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Mission Schools. The missionary bodies have done, and continue to do, great work in the education of the Native children of these islands, through the establishment of village schools. These village schools are under the charge of Native pastor teachers. The Administration is assisting the missions in the beneficient work which they have undertaken, by furthering the training of these pastor teachers in English and modern school methods. With this end in view classes are held during the afternoons, at which the Government-school teachers are required to instruct the pastor teachers in English, school method, writing, drawing, and singing. These classes are well attended, and the work is enjoyed by both pastors and teachers. A travelling teacher has also been appointed who visits the pastor teachers remote from Apia and imparts instruction in their own districts. The most harmonious relations exist with the loaders of all the, Samoan missionary bodies, of whom one and all are most anxious to assist in co-ordinating as far as possible the work of educating the young Samoans POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Savings-bank. —The Savings-bank Branch again shows an increase of business. During the year 151 accounts were opened and 73 closed, leaving a total or 381 accounts —an increase of 80 for the year. Deposits amounted to £30,484 17s. and withdrawals to £21,781 Is. 7d. The total amount (including interest,) at credit of depositors is £39,253 13s. 5d. —an increase of almost £10,000 on the previous year's total, The opening of branches of the, bank at Fagamalo, Savai'i, and Aleipata should result in a large increase of deposits. Private Boxes. —The boxes are all let and arrangements have been made to have additional boxes erected. The fees from this source amounted to £98 lis. 3d. Money-orders. —The money-orders issued numbered 1,628, for a total of £10,396 17s. Bd. The commission on money-orders amounted to £97 is. 2d. 190 orders, totalling £1,248 14s. 6d., were paid. Postal Notes and British Postal Orders. —Sales in this branch amounted to £660 195., and notes to the value of £101 lis. 3d. were paid. Post Office. —Mail-matter delivered in Samoa during the year shows a marked increase, and it is estimated from a general average that the numbers were as follows : — Delivered — Letters .. .. .. .. .. .. 115,056 Other articles .. .. .. .. ..80,104 195,160 Registered letters .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,299 Parcels .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,426 Posted — Letters .. .. .. .. .. .. 102,838 Other articles .. .. .. .. .. 16,559 119,397 Registered articles .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,669 Parcels .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,212 Stamps. —Stamp sales amounted to £3,316 16s. 2d., an increase of over £600 on last year's total. Telephones. —The fees amounted to £1,321 14s. 4d., as compared with £1,193 10s. 9d. last year. Work performed for other Departments. — Accounts collected for other Departments of the Administration amounted to £6,738 14s. 9d. On behalf of the New Zealand Government, for miscellaneous receipts, the sum of £1,196 ss. Bd. was collected, and miscellaneous payments amounted to £900 13s. Bd. The amount collected for the Customs Department was £649 9s. RADIO STATION. The working of the wireless station has been well maintained during the past twelve months. During the year a permanent daylight schedule with Rarotonga was inaugurated, this being rendered possible by improvement in reception at Apia. An interesting event during the year was the reception by Apia Radio Station of wireless concerts sent out by the Honolulu broadcasting station. As the distance between the stations is 2,223 miles, the achievement ie very satisfactory, and in this connection the following extract from a communication from Honolulu might be quoted : " The reception of radio telephone broadcast signals at a distance over 1,500 miles from the Honolulu broadcasting stations is indeed a very remarkable achievement; therefore the reception of speech and music at Apia, Samoa, reflects great credit upon the personnel operating the radio equipment at that, station." A serious accident occurred in February, when the flywheel of one of the engines burst, wrecking the engine and charging-set, but fortunately work continued uninterruptedly by the use of the second set.