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Session 11. 1923. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented in pursuance of Section 76 of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909.

CONTENTS. Reports of— page Director-General of Health .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Director, Division of Public Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Director, Division of Child Welfare .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ . . .. 22 Director, Division of Nursing .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 29 Director, Division of School Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Director, Division of Dental Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 41 Director, Division of Maori Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 Medical Superintendent, Hospitals and Sanatoria .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 45 Dr. Ada Paterson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 Part I.—General Survey. Section I.—General Administration : Public Health ; Notifiable and Non-notifiable Diseases ; Anaesthetics .. 2 Section 2.—Finance : Hospitals ; Stores ; Equipment; Supplies ; Technical and Engineering Services .. .. 4 Section 3. —Propaganda .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. S Section 4. —Divisional Reports : Child Welfare ; Nursing ; School Hygiene ; Dental Hygiene ; Maori Hygieno ; Government Hospitals and Sanatoria .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Section s.—Board of Health ; Medical Board.; Masseurs Registration Act; Plumbers Registration Act .. .. 7 Part II. —Public Hygiene. Section 1. —Vital Statistics : Pojmlation ; Births, Birth-rate, Still-births ; Deaths, Death-rates ; Infant Mortality 8 Section 2.—Notifiable Diseases : Scarlet Eever; Diphtheria; Enteric Fever; Tuberculosis; Puerperal Septicaemia ; Influenza ; Pneumonia ; Distribution by Months and Distriots ; Age and Sex Distribution .. 9 Section 3. —Non-notifiable Disoascs : Measles and Whooping-cough ; Cancer; Veneral Diseases .. .. 15 Section 4.—Quarantine and Port Sanitary Work : Plague ; Inspections of Overseas Vessels .. .. 16 Section 5. —Bacteriological Laboratories : Statistical Data.. .. .. .. .. .. ..17 Section 6. —Sale of Pood and Drugs Act: Tables —Samples of Milk and other Foodstuffs taken ; Weighings ; Inspections and Results .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Section 7. —General Preventive and Sanitary Administration . . . . . . .. .. 20 Appendix A—Notes on an Outbreak of Typhoid Fovor, Mount Albert District, Auckland .. .. 20 Part lll.—Child Welfare. Section 1. —General Administration : Health Campaign ; Royal New Zealand Society for the Health of Women and Children; Co-operation of School Authorities, Departmental Officers; Lectures, Demonstrations, Addresses to Public ; Teachers' Training Colleges ; Associations, &c. ; Midwives, Pro-natal and Post-natal Care ; Value of Sound Advice ; Maternal Mortality ; Plunket Nurses ; Assistance to Australia ; " The Expectant Mother, and Baby's First Month " Book Distribution .. .. .. .. 22 Section 2. —Infant-welfare Work in Australia: Conference, 1922; Discussion, Australia and Now Zealand; Infant-mortality Rates compared ; Factors affecting same ; Graphs ; Quinquennial Mortality-rates from Gastro-enteritis and Diarrhoea; Annual Mortality-rates from Gastro-enteritis and Infantile Diarrhoea in First Year of Life ; Rates per 1,000 Births, 1902-22 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Section 3. —Incidence and Import of Infantile Diarrhoea ; Significance of, in Early Human Life and Dairy Calves ; Preventive Measures ; Necessity for High Standards ; Supreme Importance of Maternal and Child Welfare ; Socrates' Axiom .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. 29 Part IV. —Nursing. Section 1. —Nurses Registration Act: Overseas Nurses ; Reciprocity ; Great Britain ; Queensland ; Westorn Australia ; Nurses in Government Departments ; District Health Nurses for Natives ; District Nurses under Hospital Boards; Maori Nurses; Dental Nurses; Plunket Nurses; Red Cross Nurses; Nurses' Superannuation .. .. .. .. . • • • •• •. .. .. 29 Section 2.—Midwives Act; Examinations ; Central Midwives Board, England ; Reciprocity with New Zealand ; Reciprocity with Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland; Maternal Mortality Committee; Maternity Hospitals ; St. Helens Hospitals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31. Section 3. —Private Hospitals : Maternity Cases in Private Houses .. .. .. .. .. 34

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