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with. Whilst acting as Commissioner of Crown Lands he was also Chairman of the Land Board, Chairman of the, local Land Purchase Board, and a member of the Taupo Totara Company's Royal Commission in 1920, and other Commissions on minor matters. Francis Edmund Greenfield, Chief Draughtsman, Christchurch Office, retired on superannuation on the 31st March, 1923. Mr. Greenfield was appointed a cadet in the Survey Department in March, 1880, and, having passed his surveyor's examination, was appointed Staff Surveyor in 1886. He. executed many surveys in the Nelson and Marlborough Districts, and joined the office staff of the Blenheim Office as a computer and draughtsman in July, 1893, being transferred to the Nelson Office as Chief Draughtsman on the Ist August, 1910. He was subsequently promoted to a similar position in the Christchurch Office in April, 1914, and acted in that capacity until his retirement. During his forty-three years' service, he showed himself a capable and experienced officer, with a good knowledge of all departmental work, and did not spare himself in the execution of the, duties entrusted to him Charles Adnam Mountfort, District Surveyor, Feilding, retired on superannuation on the 31st March, 1923. Previous to his joining the Department in 1884 he was an authorized surveyor in private practice, and whilst on the staff of the Department carried out extensive surveys in the Taranaki, Nelson, and Wellington Districts, being of late years principally employed on town, standard, and rural surveys. He was a conscientious, hardworking, and efficient officer, possessed of good practical knowledge of the higher branches of geodesical survey, and his accurate work was much appreciated. Arthur James Rossiter, Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, Hokitika, retired on superannuation on the Ist May, 1922. Mr. Rossiter joined the service in 1894, and was for sixteen years in the office of the Receiver of Land Revenue at New Plymouth, until the Ist April, 1910. He was subsequently transferred to the position of Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, at Hokitika, in June, 1919. Mr. Rossiter rendered excellent service, and proved himself a most painstaking and zealous officer, with the welfare of the Department at heart, particularly in matters relating to accounts and revenue. William Charles Lcversedge, Land Transfer draughtsman, Christchurch, was appointed as a cadet to the Survey Branch of the Department as from the Ist November, 1882. His whole service was in I,he Christchurch Office of the Department, where he served as a draughtsman in the Land Transfer Branch, being promoted to Land Transfer draughtsman in October, 1905. He was a very capable and painstaking officer, who carried out his duties in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. Ernest Edwin Townshend joined the Department in December, 1899, as a clerk in the Christchurch Office, but in June, 1908, he was transferred to the field staff as a Crown Lands Ranger in the; Marlborough District. He acted in this capacity until the date of his retirement on the 31st December, 1922, on superannuation. lie was a capable and reliable officer, who knew his district thoroughly, and had great experience in values of land, improvements, &c. Nathaniel Craig joined the Department in 1901, and was placed on the staff of the Starborough Nursery at Seddon, where he acted as nurseryman-in-charge. From there he was transferred first to Kurow and then to Conical Hills. He was subsequently appointed Crown Lands Ranger in the Wellington District, being stationed at first at Taihapc and then at Marton. He was an efficient officer, and most thorough in his methods, particularly as to the manner in which he, arrived at valuations of securities. He showed himself energetic, assiduous, and very reliable. Alfred Gould Howard, clerk, Auckland Office, retired on the 31st March, .1923. He was originally a member of Mr. Langmuir's survey party, but joined the office staff in Auckland in 1911, and in this capacity performed varied clerical duties. He was a, most reliable and hardworking officer, and was very neat and accurate in his work. Edward Fortesque Whittle Cooke joined the Clerical Branch of this Department in July, 1901, and was transferred to the Christchurch and New Plymouth Offices in succession. He retired on superannuation on the 30th September, last. He was a hardworking and energetic officer who willingly performed the different duties entrusted to him.

Appointments, Promotions, and Transfers.

Officer appointed. Previous Position. Position to which appointed. Thompson, J. B. Campbell, O. N. Brook, T. Galbraith, R. S. Morpeth, W. T. Munro, W. J. Wardrop, J. H. W. Chief Drainage Engineer Drainage Engineer, Auckland Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hokitika. Chief Draughtsman, Wellington Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, Napier Senior Clerk, Christchurch .. Under-Secretary. Chief Drainage Engineer, Auckland. Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington. Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill. Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hokitika. Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, ('hristehurch. Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, Napier. Land Transfer Draughtsman, Christchurch. Drainage Engineer, Kerepeehi. Surveyor, Auckland. Surveyor, North Auckland. Surveyor, Auckland. Draughtsman, Head Office (Class VI). Collector of Rents and Inspector of Securities, Dunedin. Wicks, A. J. .. Land Transfer Draughtsman, Nelson Taylor, E. Kino, B. Roe, T. S. Ross, H. McL. Broadhead, B. A. Cleverdon, R, .. Draughtsman and Computer, Kerepeehi Survey Cadet, Auckland Survey Cadet, North Auckland Survey Cadet, Auckland Draughtsman, Christchurch (Class VII) Sorter, Head Office