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[Appendix I).


Table P4.—Staffs of Training Colleges at 31st December, 1923.

IL EXTRACTS FROM REPORTS OF PRINCIPALS OF TRAINING COLLEGES. 1. AUCKLAND. (11. G. Cousins, M.A., Principal.) I beg to submit my report for the year 1923. The following table shows the numerical strength of tho College : — Men. Women. Total. In College, 1922 .. :. .. .. 97 251 348 Loft at end of year .. .. .. . . 43 140 183 Remaining in College .. .. .. ..54 111 165 Admitted, 1923.. .. .. .. ..68 140 208 Total, 1923 .. .. ..122 251 373 Loft during year . . . . . . . . 3 7 10 In College at end of year 1923 .. .. ... 119 244 363 In 1921 there was one man to three women ; in 1922 two men to five women ; in 1923 one man to two women. This year sixty-ono first-year students aro leaving College, Sonic of these are retiring voluntarily ; the others have boon selected in aooordance with tho Department's instructions. Wo, have several men on our 1923 roll who have already spent somo time in studying for other professions. This seems to indicate that teaching is making a wider appeal under the present economic and industrial conditions of the. Dominion. Already the number of applications for admission to College next year greatly exceeds the number of vacancies. This will entail a rigorous selection that will inevitably lead to an improved standard. This is what it should be, and augurs well for the future of education in Now Zealand. College Work. —It has boon extremely difficult to arrange tho work for so largo a body of students, with the accommodation at our disposal. Fortunately, the annex was still available. Notwithstanding all the difficulties, the whole programme of work was carried through without a hitch, and under the circumstances the College routine has been satisfactorily maintained. Classes. —With our full complement of lecturers throughout the year there was no disorganization of class-work as in the previous year, when we were awaiting the appointment of a second science lecturer throughout two terms. The advantage of having two lecturers in science subjects was therefore much in evidence this'year, and considerable work was accomplished. Physiography has been added to tho curriculum, and, with one science lecturer permanently situated at the annex the whole work has boon on a bettor basis. In tho practical work wo aro still handicapped by tho size of the classes. A large number of our students have attended University classes. They wore carefully selected, and their work has boon under the supervision of the College staff. The results have been highly creditable. If the present standard is maintained —and there is no reason why it should not, go on improving—tho Training College will take a big part in the life of tho University. It is most gratifying to find what excellent use our students arc making of the privilege of University attendance. Practical Training. —This has again presented formidable difficulties, but the staffs of the Wollesley Street Normal School, Richmond Road, and Curran Street Schools, with a considerable number of the associated normal teachers in the city and suburban schools, have enabled us to


Training College. Name. Position. Salary. Auckland Wellington Canterbury Cousins, Herbert G. .. Pitt, Arthur E. (Dr.) .. Brew, Fred. C. Clinch, John A. Jones, E. R. .. Shaw, J. W. (Rev.) .. Wallace, Harry Kennedy, Agnes Hume, Jeanie.. Could, W. H... Lomas, E. K... Irvine-Smith, Fanny Jacohsen, N. It. Loy, E. Aitken, J. W.. . Joyce, Mary E. Watkin, Len. J. Purchase, John E. Poison, John G. Greene, William Maxwell, Robert W. D. Ironside, Annie F. Comes, J. J. S. Johberus, George Moore, John A. Maefarlane, Samuel G... Bayley, L. V. Martin, William Fleming, James J. W. .. MoLeod, Janet Harrison, Vera K. Donn, Robert Land reth, (.!. .. Principal Vice-principal.. Assistant Lecturer Tutor and Librarian .. Principal Vice-principal. . Assistant Lecturer i, - - Tutor and Librarian .. Art Lecturer Principal Vice-principal. . Assistant Lecturer Tutor and Librarian .. Assistant Lecturer Believing Priniopal Relieving Vice-principal Relieving Assistant .Lecturer Tutor and Librarian .. Drawing Instructor Home, Science Instructor £ 720 580 445 •'75 135 465 455 433 303 070 530 433 485 393 443 363 485 720 605 455 463 433 365 445 700 550 400 485 455 433 363 445 .. I 300 Otago .. I