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DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Cash in hand, Ist April, 1923 .. .. 355,781 18 1 Advances on mortgage— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Current Account .. 583,633 7 5 Debentures issued .. 37,500 0 0 Seotion 2, farms .. 41,727 3 0 Debentures issued—Trans- Section 2, dwellings .. 571,161 6 7 fer from Loan Stamp 1,196,521 17 0 Duty Suspense Account 144 0 2 Miscellaneous advances .. .. .. 2,310 10 8 37,644 0 2 Plant Account—Purchase of motor-cars .. 1,670 6 0 Repayment of advances— Office requisites . . .. .. 012 6 Current Account .. 406,039 13 4 Purchase of and charge, on dead and live Section 2, farms, &o. .. 66,016 13 1 stock .. .. .. .. 1,929 14 4 Section 2, dwellings, &c. 322,051 17 0 Sundry Estates Account —Purchases of Miscellaneous advances.. 1,732 11 8 dead and live stock and working expenses 3,759 18 2 795,840 15 1 Working-expenses of farms acquired under Property Account .. .. .. 12,637 10 7 exorcise of power of sale .. .. 3,84 12 11 Realization Account .. .. .. 28,884 1 5 Property Account, Freehold and Leasehold Sales of dead and livo stock .. . . 11,835 1 2 —Capital expenditure .. .. 5,135 9 4 Sale of farm produco .. .. .. 7,181 9 6 Instalments on State Advances mortgages 870 4 9 Sundry Estate; Account —Sales of live and Realization Account —Expenses incidental deadstock .. .. .. .. 7,400 0 3 to acquisition by Crown and purchase Sale of plant .. ... .. .. 219 14 9 of stock, &c. .. .. .. 13,457 15 11 Hire of plant and buildings—Swanson .. 249 19 3 Sundry Creditors Account —Accounts not Interest on advances — £ s. el. cleared in Treasury books in previous Current Account .. 112,071 1 6 years .. .. .. .. 22,190 5 0 Section 2, farms .. 198,763 3 2 Sinking Fund Account—Section 4, Finance Section 2, dwellings ..317,086 16 11 Act, 1919 .. .. .. .. 11,910 9 2 627,921 I 7 Interest on debentures . . .. .. 343,219 15 8 Interest on investments .. .. 9,948 17 0 Charges and expenses in raising loans .. 78 13 1.1 Rents and gr.zing fees .. .. 7,359 0 9 Stamp duty on loans raiseel .. .. 144 0 2 Valuation fees.. .. .. .. 927 0 6 Loans Redemption Account — £ s. el. Recovery from .merged interests — Loans redeemed .. 2,000 0 0 Section 20, Discharged Sol- Amortization of debt .. 500 0 0 diers Settlement Amenelment 3,100 0 0 Act, 1923 — £ s. el. Vote, " Expenses erf ManagePrincipal .. .. .. 22 7 7 ment "— Interest .. .. .. 50 7 2 Supervision, management £ s. el. 72 14 9 of securities .. .. 39,251 5 6 Suspense Account .. .. .. 2,821 19 9 Inquiry Board expenses .. 5,719 0 10 Fire Loss Suspense Account .. .. 9,954 17 0 Revaluation Committees' Production anil transfer fees .. .. 684 4 0 expenses .. .. 12,419 14 2 Sundries .. .. .. .. 1,052 6 0 57,390 0 6 Travelling-expenses of Supervisors and Inspectors .. .. .. .. 2,806 13 2 Maintenance and upkeep of plant . . 828 14 5 Rent of Supervisor's office .. .. 37 17 10 Printing and stationery.. .. .. 460 15 I Valuation expenses .. .. .. 4,806 12 5 Suspense Account .. .. .. 1,809 14 11 Fire Loss Suspense Account .. .. 3,698 7 8 Miscellaneous expenses in connection with properties acquired through exercise of power of sale, &c. .. .. .. 3,870 4 1 Sundries .. .. .. .. 26 13 11 Balance (vide Treasury Ac:- £ s. el. counts) 31st March, 1924 237,974 8 11 Less accounts paid by imprestee but not cleared in Treasury books at 31st March, 1924 .. .. 5,413 16 10 232,560 12 1 £1,918,416 11 7 £1,918,416 11 7 Revenue Account. Debits. £ s. el. Credits. Interest on debentures-.. .. .. 874,473 5 9 Interest on advances — £ s. el. £ s. d. Charges and expenses raising loans —Propor- Current Account .. 100,735 5 7 tion written off .. .. .. 10,078 13 11 Farms, orchards, &c. .. 384,481 10 5 Stamp duty on loans raised .. .. 144 0 2 Dwellings, business preSinking Fund reserve .. .. .. 11,910 9 2 mises,' &c. .. ..349,682 10 10 Expenses of management .. .. 38,968 19 7 894,899 12 10 Inquiry Board expenses .. .. 5,527 16 7 Interest on surplus funds temporarily inPrinting and stationery.. .. .. 460 7 0 vested .. .. .. .. 0,541 1 4 Depreciation reserve on plant . . .. 705 17 4 Interest on sundry sales . . .. 36 12 0 Maintenance and upkeep of plant .. 828 4 6 Interest on purchase price of stock, Matai-Travelling-expenses of Supervisors anel In- kona Settlement .. .. .. 551 0 2 spectors .. .. .. .. 2,802 11 1 Rent of properties .. .. .. 9,573 18 11 Ront of Supervisor's office .. .. 37 .17 10 Hire of buildings and plant, Swanson Block 250 0 3 Valuation expenses .. .. .. 4,996 19 0 Profit on sale of properties .. .. 1,590 17 4 Kefund of rent .. .. .. 3 10 0 Profit on sale of dead and live stock .. 144 13 0 Rebate of interest .. .. .. 38,651 9 4 Sale of farin-produe;e, &c. .. .. 7,350 8 10 Remission of interest .. .. .. 3,075 2 5 Valuation fees received. . .. .. 924 8 6 Loss on realization of securities —Writings Production and transfer fees .. .. 752 9 8 off in Suspense .. .. .. 31,582 6 6 Sundries .. .. .. .. 109 12 6 Interest written off—Postponements under Net loss for year .. .. .. 110,142 13 3 section 16 of Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1921 .. .. 921 16 11 Working-expenses of farms acquired by Crown .. .. .. .. 3,896 9 8 Sundries .. .. .. .. 3,801 II 4 £1,032,867 8 7 £1,032,867 8 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. Net loss for yoar carried down .. .. 110,142 13 3 Balance—Net loss to 31st March, 1924 .. 270,908 14 11 Loss forward from previous year. . .. 160,766 1 8 £270,908 14 11 £270,908 14 11