the Colonies on Business Questions ; and Sir G. E. A. Grinole, X.C.M.0., C.8., Assistant Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies. Mr. J. C. C. Davidson, C.H., C.8., M.P., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, also attended meetings of the Conference, as Minister in charge of Publicity Arrangements.

Mr. J. C. C. Davidson, C.H., C.8., M.P., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, also attended meetings of the Conference, as Minister in charge of Publicity Arrangements.

* The representatives of tho Commonwealth of Australia did not arrive in England in time to attend the first three mcotings of the Conference,