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No. of 5 April 30, 1922. iheep on I April 30, 1923. No. of S April 30, 1922. Sheep on , April 30, 1923. Ashburton Con nry—continued. McLean, J., Cairnbrae McLean, John, Rakaia McLean, it. G., Rakaia McLean, William, Wakanui McLean, William H., Highbank McLeod, Abigail, Methven McLeod Bros., Methven McLeod, D., Carew McLeod, D., Moth veil McMillan, Donald, Dorie McNamara, D., Cairnbrae, Methven McNeill, A., Methven .. McNeill, H., Methvon McNoill, Patrick, Lauriston McPhail, W. A., Mitcham McQuilken, J., Eiffelton McQuilkcn, James, Lauriston McRae, F., Mount Plutt, Methven McRae, John, Springburn MeTague, (!., Lowcliffe, Hinds .. Mehrtens, G., Dromore Merrin, Frank, Tinwald Middleton, James, Methven Middleton, Robert, Box 14, Methven Miles, George R., Winchmore (rural) Millar, Hugh, Tinwald Millar, Samuel, Mayfield Miller, Robert, Mayfield Miller, W., Box 0,'Mayfiold Mitchell, John, Seafield Mitchell, T., Lauriston Monk, It. H., Springburn Montgomery, It., Mayfield Moore, A., Lynnford Moore, Hugh A., Ruapuna Moore, John, jun., Mayfield Moore, John, Seaviow Moran, Michael, Highbank Morgan, William A., Evandale, Mount Somers Morland, James, Rakaia Morris, Hunter, Winchmoro (rural), Ashburton Morris, W. B., Ruapuna Morrison, Alexander D., Lismoro Morrow, D. J., Montalto, Mayfield Morrow, Frank D., Montalto, Mayfield Morrow, N. li., Mayfield Moses, W. J., Laghmor, Ashburton Mount Possession Run Company (Limited), Mount Somers Muekle, H. (private bag), Rakaia Muckle, Thomas, Hinds.. Muirhead, J. H., Laghmor, Ashburton Mulligan Bros., Lismore Mulligan, John J., Lismore Mulligan, R. J., Lismore Mulligan, William H., Maronan Mummery, H., Mayfield Murdoch, Goorge, Mayfiold Murdoch, Gilbert B., Mayfield Murdoch, James, Bucjcleugh, Springburn . . Murdoch, James D., Mayfield Murdock, A., Mayfield Murdock Bros., Mayfiold Nee, John Wilfred, Methven Neill, R. B., Barrosa, Clent Hills, Mount Somers Nell, G. L., Mount Somers Newton, E. B., Porowhita, Ashburton Newton, O. E., Lyndliurst Nicoll, A. J. and G. H., Ashburton Nicoll Bros., Ashburtou Nieolson, James, Mayfield Nish, Robert, Winchmore, Ashburton Noble, L. M., Lynnford Nordquist, G, Methven Norrish, C. E., Lauriston Nosworthy, W .Mesopotamia, Mount Somers Nosworthy, W. and R., Mount Somers Oakley, E. E., Overdalo Oakley, J. M., Box 5, Tinwald Oakley, John, Ruapuna Oakley, L. A., Mayfield Oakley, L. 0., Overdalo 115 12 494 318 99 500 4,014 2,973 500 536 168 360 277 583 1,440 92 1,210 112 855 734 030 385 402 428 479 15 204 052 273 09 25 1,725 2,243 978 372 3,301 059 1,215 366 100 1,527 237 1,073 Nil 3,192 2,915 1,908 1,962 887 166 274 I07 321 2,978 270 225 1,238 27 O20 530 130 510 552 211 387 408 745 388 016 187 205 30 1,573 2,248 904 396 3,711 416 1,497 Ashburton County— continued. Oakley, R., Mayfield Oakley, Robert, Ovcrdale, Rakaia O'Brien, 0. 'P., Highbank O'Brien, Charles, Lauriston O'Connell, John, Rakaia O'Connor, M., Ruapuna O'Grady, J. J., Box 75, Ashburton O'Grady, John, W inchmoro O'Kecfo, M., Tinwald Oldfield, P'. G. (Winchmore rural), As',burton O'Neil, Thomas, Waterton O'Neill, E. J., Lyndhurst Orr, N. W., Lismore Osborne, C. S., Rakaia Osborne, I). S., Box 11, Maronan Osborne, John, Ashburton Page, Thomas, Seaview Painter, Arthur, Mayfield Painter, James A., Wheatstone .. Painter, W., Westerfield Palmer, William, Post-office, Ashburton .. Papworth, J. H., Willowby Parish and Bell, Winslow, Ashburton Parish, William, Ashburton P'orks Parker, Colin William, Lismore Parkin, W. N, Seafield Parris, P'., Mitcham Parrish, George, Willowby Paterson, James D., Hinds Patrick, E., Rakaia Patterson, John H., Mayfield Patterson, R. M., Methven Pawsey, Arthur, Chertsey Pawson, Prank, Erewhon Station, Mount Somers Payne, T. G, Lauriston Peach, IP, Methven Peaeho, A. E. (Executors of), Mount Somers Pearco Bros., Lowcliffe Pearson, Robert, Winchmore Ponney, Alexander W., Mitcham Penney, J. D. and A. J. K., Pairton Peter, C. J., Mount Somers Peter, P\, Peter's Range, Mount Somers .. Peter, Frank, Mount Somers Pithie, Allan, Crofilea, Arundel Pithie, J., Arundel Pluck, F. S., Mitcham .. Pluck, H. J., Mitcham Poff, Frank, Highbank Poff, Michael Methven .. .. .. Powell, It. J., Lowcliffe Pratt, H. S., Arundel Prebble, Charles G, Winchniorc Prebble, L., Mount Somers Prebble, R. W., Barrhill Prebble, William, Winchmore (rural) Prebble, William P., Lyndhurst Prcndergast, J., Eiffelton Prendergast, James, Lowcliffe Prcndergast, Patrick, Longbeach.. Proctor, W. A., Lowcliffe Prothcroe, T. A., Wakanui, Ashburton Quinn, Robert K., Eiffelton Rainey, T., Allenton, Ashburton Rankin, William, Pendarves, Chertsey Read, Arthur, Eiffelton.. Read, Isaac F„ Eiffelton Read, P. H., Eiffelton .. Read, Thomas, Waterton Reesby, Frederick, Lyndhurst Reesby, Herbert, Lyndhurst Reeves, P., Stoneylea, Ealing Reeves, P. J., Ealing Reid, G, Tinwald Reid, William A., Waterton Reveley, John, Springburn Reveley, L., Mayfield, Ashburton Reveley, S., Mount Somers Rhodes, A. I. E., Maronan, Ashburton Richards, A. V , Mitcham Richards, F. A., Rakaia Richards, H. E. H., Methven Richards, H. S. (privato bag), Valetta, Ashburton 847 1,303 308 112 132 1 255 253 819 100 503 599 408 1,708 704 11 183 209 256 26 43 793 296 298 235 68 20 377 646 25 192 5,613 560 474 9,898 146 64 262 1,744 2,245 3,596 1,304 2,357 412 041 1,095 434 Nil 132 174 180 929 242 1,054 741 Nil 1,081 499 357 20 109 403 350 Nil 51 1,403 558 320 038 010 17 190 Nil 248 725 Nil 200 3,475 810 780 10,151 300 449 156 2,263 2,471 3,640 1,540 2,479 547 12 183 503 2,405 Nil 117 890 1,971 300 749 1,978 141 290 05 788 140 2 293 1,344 3,249 941 300 180 1,166 481 793 Nil 340 312 463 123 Nil 245 1,380 427 1,088 1,648 424 1,740 4,090 11 4,055 90 10,542 350 2,133 2,761 1,568 3,079 295 10,715 1,110 1,203 1,058 1,370 1,240 347 2,195 1,020 1,117 389 2.002 1,203 1,281 1,804 1,301 3,315 767 1,540 05 2,199 1,047 1,032 Nil 7,420 256 2,142 10 152 815 1,457 246 716 1,555 50 26 757 2,532 1,035 702 90 0,184 13 172 1,223 2,338 697 163 113 618 309 625 389 409 128 409 2,030 432 040 714 2,000 55 850 511 367 9,547 3,138 744 195 592 501 408 1,095 Nil 900 224 0,302 54 100 012 071 240 7,009 3,383 742 220 720 502 535 520 14 1,580 545 545 2,725