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WEST COAST SHEEP DISTRICT. Return showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1922, and the 30th April, 1923.


No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1922. 1923. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1922. 1923. CLIFTON COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision) Addenbrooko, H. B., Okoke Addenbrooke, H. G., Uruti Alexander Bros., Tikorangi Allen, J. H., Tikorangi Alpe, A. R., Uruti Armstrong, A., Okoke Road, Urenui Askew, James (rural box), Inglewood Ayers, L., Matau Barnitt, G H., Uruti Bavcrstoek, Harry, Tongaporutu.. Bay ley, H., Tarata Bayly, 0., Tarata Beauchamp, S., Inglewood Bevington, T., Kotare .. Birdling, William, Waitara Bishell Bros., Tarata Bishop, W. P., Waitui, Inglewood Blackburn Bros., Tarata Blacklock and Eriekson, Okau Blanchard Bros., Okau Bleakley, E. G., Urenui.. Blundell, E. K. and E. P., Now Plymouth .. Bower, A. McD., Okau Bower Bros., Okau Boyes, F. L., Uruti Bryan, C, Uruti Butt Bros., Uruti Campbell, F. and S., Okoke Oannell, W. D., Okau Chapman, T. A., Matau Clifford Bros, and Cameron, Tarata Collins, H. E., Waitara Corrigan, O. J., Waitau Orudis, A. E., Tongaporutu Dagg, A. A., Whangamomona Davis Bros., Mohakatino (privato bag), Waitara Day, M., Waitoitoi, Urenui Dickson and Ball, Tarata Drummond, R., Tarata Elliot, P. S., Onaero Ericksson, E., Matau Erni, Joseph, Pehu Evans, E. W. L., Matau Farrelly, J., Okau Feek, E„ Uruti Fletcher, N. B., Stratford Foreman, G, Tikorangi Foreman, H. A., Tikorangi Fougere, D. W., Uronui Freeth, W. J., Pukoruhe Fugle, H. E., Uruti Gibbs, Arthur (Estate of), Tongaporutu .. Gibson, W. H., Okoke Road, Urenui Glassford, W. G., Urenui Gray Bros., Okau ... Greenwood Bros., Muritai, Urenui Greenwood Bros., Waitara, Urenui Greenwood, W., Okau Grieve, J. W., Taramauku Guscott, S., Fitzroy, New Plymouth Halcombe, A. H., Urenui Handley, C., Urenui Heath and Mitchell, Messrs., Purangi Henry, T., Pehu Henwood, J. H. and W. C, Okoke Herlihy and Butler, Tarata Hills, H. G, Tarata Hine, J., Tikorangi Hirst, J. W., Tarata Hobbs, J. H., Douglas Hogan, Thomas, Tariki Holley, S. D., Matau Ihlein, A. and G, Tarata Johnson, R. S., Uruti Johnston and Davies, Mokau Jones, F. G and H. O., Kotare Jones, J. E., Urenui Jones, L., Uruti Jones, W., Okoke Jupp, A. L., Box 28, Tikorangi Jupp, W. H., Uruti Jury, B. F., Tikorangi 360 97 481 71 379 322 315 100 000 413 55 200 45 80 549 807 32 456 825 206 644 83 518 150 1,052 20 314 20 34 2 91.2 128 488 89 269 245 366 36 535 154 284 57 204 560 100 858 73 338 404 271 90 424 128 Nil Nil Nil 20 114 Nil Nil 255 10 728 867 607 48 504 120 25 1,154 Nil 204 0 Nil Nil Nil 113 804 285 271 Nil Nil 02 49 Nil 144 222 Nil 528 528 770 11 208 13 1,980 167 773 712 90 1,529 247 Nil 54 Nil 162 Nil 430 318 Nil Nil 277 Nil Nil Nil 145 Nil 418 7,466 278 100 25 Nil 545 122 412 Clieton County— continued. Jury, T. L., Tikorangi Kennington, S. J., Matau Knuckey, L. H., Waitara Krause, A. C. W., Kotare Laing and Waters, Tongaporutu Lambert, Harry, Tarata Larsen, G, Matau Larson, H., Uruti Larsen, V. H. S., Pohu Lawson, A., Pehu Lee, T. H., Okoke Lovell, William, Tongaporutu Lucas, A. D., Uronui, Okoke Lunn, N. S., Whangamomona Mabin, J. B., Onaero Macrae and Son, Tarata Managh, S. A., Urenui Mantle, E., Tahora Martin, J. W. H., Pukearuhe Mathews, P. W., Tikorangi McBean, D., Ngatamiro McCoard, William J., Kawhatu Valley, Mangaweka McEldowney Bros., Rerckapa McGregor Bros., Blair Logic, Okau McGregor, O. J., Okau McGregor, Percy Charles, Ngatamiro McKenzie, T., Tikorangi McKeown, A., Okoke McKeown, W. J., Tawariki (privato bag), Mokau McMullian, R. and A., Post-office, Matau .. Miller, A. J., Uruti Moeller, W. W., Pukearuhe Moody, Thomas, Matau Mortensen, A., Ngatamiro Mounsoy, R., Purangi Mowat, E. S. L., Urenui. Moyes, W. H. (c/o H. Jury, Tikorangi) Murray, J., Mold Road, Uruti Musker, Charles, Uruti Nelson, F. A., Matau Nicholls, R. J., Uruti O'Donnell, J., Okau Post-office O'Halloran, M., Tongaporutu O'Reilly Bros., Tarata O'Riordan, T. J„ Okoke O'Shannessey, P., Tarata Patterson and Waddle, Tongaporutu Pigott, R., Urenui Purdie, J. L., Waitara Putt, E., Uruti Pybus, Geoffrey, Tongaporutu Radcliffe, R., Uruti Radford and McKenzie, Mokau River, Mokau Rawlinson, G. H., Post-office, Matau Rawlinson, William J., Post-offico, Matau.. Revell, E. D. (Estato of) (c/o A. A. Dagg, Manager), Whangamomona Richardson, H. G., Uruti Riordan and Denne, Urenui Ritchie, J. F., Matau Rolfe, A. J. H., Matau Rolfe, P. A., Matau Salway, G., Waitoitoi Sarten, G W., Tikorangi Sarten. E, J., Tikorangi Sarten, P., Tikorangi Sarten, N. L., Tikorangi Sarten, P. G., Box 47, Tikorangi Say well, R., Uruti Schmidt, W., Okau Scott Bros., Ahititi Scott, R., Birch Hill, Ahititi, via Waitara .. Scrimgeour, P. A., Tikorangi Shaw, E. A., Okau Shaw, S. W. (c/o Newton King, Limited), New Plymouth Sheen, S. (private bag), Waitara Simons, H. V. (c/o W. McCoard), Mangaweka Smellie, W. R., Matau Smith, A. G, Urenui Smith, G. R. (rural-box delivery), Tarata .. Smith, J. T. and A. D., Matau 933 500 578 150 10 2,800 1,013 361 984 9 21 406 72 223 47 281 392 180 1,012 432 2,030 330 100 227 159 70 1,125 28 190 7 145 362 601 300 515 300 500 409 1,104 42 104 165 9 932 750 490 Nil Nil 389 1,800 1,045 230 351 12 33 Nil 30 Nil Nil 214 330 210 1,050 445 1,090 408 187 199 142 00 1,495 37 224 10 120 379 030 406 500 550 306 327 1,020 75 140 Nil 28 Nil 1,804 980 13 Nil 99 40 135 1,398 3O0 481 780 4 12 685 1,741 933 1,706 182 829 524 110 1,445 318 213 728 344 10 403 1,374 276 328 20 110 541 365 352 209 66 310 231 269 88 216 842 275 7,063 348 130 206 172 333 182 450 74 383 622 953 10 Nil Nil 111 104 300 Nil 310 45 750 Nil 107 Nil 155 350 55 117 202 1,012 30 180 270 29 40 222 420 266 595 346 6 77 515 310 Nil 304 Nil Nil 530 122 289