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List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1923— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

'ension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name Annual Amount. 973 1731 944 1083 527 585 1742 777 1120 743 1687 1786 220 575 945 588 1339 459 803 859 1477 1483 1291 760 1021 659 556 1020 576 1581 1164 1834 1258 1034 426 1085 561 378 669 1743 689 1380 1665 1246 1284 482 829 906 530 892 1734 1556 1478 1479 761 1368 1320 1429 1522 1150 1633 1689 1262 543 1131 Brought forward... Salmon, Joseph W.... Salmon, T. B. Sargent, Joseph Sawers, James Scanlen, Winslow ... Scott, Charles Scott, G. ... Scott, James C. Scott, James L. Scott, John Scott, W.... Seccombe, H. H. ... Seth-Smith, Hugh G. Seward, William H. Seymour, Charles A. Shanaghan, James ... Shearman, John Sheppard, Robert H. Shine, John H. Shoard, Edward H. Shore, William H. ... Shorland, George K. Short, William S. ... Shrimpton, Sydney M. Siddells, James Silver, Frederick Simms, James Simpson, William J. Sinclair, David Skinner, E. P. Skinner, William H. Slade, J. ... Sleightholme, S. A. Sloane, John A. Smale, Arthur C. Smallbone, G. F. B. Smart, Elijah Smart, William W.... Smith, Amelius M.... Smith, A. M. Smith, Charles E. O. Smith, Frank H. ... Smith, G. E. Smith, George G. ... Smith, James Smith, James Smith, Peter Smith, Richard T. ... Smith, William Hy. Smyth, Joseph M. ... Smythe, E. E. Smythe, E. A. Snow, Henry Somers, Thomas C. Somerville, George... Souter, David Southgate, Edith ... Sparrow, Clement ... Spicer, J. E. D. ... Spiers, Thomas G. ... Stace, A. ... Stace, T. ... Stagpoole, Martin D. Stanley, Joseph Stanton, Samuel G. £, s. 154,653 19 219 12 384 17 200 0 61 4 32 9 104 7 126 5 79 15 159 9 129 8 291 4 98 15 51 13 98 0 200 0 107 16 174 12 90 12 57 13 96 8 308 14 173 5 602 6 36 0 194 17 165 16 40 7 129 17 40 12 120 6 398 14 43 15 57 18 29 8 34 17 260 2 27 13 127 9 181 9 130 2 69 10 149 1 205 11 161 8 168 2 134 3 34 5 122 7 124 14 92 14 90 7 95 17 47 4 145 16 137 10 255 2 109 18 38 16 165 5 221 19 238 18 202 4 214 12 102 12 217 17 d. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1023 1594 1777 1171 1388 364 871 1177 608 1377 1333 762 1744 846 1703 804 719 271 1353 778 1688 1247 1667 980 1582 1407 672 542 375 1553 181 468 670 1089 1675 1149 110 1668 1290 1489 182 1547 1539 1697 1807 1314 446 1548 1446 1332 644 1523 1307 1480 1524 1481 1396 1525 826 847 616 1488 409 1699 1669 Brought forward... Staples, Frank J. Stapleton, D. H. ... Stapp, E. G. Stenning, Albert J.... Stephens, Henry A. Stephens, Thomas T. Stephenson, Henry Stephenson, William Stevens, James H. ... Stewart, James W. Stewart, W. F. Y. ... Stokes, Frederick S. Stone, J. T Stott, Louis Stout, T. ... Stowell, David Strauchon, John Strauchon, Thomas H. Strude, Henry Strude, Louisa Stuart, A. H. Sunley, Ernest Sustins, D. G. F. ... Swan.WilliamG.C.M. Sykes, A. ... Talbot, Alfred J. C. Tansley, Samuel Taylor, Frederick T. Taylor, T. M. Taylor, Thomas W. Thom,William Arthur Thomas, Henry Thomas, Henry Thomas, Rees E. G. Thompson, E. D. ... Thompson, James H. Thompson, Samuel... Thompson, W. R. ... Thomson, Andrew D. Thomson, John A. ... Thorburn, John Thornton, W. Tigue, M. Tovey, A. O. Townshend, E. E. ... Treacy, Denis Tregear, Edward ... Tregonning, W. N. ... Treweek, Charles ... Trim, Charles J. H. Trimble, Alfred Tucker, W. C. Tuckey, Francis H. Turner, Charles B Turner, M. Tutt, Elisha W. ... Umbers, John C. A. Vaile, J. R. Vause, John P. Vear, Edward J. Vickerman, Charles R. Vickers, H. G. Vincent, Richard B. Voyle, P. J. Waddell, W. £ s. d. 164,066 17 10 204 15 0 182 17 0 414 10 0 36 19 0 85 9 0 154 1 0 87 12 0 206 2 0 283 7 0 88 13 0 213 3 0 255 17 0 179 4 0 159 13 0 94 16 0 22 4 0 516 13 0 55 18 2 68 9 0 18 3 0 290 16 0 208 15 0 289 17 0 124 2 0 216 2 0 419 9 0 131 17 0 76 18 0 227 10 0 286 6 0 98 12 3 87 11 0 23 12 0 366 13 0 206 13 0 24 8 0 248 17 10 256 10 0 666 13 0 220 11 0 25 12 4 132 14 0 49 8 0 379 9 0 152 16 0 168 0 0 306 3 0 298 12 0 379 0 0 162 3 0 160 2 0 193 8 0 181 6 0 171 6 0 178 6 0 140 0 0 238 15 0 158 0 0 180 17 0 108 6 0 433 7 0 93 4 0 350 19 0 174 5 0 42 11 0 Carried forward ... 164,066 17 10 Carried forward ... 176,725 5 5