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Ordered to be printed and published in the Appendices by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 7th November, 1923. Session 11. 1923. NEW ZEALAND.


Vie sen ted in Imi h Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


I—A. 2.

No. of Scries. Date. Subject. Page. I 2 :; i 5 6 1921. Nov. 2!l „ 29 Dee. 2 3 (> „ Hi Release of Austrian property in the British oversea Dominions British official wireless messages Proposed erection of an Imperial memorial at Ypres Identity registration system Official oensorship of cinematograph films Proposed establishment of a system of accounting in oonnection with the paroel-post service between New Zealand and the United States of America Annual report of the Royal New Zealand .Society lor the Health of Women and Children 2 2 2 :i :i :i 7 ,. 21 4 8 1) HI 11 1922. Jan. :il Feb. it April 13 „ 13 Imperial Bureau of Myology Service pensions of Royal Navy pensioners Request lor increased contributions to the funds of the Imperial Institute Bill to make heller provision for furthering British settlement in Mis Majesty's oversea Dominions Limitation of expenditure on armaments British Empire exhibition, mission in connection with the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement Act, 1920) Wearing of uniform by offioers retired from the New Zealand Territorial Forae Acts sanctioned Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement Act, 1920) Continuance for fen years of existing preferential rates of Customs duties Order iii Council providing for the iiitcrcliaiigcability of Commissions of offioers of the Royal Navy and of the New Zealand .Naval forces The Infanticide Act, 11122 .. Imperial Forestry Bureau Joint Select Committee on the Guardianship, &c, of Infants Bill, inquiry of the Tropical Diseases Bureau: Annual contribution Imperial Institute .. Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize for 1923 New Zealand History of the War, Volume 111 .. Order in Council postponing the ooming into operation of the provisions of the Merchant Shipping (Convention) Act, llll ! 4 8 6 6 12 13 I I 18 Hi 17 18 III „ 21 „ 27 Mav 8 „' 18 „ 29 June 24 July " Aug. 5 7 7 S 8 (1 12 13 14 20 21 22 23 21 28 211 27 ., 5 ., 10 „ IV Oct. 4 „ 2:s Nov. I ,, 1 „ 13 14 18 16 17 18 18 hi 19