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No. of i April 30, 1922. Iheep on No. of i Iheep on April 30, 1923. April 30, 1922. | April 30, | 1023. Southland County— continued. P'inlayson, M., Dipton .. .. .. 100 Finlayson, Mrs. Ninian, Dipton .. .. 875 Finlayson, Roderick, Dipton .. .. 127 Finn, IP, Wallacetown .. .. .. 10 Finn, Thomas, Brown's .. .. 210 Fitzgerald, James, Balfour .. .. 81 Fitzsimmons, J., Balfour .. .. 150 Flanagan Bros., Mabel Bush .. .. 131 Flanagan, Mrs. Margaret, Oreti Plains .. 308 Fleming, J. S., Titiroa .. .. .. 671 Fleming, James, Fortification .. . . 943 Flint, Miss G, Otara .. .. .. 80 Forbes, A. and PL, Woodlands .. .. 550 P'orbes, Alexander R., Lochiel .. .. 430 Forbes, John, Otama .. .. . . 110 Forbes, John, Waimumu P'ord, James, jun., Mabel Bush .. .. 184 Ford, John, East Chatton .. .. 509 P'ord, John J., Mabel Bush .. .. 154 Ford, Martin W., Chatton .. .. 555 Ford, William, Fairview, Isla Bank .. 23 Forde, W. E., Waikiwi .. .. .. 1,380 Forrest, A. W., Waianiwa .. .. 361 ■ Fortune, W. and J., Mandeville .. .. 810 Fosbender Bros., P.O. Box 267, Invercargill 620 Fosbondcr, F., Nearoa .. .. .. 82 P'oster, Jamos H, Mokoreta .. .. 1,070 Foulston, G. P, Wendon .. .. 320 P'ow, Thomas, Mataura .. .. 97 Fowler, Henry, Ardneil, Kennington .. 82 P'owler, Plenry (Green Hills Property), 277 Anderson's Bay, Dunedin P'owler, James, Wendon .. .. 398 Fowler, James M., Branxhohn, Ryal Bush.. 92 Fowler, Walter, Wendon .. .. 655 Fox, G. J., Rocklands, Fortrose . . 2,234 Fox, G. J., Waikawa Valley .. . . 2,160 Frame, E., Wyndham .. .. .. 112 Frame, William, jun., Wyndham . • 82 France, E., Pukerau .. .. .. 1,172 Fraser, G. A., Fortrose .. .. .. 301 Eraser, James, Balfour .. .. .. 482 Fraser, James, Tokanui.. .. .. 217 P'raser, John, Mabel Bush .. .. 74 P'raser, Robert, Tokanui .. . . 102 Fraser, Thomas, Waianiwa .. .. 1,616 Fraser, W. J., Raeburn, Mimihau .. 551 Frew, R.. Waikiwi .. .. .. 76 Friedlander, Max, No. 1, Victoria Avenue, 2,197 Remuera, Auckland B'risby, R. G, Springhills .. .. 300 Frisby, 'P., Dipton .. .. .. — Gait, Alexander, Morton Mains Gait, Allan, Tuturau .. .. .. 532 Gait, John H., Tuturau.. . . .. 411 Gardene, William, Chatton .. .. 1,383 Gardync, R. H., Waikaka .. .. 615 Garvey Bros., Mabel Bush .. .. 1,570 Geering, G. T. P., Mokotua .. .. 2 Gemmell, R., Knowsley Park, Box 33, 490 Mataura Genge, E. (e/o D. Duthie), Te Tipua, Brydone 500 George and Mclntyre, Tussock Creek .. 881 George, L., Balfour .. .. .. 560 Gerrard, Alexander, Box 33, Winton .. 127 Gerrard, Arthur L., Winton .. .. 461 Gerrard, Phil., Winton .. .. .. 178 Gerrard, Thomas, Winton .. .. 58 Gibb, Mrs. Sarah, Awarua Plains .. 263 Gibson, R. B., and Son, Five Rivers .. 461 Gilchrist, Duncan, Waikaka Valley .. 696 Gilfeddcr, J. J., Kennington .. .. 30 Gill, Russell, Brown's .. .. .. 454 Gill, W. and Mrs. Martha, Hokonui .. 178 Gillbee, George M., Waikawa Valley .. 168 Giller, E. G, Mossburn .. .. 208 Gilmour, James S., Hedgehope .. .. 271 Glover, W. R., Mataura .. .. 7 Gluyas, F., Balfour .. .. .. 463 Goble, D. J., Benmore .. .. .. 200 Goble, Patrick, Dipton .. .. 253 Going, W., Chasland's .. . . .. 40 100 875 127 10 216 81 150 131 308 671 943 80 550 430 110 184 509 154 555 23 1,380 361 810 620 82 1,070 320 97 82 277 398 92 055 2,234 2,100 112 82 1,172 301 482 217 74 102 1,010 551 70 2,197 11 996 264 8 389 84 616 179 306 25 1,302 85 1,595 748 204 303 254 059 154 810 041 2,324 497 020 950 102 1,050 050 91 Nil 113 392 458 794 1,320 2,000 178 93 1,405 455 445 255 1,450 153 4,005 820 75 2,550 Southland County— continued. Golden, Henry, Pine Bush Golden, Thomas, Fortrose Goldthorp, Stanley, Limehills Goodson, Mrs. E., Morton Mains Goodwin, C. W., Te Tipua, Mataura Goodwin, W., Pukerau Gordon and Noble, Dunearn, Winton Gordon, George, Crichton Park, Pukerau .. Gordon, John, Garston Gorman, Maurice F., Wyndham Graeve, C. P'., Knowsley Park, Mataura . . Graham Bros., Mataura Island Graham, George, Knapdale Graham, J., Kennington Graham, John, Gloncoo Graham, Mrs. J., Mataura Island Graham, Samuel, East Gore Graham, William, North Chatton Graham, W. and D., Ferndale Grant, A. and E., Limehills Grant, Charles'P., Drummond .. Grant, James, Limehills Grant, James P'., Croydon Grant, Robert, Balfour Gray, A., Titiroa Gray, A., Wallacetown Gray, Colin, Wallacetown Gray, George, Wallacetown Gray, John (Executors of), Mataura Gray, John, Wallacetown Gray, Robert, Balfour Gray, W. A., Wallacetown Gray, W. L., Wallacetown Green, John James, Goro Greenless, J., and Sons, Wyndham Gregg, D., Tokanui Gregg, Herbert, Tokanui Gorge Grey, John G, Charlton Road, Gore Grierson, William, Gore Grieve, Alexander, Mimihau, Wyndham . . Grieve, George, Otahuti Grieve, John S., Waianiwa Grieve, Thomas F., Otahuti Grieve, Walter, Athol Groves, E., Balfour Groves, William, Balfour Guerin, James, Te Tipua .. .. t Gutschlag, P\, Romney Downs, Greenvale Gutschlag, W., Wendon Valley Hailes, C. J. and W. J„ Balfour .. Hailes, Walter M., Glenalapa Station, Post-office, Wendonsido Haldane, D., Slope Point .. .. Haldane, James, Waikawa Haldane, William (rural box), Niagara Haider, E., Woodlands Hall, Albert, Freshford Hall, Johnston, Dipton Hall, W., Edendale Hamilton, Albert, Brown's Hamilton Bros., Savill's Flat, Lumsden .. Hamilton, George, Tokanui Hamilton, J. B., Morton Mains Hamilton, M. S. and J. It., Hedgehope .. Hamilton, R., Waikawa Hamilton, Thomas, Forest Hill, Lochiel .. Hamilton, Thomas, Riverside, Winton Hamilton, William, Winton Hammond, George, Limehills Hammond, Henry, Limehills Hankey, Hans, Pukerau Han ley, John, Gore Hannah, George, Mataura Hanning, G, Hedgehope Hanning, T., jun., Hedgehope Hanning, Thomas (Estate of), Hedgehope.. Hanning, W. J., Grove Bush Hansen, Albert, Quarry Hills Hansen, Charles, Kapuka .... Sardinian, James (Estat • of), (c/o Manager), Pyramid Hargest, J., Rakahouka 178 464 674 201 21 471 150 234 741 102 512 209 410 456 12 948 718 35 102 192 259 709 644 40 120 578 82 441 40 210 82 132 250 1,388 01 50 221 283 1,191 444 120 504 1,187 45 200 270 1,450 122 817 4,410 343 310 100 150 111 348 457 275 047 84 595 85 250 373 435 Nil 739 005 400 Nil 238 400 850 020 100 !) 428 82 554 11!) 300 80 DO 410 1,448 124 119 277 Nil 1,017 G07 2 721 1,198 5 504 338 1,380 94 1,123 Nil 300 532 411 1,383 015 1,570 2 490 Nil 325 130 895 710 1,542 803 1,420 125 340 195 273 309 33 480 013 74 490 1,109 04 155 238 171 430 1,451 1,350 90 349 154 3,200 5 214 201 550 Nil 029 187 Nil 289 1,850 00 133 357 254 400 2,074 770 Nil 410 137 3,825 2 150 359 225 32 402 219 35 500 881 500 127 461 178 58 263 401 096 30 454 178 168 208 271 7 463 200 253 40 102 1,380 532 117 544 242 57 274 330 802 30 580 130 190 502 0 Nil 519 202 224 102 380 406 ; 40 1 444 ( 217 100 1,241 ' 1,972