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TABLE No. 7 — continued. IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY—continued. Schedule of Schemes completed or under Construction— continued.

Scheme. Source of Supply. River Discharg (MiniI mum). Main Canal Discharge (Maximum). Average Rainfall from Records available. Works authorized. Works completed. -d . „ Area Area Expenditure Estimate j 192? commanded irrigated to 31st to 1 *• (Gross). at Present. Main Distribu- Main Distribu- March, 1924. complete. ' Canals, i taries. Canals. | taries. I ! 1 ! Works authorized. Remarks. As per During Design. | 1923-24. Cusecs. Fraser River (Earns- Fraser River .. 10 cleugh) Last Chance (Fruit- Shingle, Gorge, and 14 lands and Earns- Coal Creeks cleugh Tops) Cusecs. 20 20 Cusecs. j Inches. 20 13-70 (Earnscleugh) 10 13-75 (Earnscleugh and Roxburgh East) Inches. 13-46 14-53 Acres. I Acres. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 2,743 1,110 4 30 12 10 ' 4 30 4,300 696 22 0 10 15 60 7,000 320 ! 13 16 15 60 10 00 1,000 .. 2 06 .. 2 06 3,300 215 16 51 10 00 16 51 M. ch. 12 10 1 0 0 75 4 35 £ £ 3,318 7,805 I Half of scheme completed and working. Now about to be extended to command 2,400 acres with 1 cusec to 300 acres at driest times. Two cusecs of water is allocated free to original settlement of 343 acres. If better irrigation required a storage dam or hydro - electric pumping will have to be resorted to. 16,010 6,495 All of Fruitlands district now commanded w i t h water, and extension towards Earnscleugh Tops proceeding. Water available will irrigate 1,100 acres south of Butcher's Creek, and partially irrigate 2,400 acres of land available for settlement north of Butcher s Creek. 37,745 43,801 Under construction. Estimated to be ready for large proportion of area next season. 353 507 i Partly completed. Supplying domestic water and partial irrigation. 20,966 ! 12,798 Works well in hand, and full water-supply estimated for next season. Has been slightly extended to include some lands south of Teviot River. ! ■ 4 16-90 16-90 (Tarras) (Tarras) ■ Tarras .. .. Lindis River .. 40 70 7,000 Bengerburn .. | Bengerburn .. 1 4 4 5 13-80 15-59 (Roxburgh East) 1,000 Teviot River .. Teviot River and 40 Lake Onslow dam (estim.) 80 3,300 ' I = : I