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all up-to-date libraries they are typewritten, and this is desirable here. Were a junior officer attached to the Library I should be relieved of much detail work, and have more time to spare for general supervision of the institution, and for the important task of looking up information on various subjects for Ministers and members. The old post-office, next to the Chief Librarian's office, could be readily and inexpensively converted into an office for the typist. Annual Stock-taking. Messrs. W. Baine and W. Johnson, the two assistants charged with the work of taking stock, report as follows :— " Stock was taken this year of Class 800 (General Literature, Poetry, Essays, Literary Criticism, &c). The number of volumes in this class is over nine thousand, each of which was carefully checked. The number of volumes found to be missing was thirty-three, as against forty-five in 1917, and 106 in 1913. The result is even better than the figures would seem to indicate, as, since the previous stock-taking in this class in 1917, 430 new books have been added to this section." Recess-privilege Holders. The number of persons to whom recess-privilege permits were issued during the year was 618, as against 519 in the preceding recess. The total number of volumes issued to the privilege holders was 5,681. lam pleased to be able to state that all the books lent out have been returned in good order. No fiction is issued save to members of the Legislature and to persons whose names are on the full-privilege list. Library Furniture, etc. I would again direct attention to the necessity which exists for the walls of the Library to be repainted, and for the furniture to be either renovated or replaced by new articles. The Library walls have not been painted and decorated since 1906. In many places the paint has peeled off, causing a very unsightly appearance. The furniture also in some of the rooms badly requires replacement. Some of the arm-chairs have been in use nearly thirty years. In one room there are eleven chairs of nine different patterns. Since the opening of the new Parliament Buildings, with their tasteful and comfortable furnishings, the necessity for renovations in the Library has become specially apparent. I trust that this matter will receive attention during the coming recess. Miscellaneous. Through the courtesy of Mr. S. E. McLean, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington, a new portrait shield of the Parliament of 1891-93, to replace the one destroyed in the fire at Parliament Buildings, has been prepared by the firm of Andrews and Co., photographers, and has been hung in the Library. The usual monthly lists of accessions have been issued to members during the recess, and a large number of baskets of books have been sent out to members all over the Dominion. The Library orders for books and periodicals purchased in Great Britain have been entrusted as usual to Messrs. Henry Sotheran and Co. and Messrs. Street and Co., and have received due attention. I have to express my thanks to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the, Joint Library Committee, the Hon. W. H. TriggSj M.L.C., and Mr. J. McC. Dickson, M.P., and to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Recess Library Committee, the Hon. Sir William Hall-Jones, K.C.M.G., M.L.C., and the Hon. Dr. Collins, M.L.C., for the attention these gentlemen have given to Library matters during the year ; also to the High Commissioner and his staff for the promptitude and care which they have displayed in attending to Library business in London. Library Accounts. In an appendix will, be found the Library balance-sheet for the year ended 31st March, 1923, together with a copy of the Auditor's certificate. I have, &c, Charles Wilson, Chief Librarian. APPENDIX. GENERAL ASSEMBLY LIBRARY. Balance-sheet for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance, Ist April, 1922 .. .. .. 155 18 7 Purohase books and periodicals in Great Annual grant .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Britain .. .. .. .. 309 2 3 Bank of Now Zealand —Refund commission 0 5 0 Purohase periodicals, United States of Amerioa 26 13 2 Purchase books and periodicals in New Zealand .. .. .. .. 194 14 8 Eire-insurance .. .. .. .. 9 6 8 Sundries .. .. .. .. 16 9 Balance, Bank of Now Zealand, 31st March, 1023 .. .. .. .. 314 15 1 £855 18 7 £855 18 7 Examined and found correct. —J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General. — 30th July, 1923.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (475 copies), £3 10s,

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l923.

Price 3d.]