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Items prom Balance-sheet. The following items taken from the balance-sheet, which has been audited, will prove of interest as indicating the more important items of expenditure, and for reference in respect to the position of Capital Account, reserve funds, and other accounts shown therein. £ The amount written off for depreciation for the year was .. .. 20,451 The payments for interest totalled .. .. . . . . 9,252 The payments for sea carriage of coal amounted to . . . . 75,995 The cost of railway haulage amounted to . . . . . . 25,324 The total wages paid for coal-winning were . . . . . . 79,833 The amount paid for management and. office salaries (Head Office and mines) totalled .. .. .. .. .. 3,753 The gross capital expenditure on the whole undertaking to the 31st March last was .. .. .. .. .. .. 554,799 The total depreciation written off to date (equal to 53 per cent, on the gross capital expenditure) amounts to .. .. .. 297,434 The debenture and loan capital stands at .. .. .. 227,601 The net profits of the State Coal-mines Account from inception to the 31st March, 1924 .. .. .. .. .. 125,039 The net profit for the year ended 31st March, 1924, was . . .. 20,294 The sinking fund is in credit . . . . . . . . . . 35,407 General reserve stands at .. . . . . . . . . 75,853 The amount at credit of Profit and Loss is .. .. .. 15,742 The cash in hand and in the Public Account at the 31st March last was (last year £19,580) .. .. .. .. ... 17,389 The present net book value of permanent or fixed assets is .. 257,365 TABLES AND REPORTS. The usual statistical tables and departmental reports are appended.