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H.— 26

List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1923 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

'ension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Namo. Annual Amount. .254 253 303 .607 623 153 597 .624 506 .437 749 .274 .507 .240 .735 .584 .657 625 154 .027 .508 255 509 .726 415 267 .465 .294 665 .587 789 573 573 .626 801 .536 581 666 .392 .543 738 323 .255 261 .197 965 .019 .159 .309 722 387 978 .374 113 .234 .421 606 .842 306 .818 455 499 .162 .204 Brought forward... Jeffrey, Agnes Jeffries, Henry Jeffries, John Jenkins, D. A. Johnson, G. G. Johnson, Henry D. Johnson, W. Johnston, A. J. W. ... Johnston, J. Johnston, John Johnston, Robert A. Johnston, Robert L. Johnston, S. J. Johnston, Thomas J. Johnston, W. H. O. Johnstone, G. J. A.... Jones, A. W. Jones, A. M. Jones, Edmund Jones, Frederick A. Jones, T. E. Jordan, George Jordan, G. C. B. Jordan, J. Joslin, Daniel Kavanagh, Henry P. Keane, Henry Kearney, David Kelling, Ernest C. ... Kelling, F. K. Kelly, William Kenealy, C. Kennedy, James Kennedy, W. F. ... Kenny, B. M. Kensington, C. S. ... Kepple, William Kerr, Alexander Kerr, George Kerr, J. ... Keys, George A. Kibblewhite, F. W. Kidson, Charles Kidsou, Charles B.... Kiely, Nicholas Kiernan, Henry W. Kilfoyle, Thomas ... King, Albert V. ■ ... King,. Francis G. ... King, John M. King, Joshua King, Thomas King, Thomas T. ... King, William John Kinniburgh, J as. W. Kirk, Thomas W. ... Kirker, Thomas Kivell, A. ... Knapp, Charles Knapp, W. A. Knight, Frederick ... Knowles, William W. Kreeft, Charles V. ... Lamb, John forw Agnes Henry John , D. A. l, G. G. l, Henr a, W. n, A. J. n, J. m, Johr n, Robe »n, Robe n, S. J. n, Thou n, W. I ne, G. J \. W. i,M, Mmund Frederic t\ E. George G. C. I J. Daniel gh, Her Henry y, Davie Ernest ,F. K. William r,0. y, Jame y, W.I B. M. ;ton, C. Williar lexande eorge i-eorge A diite, F Charlei Charles Nicholas i, Henr 1 :, Thorn" lbert V, 'rancis ( ohn M. oshua homas 'homas William irgh, Ja homas Thomai A. ... Charles W. A. Freder. s, Willis Charles lohn ward. r yD.' . w.! n ert A, ert L mas J H. O. J. A.. d ! sk A. B. . nry I d '. t C. . i es E 1 . . . S. '. m sr A. '. P. W. 58 58 B.. s ■yW. las . r G. '. T. '. John 18. W W. . .8 S dek . am V 3 V. . J.' i. P. n J, £ s. d. 88,202 16 8 76 15 0 152 8 11 98 11 0 204 16 0 255 11 0 119 8 0 96 14 0 288 18 0 313 1 0 248 7 0 254 3 0 107 10 0 249 4 0 156 13 0 129 17 0 284 19 0 258 10 0 316 13 0 59 4 5 13 8 0 138 1 0 106 4 0 629 8 0 275 19 0 84 5 0 81 13 4 43 11 0 163 0 0 198 5 0 256 10 0 127 18 0 82 12 0 97 2 0 304 11 0 157 19 0 87 18 0 112 17 0 , 31 5 0 82 0 0 234 0 0 162 18 0 117 5 0 169 11 0 72 5 0 349 9 0 159 10 0 173 7 0 191 9 0 60 5 0 297 13 0 145 5 0 190 6 0 433 7 0 3 13 0 249 18 0 328 2 0 173 7 0 212 16 0 104 0 6 212 4 0 101 13 0 77 9 0 228 17 0 15 5 0 1413 1096 600 1544 559 1510 1156 1355 997 1467 971 952 1092 1386 1438 1256 1802 1728 710 680 533 383 308 1487 1207 640 716 1468 485 1268 1097 1627 905 1608 820 529 700 467 1683 1184 667 1424 1442 925 1015 739 890 740 217 1660 1343 1471 618 862 1804 1122 913 1593 1628 1405 1708 158 1629 1337 Brought forward... Lambert, B. E. Lambie, Thomas ... Landers, John Lankshear, J. H. ... Law, George Lawlor, D. H. Lawlor, T. M. Lay, George Lechner, Richard E. Leckie, Frank M. ... Le Cocq, Thomas W. Ledger, John L. H. Leece, James D. Lemm, Robert W.... Lepper, John T. Leslie, George Leversedge, W. C. ... Levy, G. ... Levy, Mark J. Lewis, Henry J. Lindsay, J. Lindesay, Thomas ... Lloyd, David Lockhead, Thomas... Lockie, James Logan, Samuel F. ... Lomas, John Loonies, Charles Lord, John Owen ... Louch, John da V. Loughnan, F, O'B. Lovell, M. Lucas, Alfred Lucas, A. H. Lynch, John Lynch, Robert F. ... Lyons, William Macalister, Robert... Macandrew, A. W....' Macaulay, Samuel U. MacDermott, W. C. Mackay, Edward ... Mackay, Henry A.... Mackay, John Mackay, Julia Mackay, William J. Mackenzie, James ... Mackley, John C. ... Maclean, Alex. H. ... MacLeod, M. A. M. Macpherson, Alex. ... Macpherson, John G. Magill, William Maher, Mrs. F. Maher, M. Mahoney, William J. Mann, Arnold W. ... Mann, OB. Mansell, P. D. Marciel, James A. H. Marks, M. F. Marr, Beaton Marriner, E. W. Marshall, Charles W. I £ s. d. 99,412 0 10 182 18 0 210 0 0 57 9 0 141 3 0 60 10 0 201 8 0 195 16 0 40 13 0 195 11 0 227 16 0 197 8 0 400 0 0 130 3 0 185 9 0 103 18 0 75 10 0 297 10 0 340 8 0 129 7 0 119 11 0 36 5 0 56 17 0 78 0 4 67 3 0 128 18 0 161 10 0 217 7 0 136 12 0 29 6 0 278 10 0 ' 111 5 0 206 13 0 100 10 0 305 11 0 132 17 0 257 3 0 130 13 0 64 2 0 231 3 0 234 3 0 167 1 0 220 17 0 49 4 0 265 3 0 27 7 0 92 4 0 519 9 0 45 17 0 178 15 11 127 18 0 138 14 0 113 10 0 136 1 0 80 4 0 66 11 0 192 12 0 274 9 0 476 16 0 222 4 0 213 2 0 536 10 0 53 15 0 240 14 0 153 10 0 Carried forward ... 199,412 0 10 Carried forward ... 110,461 5 1